Alya Knows

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Marinette's POV
'That my best friend! She a real bad bi-" I answered the call. "Hi Alya, is everything okay? We talked like two hours ago..." Is something wrong? Was she in danger? "We need to talk." Something is definitely wrong but I don't want to worry the others especially since I'm not sure as yet. "Okay. Sure. Give me a sec!" I muted my mic and told the others to continue without me, I'm sure I'll finish before time for training. After entering my room for some privacy and silence, I un-muted my mic and begun speaking, "What's wrong?" I could hear Alya is panting and she is probably hiding since she's whispering. "Remember how I said that I have to write a detailed article of some aspect of Paris?" I hummed. "Good, and remember my topic was to figure out why Chat Noir suddenly disappeared?" Once again I hummed. "Good, I found a lead. Are you still away with Adrien?" Again I hummed. "You need to get away from him! I heard this dude talking about Chat Noir so I followed them. I'm currently hiding in a tree. Someone named 'Hawkmoth' is with a female named 'Natalie'. They're talking about finding Chat Noir and the female called Chat's real name... 'Adrien'. It makes sense! " So they're still looking, then again last time it took them an entire year and a half to give up. I guess I should tell Alya. "I know." I could tell that she was confused when I didn't hear a response. "I've known for a while. A very long while. He quit a few months back and that's why we're technically 'hiding'. Hawkmoth is looking for him." I heard a gasp and then silence. A few seconds later, I heard the sound of footsteps and then a deep voice, "Hello?" Immediately I recognized the voice. "Who's this? Alisa, are you there? Did you get the picture of the bird for school?" I made my voice higher and waited for a response. "No, your friend dropped their phone." I sighed, "She's always so clumsy, I apologize sir." I heard a branch crack and then a thud. "Here, your friend is worried. If you're looking for birds, over there would be a good spot. Be careful next time." It was obvious that he was definitely suspicious... but we need to keep the act up. "Thank you sir!" Alya replied. I quietly listened until I heard footsteps and then Alya's voice. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! What were you saying?" Her voice shook, fear evident in her voice but she remained strong. "Hawkmoth is Adrien's adopted father, he forced Adrien to be Chat Noir and he's very manipulative. Adrien quitted a few months ago and Hawkmoth is looking for him. I..." Should I really tell her? "You?" No, I can't tell her, not yet. I'm not ready. "I'm just worried about him. I'm almost certain that it'll be a big battle. Anyways, go home. Do not continue following Hawkmoth, I think he's suspicious." I heard Alya sigh and hesitantly agreed. "Hey, I'll assist you with your project on the disappearance of Chat Noir, but for now go home." She agreed and I hung up. I really hope she listens, sometimes she can be quiet stubborn.

Alya's POV
Marinette hung up after telling me to go home. I want to continue following them but that dude is terrifying. Marinette said she thinks he suspects me and I don't want to take such a risk. I guess I'll go home. Hmm... at least she'll tell me what she knows about Chat, well technically Adrien. Why didn't she tell me sooner? I was worried! Well, she told me and that's the important thing! I stared at the sky as I contemplated what to do about my blog, I don't want to expose Mari's boyfriend but what will I tell my followers? I pondered on the topic for awhile and soon arrived home. I've decided! I'll give it up! I'll apologize to my fans and post about something else that's just as interesting, maybe more than one topics! I pushed in the keys and turned my doorknob, leaving the door swinging open as my thoughts continued to circulate in my mind. Yes and I could even help bring some amount of light to the fact that Chat can and will change! Oh! And I can also- What's that scent? I feel tired... I'm not inside yet, what's going on? Why's someone holding a cloth to my face? It's stifling! I elbowed the mysterious person in their stomach and ran inside, attempting pushing the door close."You little rascal!" I heard from the other side as they too pushed the door. They were stronger and I was definitely struggling but I'm not going to just give up! "What do you want?!" I shouted in hope of distracting the male. The male chuckled, "I don't want to hurt you, stop resisting!" It's the guy from earlier! I recognize his voice!

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