Saved By Mari

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Adrien's/Chat Noir's Pov
At the said moment, I'm outside of Mari's house aka bakery. It's about 9:40 p.m, Friday night and Marinette is in her living room watching a movie, her parents are already asleep. In a next 20 minutes or so, I'll sneak in her house, put the cloth over her mouth and then carry her with me, piece of cake. And the best part, she won't even expect it so she can't fight back because she will be asleep by the time she realizes. Ten minutes passed by and she was half asleep, so this shall be easier for me. My phone vibrated. I pulled out the black outlined with dark green cased phone ( I usually change the casing, just to be safe when I'm Adrien, the case is white). I answered the phone, but stayed quiet. "Adrien?" I heard a stern voice on the other side of the line. No! Not now! Marinette has fallen completely asleep, this would be so easy right now.  I can't afford to have a mission now! "Yes father?" I tried to hide my anger for him calling now of all times. "Good, you're there, I have a task for you," I could hear his seriousness in his voice.  "What might it be, father?" I asked, trying to sound as mannerly as possible. "There is a package being shipped to Paris tonight, for the government, but they won't be receiving it, because you will collect it for me, am I clear?" He informed. "Of course, father," I replied.  "Good, I'll send you the location," And with that he disconnected the call. Not to long after the message bounced in. I looked at Marinette, she was so beautiful as she slept, she wasn't curled up in a ball this time. She layed perfectly straight, with her hands placed between the pillow and her head. Her hair was still in it's pigtails, I never saw her without them, but some loose strands of hair were scattered across her face. I sighed, as I turned and leaped off into the night. Maybe next time... Finally, I arrived at the location father sent me. I landed untop of a container, staying silent and watching on from above. Someone in a blue and white uniform, took out a parcel and gave it to another guy, who was wearing an all over black hoodie and jeans. I listened carefully, and since they were directly below me, it was easy to hear their conversation.  "Thanks, here's your payment," the guy in the hood say, as he handed the money to the other guy. "You're welcome, it's been good doing business with you," the uniformed guy said. They shook hands and parted ways after the hooded guy checked whatever it was, I couldn't see what it was, his big head was blocking. Time to get that package! I swung down and unto the ground using my baton. "Hey guys, what's in the box?" I asked, leaning on a wall. The guy holding the small box, gulped as he back away, fear visible in his eyes. "Just a tip, when I ask a question, I expect an answer!" I slowly approached them, my voice serious and stern. "S-sorry C-chat No-" I held my hand up to silence  him and he did so. "Hand it over," I demanded, only a few feet away from him. The other guy was long gone, he ran as fast as he could, but I had no time to waste on him. "I-I'm sorry Chat Noir, but I can't do that..." he backed up a little more until his back hit a container, his eyes widened in fear. A smirk tugged at my lips. "I really didn't want to hurt anyone tonight, guess I will have to," I gripped the neck collar of the guy, and pulled his hood off, I didn't know him. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. I loosed him, and he fell against the cold concrete below us. "Last chance!" I held my hand out. "No way!" He replied hugging the package. Why does he have to make this so much more difficult than needed? I lift him up and threw him as hard as I could and as far as I could.  His back collided with a container and he whimpered in pain. Still holding unto the package as though his life depended upon it. I sighed, let's get this over with. I punched him, kicked him, stabbed him (in the leg, not to kill him) but he just wouldn't let go. I pulled my gun out, the guy couldn't move, his leg was bleeding and his body trembled, but he never even slackened his grip, much less give it to me. "Look, give me the package, and I'll let you go," I offered. I really didn't feel like killing anyone tonight. He shook his head, no. I pulled the trigger. One bullet went right through his chest. Blood poured out and formed a pond of blood. His eyes were still open, but they had no life in them. His hands fell to his side leaving the package on his lap. Blood soaked into his clothes and some even sprinkled unto the package. I grabbed the package and left the scene. Jumping from roof to roof, I felt the wind blow against me, unsuccessfully pushing me back and playing with strands of my hair. The stars glimmered and the moon shone in the night dark sky. The famous landmark and tourist attraction of Paris, the Eiffel Tower,  hovered over the city, as it was covered in beautiful lights. I soon arrived at our lair, and gave my father the package, he so desired.  "Well done my boy," he tapped me on the shoulder and disappeared into another room. I went to my base and as soon as I layed down in bed, I fell asleep.  Today's Saturday morning, and I felt bored, time to cause some havoc. I launched from my window and onto a nearby roof, using my baton.  I hopped across the roofs and looked down upon the city. It was only 4:20 a.m but some civilians were already outside of their homes, my eyes caught someone, Midnight blue hair and the most beautiful bluebell eyes, it was Marinette.  She was cornered by three guys, I don't know what they want but they picked to mess with the wrong girl. "Leave me alone, you drunkards!" I heard her say. Her back braced against a wall, and the guys walked closer chuckling. I was just about to jump down and help Mari, but she made her move first. She grabbed one of their arms and swung him like a bat against the others and she let go. The guys collapsed against the concrete. One had a broken arm, another was vomiting in a garbage bin from dizziness, and the other lay on the floor, he had hit his back, and I think something happened to his spine. "I said it once, I don't like to repeat myself,  now if you excuse me, I have things to do," I heard Mari say as she walked out of the alleyway and disappeared somewhere in the city. That girl really is something.  My phone vibrated and I looked down, it was Mari calling, I gulped as I answered. "Hey Adrien?" It was Alya on the phone. "Yes?" I answered. "Can you come by the bakery for a minute, please? It's about Marinette, she snuck out, obviously, and her parents called me, when I reached, I saw her collapse. Nino's here already," she was worried, frustrated and tired, I could hear it in her voice. "I'm on my way!" I disconnected the call and ran to my base, quickly I changed and rushed over to Mari's house. "What took you so long?!" I was greeted by Alya. She turned back to Mari, as she bandaged her. "I'm borrowing him for a while," Nino said take me downstairs. "Lemme guess, you were Chat Noir at the moment when she called?" I nodded a 'yes'. He sighed. "This early dude?" I just shrugged. We headed back upstairs, and the three of us sat down, waiting for my precious flower to wake up. A few minutes passed and Mari finally started to stir, I was half asleep and Nino was snoring but Alya was wide awake, the minute Marinette started to wake up, Alya ran to her side. "Girl, are you okay? You had me worried! NEVER, EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" She hugged her best friend who returned it. "I'm fine, what- what happened?" Marinette asked. I woke Nino up and we watched the two girls silently. "What happened?! You should be telling me that! All I know is, your parents called me and when I reached, I saw you collapse!" Marinette frowned as she tried to get up. "You probably shouldn't do that," I said. She smiled and held her side. She stumbled back, and we were ready to catch her but there was no need to, she regained her balance almost immediately. "All I remember,  is going out for some fresh air after a nightmare, then some drunkards started following me, one managed to hit me with a glass bottle but I... um, I outran them..." she avoided eye contact with Alya. She's lying, I saw what happened she totally beat those guys up! Why would she lie? "Your lying," was all Alya said. "Fine...I may or may not have given them a lesson..." she rubbed the back of her neck. "Man! I wish I was there! Later you're telling me all the details!" Alya exclaimed. "Ugh! Fine! Now, leave me and let me rest!" Mari pushed us out of the door, not forgetting to thank us and say goodbye.  We were about to walk, away when, the door reopened, "And thanks for bandaging me up!" Before we could respond the door closed. Nino and Alya went home, but I stayed. I looked up to Mari's window, I couldn't see anything except shadows, so I too left. Later in the day about midday, I saw Mari in the park, scribbling something in a book. I walked up to her from behind, in attempt to jump her. Being Chat Noir can really help when trying to sneak up on someone. "Hi Adrien," Mari greeted, I was right behind her! How? I didn't make a single sound, how did she know? She chuckled, making my heart skip a beat. "You know, if you really want to sneak up on me, make sure I can't see your shadow!" She smiled at me. Of course! I'm such an idiot! How could I forget about my shadow?! "O-okay, thanks for the tip," I replied politely. She tapped a spot next to her, motioning for me to sit as she closed her book. "Thanks," I sat down looking around. An awkward silence built itself between us until she broke it. "Isn't nature just beautiful?" Her eyes closed as she listened to nature's melody. The birds chirping, the trees rustling in the wind and water running in the nearby fountain. "Yeah," I sighed relaxing. My phone rang, great! Now is not necessarily the right time. I looked at the screen, contemplating on whether to answer my father or not. "Answer it," Marinette said her eyes still closed as her body braced against the back of the bench, her hands under her head, as she allowed the wind to blow her loose strands of hair across her face. It's as though she read my mind. "O-okay," I clicked the green button on my phone screen. "Adrien?" My father called, to see if I was there. "Yes father?" I asked. "You know why I'm calling, there's a very valuable artifact, being displayed in one hour at the museum, the Louvre museum, you know what to do," Then the line ran dead. "Um...sorry Mari but, my father kind of want to see me, I'll see you around!" I got up and waved goodbye as I left. After changing at my base, I quickly made my way there. Since their roof is see through, that's not a good place to spy, so I snuck into the place through a tunnel that I used the last time to get the crystal. I looked around the metallic room, it was empty. Quietly, I moved from upstairs to downstairs, where the presentation was taking place. Of course, I shot a few guys but who told them to interrupt my mission? I scanned the crowds for anyone I know, no one.
I tied a rope to the railing at the top of the stairs and as the man was explaining something about the artifact, I jumped down and collected in as the rope jolted me back up. It was done so quickly, that no one got a really glimpse of me. I listened to the remarks. "Where did it go?" "Call the cops!" "I think I saw black!" "It must be Chat Noir!" "Oh my goodness!" The voices rattled on. Well, there goes my cover. I sneaked back out from where I came. I called my father and he sent someone to collect the artifact. The police had arrived and circled the museum. Using my staff, I jumped from the museum and unto a nearby roof. The rain poured down and lightning fashed in a distance. My golden blonde hair pasted unto my face and so did my leather suit. I soon reached the man and gave him the artifact, running in an opposite direction to lead the police away from him, while dodging their bullets. I ran as fast as I could, trying to loose these pasty police. I sprung from roof to roof. And a bullet hit my shoulder, I fell from the roof and unto the ground. Only a few meters away from me, I tried to get up but only fell again unto the hard tar road beneath my feet. I saw someone come out of the house in which the roof I was on. My vision started to blur. And the last thing that I remembered seeing is a flash of blue, dark blue, like...Mari's hair.... My eyes fluttered close, engulfing me in darkness. I woke up and looked around, trying to get up. It was hard to see in the dark room but I could sense that someone was close by. Trying to get up, I stumbled back and fell on the soft material I was once on. Maybe a bed? "I suggest you rest, kitty cat," the person flicked the light on. It was Mari! Thank God it wasn't someone else!  "D-did you-" she cut me off. "Of course not, but I did tend your wound," Ok, so she doesn't know my identity, Of course she didn't! Or she wouldn't be speaking to me at this moment. "That shot wasn't too deep, your suit kinda prevented it from going to far, so you don't need stitches, it should heal in about 3-4 days," she continued. Wait...I thought she wanted to be a fashion designer, how does she know this? "Do you want to be a doctor?" I asked already knowing the answer was no. She chuckled, "no but I do know how to protect myself and that includes tending a wound," Wow! It's like she knows everything. "Anyways, here's some food," she handed me a plate of steamed vegetables and rice. "I thought that you have to keep fit to be the criminal you are, so you probably don't eat much junk food," I collected the plate and smiled. "Thanks," I begun eating, it was true, I'm not suppose to eat much junk food, but whenever I feel like, I do anyway. I looked up to see a puzzle Mari. "What?" I asked handing her back the empty plate. "First, you just eat it? I could of poisoned it, and secondly, jeez, you were hungry," I chuckled. "If you wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have saved me when I got shot," She smiled. "Anyways, I better be going, oh! By the way, what's your name?" She looked at me as though I already knew. Well, I did already know, but not Chat Noir. "Marinette, Marinette Dupain Cheng, now, goodbye!" She helped me up and I existed through a trap door. "Bye! And thanks!" With that I was off, jumping from roof to roof until I reached my base. That girl just keeps amazing me. I reached my destination and checked my wound. The bullet was out and she was right. It wasn't too deep. I took a shower and went to bed. Today has been so...weird! First Mari got injured, then me. I still can't believe that I blackout for the entire afternoon, and Mari stayed with me! She's so amazing! My thoughts started to fade as my eyelids started to close, and soon enough, I was in a deep sleep.

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