A Nightly Visit

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Marinette's Pov
I sat down, Alya, Nino and Adrien had left since this morning. And an entire day had passed. Taking out my sketch book, I begun designing a dress, a summer dress to be particular, only for it to be torn out, crumbled into a ball and thrown away. Maybe I'll do a jacket...but what will the theme be? I sighed, looking up to my ceiling. Hearing a light tapping, my eyes trailed to my trapdoor, I ignored it, looking back at the ceiling. I didn't care what it was, I just didn't  want to see what it was, I was too busy thinking of a theme for the jacket. The tapping occurred again, this time a bit louder. Groaning I got up from my seat, and opened the trapdoor, only to be met with green cat like eyes. "Chat?" I asked.  "The one and only!" He replied, I was barely able to see his smirk in the darkness of the night. "C'mon in," I said stepping aside for him to enter. I wouldn't usually let strangers, much less criminals in the house, but I trusted him. "Thanks," he jumped in and I locked the trapdoor behind us. He sat down on my bed and I returned to the chair at my desk. "So, what brings you here?" I asked. "Nothing really, I just wanted to thank you for saving me the other day, and I was kinda lonely," he answered, a little embarrassed. "Oh, are you hungry?" He looked at me, his emerald eyes filled with excitement and his tail swaying from side to side. "R-really?!" I nodded, going downstairs and grabbing a tray of treats, containing macaroons and croissants, with three slices of cheesecake and cookies, not forgetting  to put two cups of water for each of us. "Here," I placed the tray in front of us and sat down. "I-I shouldn't..." he trailed off looking at the tray, of course, I'm so stupid! He's not allowed to eat these type of food. "But a few won't hurt anyone," he said grabbing a macaroon. Plagg and Tikki came out from under my bed, rubbing against my hand. Picking up a few cookies and a slice of cheesecake, giving my pets. They ate their foods before starting to play with one another on the other side of the room. "Marinette is your name, right?" I nodded since my mouth was full. Swallowing the food in my mouth, I looked over to him as he drank his water. "You can call me Mari though, all my friends do," I smiled at him. "Mari, hmmm...so does this mean that I'm your friend princess?" Did he just call me princess? "I never said that, and the nickname is Mari not princess...are you deaf?" He looked at me, his head tilted a bit before a smirk plastered on his lips, "No, I just purrfur purrincess." I held back a giggle. "Seriously? Cat puns?" I asked. "They're just purrfect aren't they?" I facepalmed. "Yeah, for people with little humor," I shot. "You wound me purrincess!" He said putting a hand to his heart. I let out a giggle. We talked for three hours before falling asleep. I yawned as I woke up, to see Chat still asleep. Walking to the closet, I grabbed an outfit before entering the bathroom and taking a shower, not forgetting to lock the door. After changing and brushing my teeth, I went downstairs and begun making some French toast. A few minutes later, Chat came downstairs yawning. "Morning kitty cat," I greeted and he returned it. "I'll be right back," he said, disappearing through the front door. He's probably going home and changed, he's suppose to have more than one suit, in case something happened to one. He returned in about half an hour, by then I was finished with the toast. "Sorry, I went home to clean up and change," he apologized. "It's okay, c'mon I made breakfast!" I said handing him a plate with French toast and a glass of orange juice, his eyes immediately lit up. Guess he doesn't get this much. He gobbled down his food in an instance and drank his juice, I finished a while after him. "What time is it?" He asked. Looking down at my phone, I told him that it was 9:11 a.m. "Don't you have to open the bakery?" I shook my head 'no'. "Not on the weekends," I told him. We washed the dishes and sat down to watch a movie together. After it finished, we got up about to go back upstairs, when a knock was heard downstairs, a loud and repeated knock. It was Alya..."Chat go upstairs and don't come out until I say you could, my best friend's here," He looked puzzled as to why he had to hide from Alya. "She writes the blog about you," I sighed. He nodded and headed upstairs. Taking a deep breath and making sure Chat was out of sight, I opened the door. "Hey girl!" I returned her greeting and asked why she was here. "I needed my maths text book for the homework we had," she answered. "Okay, I'll get it," I rushed upstairs and grabbed the book before heading back downstairs and handing her the book. She thanked me and left. I locked the door and headed upstairs, not forgetting to feed my now awoken pets. "Sorry about that," I apologized, as I looked up at Chat. "What are you doing?!" I asked, anger clearly in my voice making Chat flinched as he looked up at me. "S-sorry, I just got curious," he said, his voice quiet and scared? Oh well, I took a deep breath and walked towards him. "It's okay, but didn't you know curiosity kills the cat?" He looked at me stunned in my change of mood but quickly recovered. "But satisfaction redeems it," he replied, his signature smirk planted on his face. "You stupid cat," I giggled. I think I know what theme the jacket will be. Chat and I talked till around two o'clock in the afternoon before we said our goodbyes. He had something he had to do and I had to help Alya babysit her two sisters, or we would have talked all day.

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