I Need to Find Adrien!

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Marinette's Pov                                                                                                                                                                

I smiled as I shook Chat off as he jumped from roof to roof, making his way back to his base. He plans on moving out as soon as possible so he needs to start packing. Soon enough his silhouette disappeared amongst the dark hands of the night. The ally cat did it...and I know, I know, I should be happy, it's over now! I sighed as I pulled my window inwards. Why am I lying to myself? There's no way that bastard is going to let this slide so easily... My eyes drifted around my room, catching sight of my bed...well, more specifically, under my bed. Reluctantly, I slid a rectangular black box linen with scarlet red towards me and brushed some of the dust off of the box. Should I? Ugh! Focus, Marinette... I need to be prepared for any and everything... I highly doubt I'll need to but just in case... Okay, LET'S DO THIS! Locking my trapdoor (I probably should've locked it since Chat came here, thank goodness mama nor papa came in...) and grabbing a toolkit from one of my drawers and open the box, I got ready to get some work done. Time for adjustments...

Meanwhile, at 'headquarters' (Thrid person pov, btw):

"UGH!" A hand slammed against a wall. "I truly am sorry, sir. I did not know..." A lady bowed her head, shamefully and pleading for forgiveness. "Whatever! We let him slip through our fingers once, don't let it happen again, understood?" The woman nodded, she no longer could find words to speak. "Good! Leave," the tall figure spun around and sat down, staring through a huge glass window. Something wasn't adding up to him... Adrien would never do something like that without a reason, one other than just being fed up, plus, he wouldn't come up with quitting on his own, someone had to have given him the idea, he is far too scared to do such a thing, and he was scared when he said that he quit, I saw it in his eyes...but there was something else, what exactly? I don't know, not as yet. But it has something to do with what he did... And I'll find out what it is and DESTROY IT! He dialed a number upon his phone.  "Yes sir?" A faint voice answered. "Natalie, I need you to run a location test. Hack into the satellite and see if you can find anything," A sigh was heard before "Understood, sir." The call disconnected and Hawkmoth laid back in his chair, placing his hand on his forehead.  "Ugh! Chat was one of my best trainees! Need to get him back, and I need him back, NOW! I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid that will cost him more, now!" The man taught. If it was him by himself, he wouldn't make it far, and Hawkmoth knew this, though he doubt that Adrien was alone...and he planned on killing that person. He need to find that teen before he finds out the truth about his past...before he has the chance to disappear or to betray him even more. He knew to himself that he needed to find Adrien! 

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