Sneaking Into Enemy's Territory

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"Shh, shh. Everything will be just fine.."Marinette attempted to calm the teenager. "I hope so..." Chat sighed. "Hey, rest, tomorrow we'll talk about it okay?" Marinette smiled. "Okay...but what about school?" Chat asked. "Tomorrow's Saturday," Chat nervously smiled, he totally forgot what day it was. "Alright..." He rested his head upon a pillow before drifting off to sleep. On the other hand, his 'princess' had to sleep on her chaise lounge, considering Chat was sleeping on her bed. She locked her door, so her parents won't come in and find Chat sleeping in their daughter's bedroom...Yeah, as Chat would say, 'that would be a cat-astroph.' She giggled thinking of her kitty. Sighing she laid down and after what felt like hours (though it was only minutes) she drifted to sleep, hoping Chat will be okay. The next day Chat and her had a LONG talk. And soon enough they came to a conclusion of him quitting, that is if he doesn't chicken out! Marinette smiled supportedly at him. "Alright, wish me luck!" He waved his princess bye and vaulted into the sky. Good luck, kitty...                                                                                                    

Adrien's Pov                                                                                                                                                                              I arrived at the headquarters, taking a deep breath, I entered. Father was not going to take this well, I'll have to be prepared for anything. I hope father won't attempt to fight me, I know I can't defeat him no matter how hard I try, at least not now... "Adrien! Why are you here? There are no missions assigned to you as yet," Natalie asked. "I would like to speak with father," She looked down at the tablet in her arms. "He's busy and wish to be left alone, do you have any messages that you'd like to leave for him?" Her robotic voice echoed through my head. "NO!" I took a deep breath, the woman in front of me remained emotionless as usual. "Sorry," I need to keep my cool. "It's quite alright, but since you have no messages for Hawkmoth, I'll be on my way," She turned around and begun to walk away. Well, so much for that... She stopped, turning back to look at me. "You should get going," She walked away into the shadows. What now? Do I go back and use that as an excuse as to why I couldn't quit? No...Mari will only send me back another time. Plus, I am not too afraid of father at the moment, I have just about enough courage to d this...Better do this while I still have that courage! But I'll need a different strategy. What if... It's worth a shot! I left as Natalie had told me but I hadn't given up, not as yet anyways...but first I needed to confirm with Marinette. So, I made my way back to my princess.     

3rd Person Pov                                                                                                                                                                        Soon enough, Chat and Marinette were sitting on Marinette's pink bed, discussing something. "So what do you think, purrincess?" Marinette sighed, she had thought about Chat's plan, and well, she thought it was too risky. She looked at Chat, who was waiting for an answer. She kissed him on the cheek and smiled. "Just be careful, okay?" Chat nodded before vaulting out the window. Marinette knew if she said no, he'd just be the stubborn cat he is, so to avoid his whining, she said yes. Plus, she believes in Chat. Chat on the other hand was surprised that Marinette was okay with this plan, it was EXTREMELY risky, he honestly thought he would've had to beg her. He smiled to himself, she looked so cute when thinking.

Chat's Pov                                                                                                                                                                                  Ahh! My side... I guess I should focus, or I'll end up running off a roof again. I'm so glad Mari didn't see that. Quickly, I went to my base and grabbed a few gadgets, that I may need. Natalie gave me them for missions and well, this is somewhat a 'mission'. Afterwards, I made my way to the enemy's headquarters and made my way through the emergency exit, well, in my case, emergency entrance. The plan was simple, steal the gem and get out of there. Using my x-ray googles, I was able to avoid everyone and quietly make my way to the treasure room. Wow, these people are stupid! They placed all their treasures in ONE room! Using some weird circular device, I was able to deactivate the security and alarm system of the room. And finally, using a metallic-looking box, I placed the gem inside, along with a 'few' other of their valuable items. The box, was able to hold quite a lot of stuff, though it's small enough to be held with only one hand! I have no idea how it's possible but that doesn't matter right now. After re-activating their security and alarm system, I once again wore the googles and made my way out, safely. Not many persons were there so, it was as hard as sneaking in. I'm just glad I wasn't caught, last time I tried sneaking in there, I nearly died! Yet, there were way more villains there. Some are probably on missions, at the moment. Hastily, I made my way back to Marinette's place.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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