Chapter 16

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Davina's pov

I found past me hiding out in the woods with Kol, we were sitting on the ground, Kol was sat with his back against a tree with his legs open as I sat between them and he had his arms wrapped around me, his hands were resting on my protruding baby bump which was quite big but not massive, I've watched as past me's baby bump grew and I looked so happy as did Kol.

I came to learn that me and Kol had not been married so I ended up having to cast a spell on myself to conceal my baby bump to hide it from his parents who would be furious if they found out I was with child when we weren't married. Kol had tried to arrange a secret ceremony for us involving only his siblings being present but the minister of the village who officiated wedding ceremony's was away and wouldn't be back until a bit after I had given birth.

"He kicked again" Kol says rubbing past me's baby bump as I giggle "why do you keep saying he? We don't know what the gender is and how do you assume it's a boy?" I ask turning my head to look up at him. "I just know these things my love and I know our little one is a boy" Kol replies kissing my forehead "I have a feeling you're wrong, I think it's a girl" past me says making him chuckle.

"You really want a boy don't you? Will you not be happy if the baby is a girl?" past me asks with a frown "darling I will be happy as long as our baby is healthy and beautiful just like you" Kol replies pressing a kiss against my shoulder causing me to smile. "Then why are you so insistent on the baby being a boy?" I question "because brothers look after their sisters, I want our first born to be a boy so he will look after and protect his little sisters that will come after him" Kol replies which melts my heart. "That is pretty sweet" past me replies nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck as he tenderly kisses her forehead while threading his fingers through my long locks.

"You want to have more children after this one?" I ask "why of course darling, we're going to have just enough to make a coven of our own. Children with your eyes, my hair, your kind heart, my mischief, your beautiful smile, my intelligence and your skin tone, children that we're going to love so much" he says while tenderly caressing my cheek and I can feel the amount of love I feel for this man, this man who loved me so much.

"That's a beautiful dream my love" past me responds reaching up to caress his cheek "a dream that will one day soon become reality starting with this little man Kol replies going back to rubbing my baby bump. "And if it turns out to be a girl?" I question "then I will love that little girl as much as I love her beautiful mother and I will spend the rest of my days chasing away boys who I deem unworthy of her" he says making past me giggle as I lean up to press my lips against his which he deepens, cupping my cheek.

"MOTHER!" Klaus's voice yells out from somewhere making Kol and past me break apart "what's going on?" I ask as we break out of the embrace we were in and Kol helps me up after we both muster a spell to conceal my baby bump."I don't know, stay by my side" he says gently gripping my waist, pulling me into his side and keeping me there as we make our way to the village.

I follow after past me and Kol only to stop as they do as they see Klaus hurrying out from the side of the woods carrying a bloodied and pale lifeless Henrik in his arms. "Henrik?" Kol mumbles in shock watching as Esther ran over to him as Klaus sunk to the floor, setting Henrik down.

Ayana runs over "Ayana please you must help me heal him" Esther begged as she checked over her youngest child "I cannot Esther as he's already gone" Ayana replied "no,no" Esther cried bowing her head and crying over Henrik's body. I look to see Kol protectively holding past me to his chest while trying to hold back tears.

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