Chapter 9

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The next day....

Davina's pov

School had just finished and I was heading home to get changed for my coffee date with Kol. I could wait for him and go straight to the coffee shop but I feel gross as it was quite warm today and I had gym so I'm sweating a bit so I want to shower and get changed into something pleasing to the eye. What? Am I not allowed to dress nice for my date? Is this even a good idea? Should I be going on a date with a guy I barely know especially a guy who works as a teaching assistant at the school? Oh well who cares I'm not going to be here for long anyway so I might as well have a little fun besides there's something about Kol that pulls me to him and it's not just because I was weirdly having dreams about him months before I met him. I just have a feeling you know, it's like I have butterflies in my stomach whenever he's around, I feel happy when he's around and that's not exactly normal for me.

"You're home and wow you stink" Dean comments as I walk through the door "gee thanks Dean. Just what a girl likes to hear" I respond sarcastically "I had gym today and the weather was hot today so that's why I stink a little now if you would excuse me, I'm going to shower as I have a date to attend" I say before walking round him only for him to grab me by the arm making me stop.

"What date?" he asks "oh I didn't tell you? I'm going on a coffee date with this guy today" I respond making him narrow his eyes. "You never mentioned anything about it. Now who is this guy? Do I need to give him an interagation?" he asks cracking his knuckles making me snort. "No dear brother you don't now excuse me I have things to do and places to be" I respond before heading upstairs and heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Kol's pov

I was getting ready to leave for my coffee date with Davina. She wanted to head home and shower before the date so I came home to clean myself up a bit and have a shower myself.

"Nervous brother?" Nik asks as he appears behind me "no, why would I be? I'm only going on a date with my love" I respond "who doesn't remember you" he replies making me roll my eyes "yet? She will remember eventually Nik but for that to happen I have to get her to fall in love with me. I need to remind her of our love, that's the key to getting her to remember" I respond "well that and you know who" he replies making me stiffen and I turn to him. "Don't bring her up. She is in a sleeping curse with no sign of ever waking up" I respond in a slightly sad tone but I shake my head, I can't be getting upset when I'm about to go on a date with Davina.

"You know she will wake up one day. We were told so" he replies "well I don't know when that day will be so until then getting her to love me again is the only way to get her to remember" I respond as I run a hand through my hair one more time as I try to fix it to my liking.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as my phone buzzes, I grab it and smile seeing Davina's calling me so I instantly click accept and bring the phone to my ear. "Hello love" I say "hey, I'm just calling to let you know I'm ready" she responds "alright I'm on my way out now love. Text me your address and I'll pick you up" I respond as I grab my car keys while holding my phone between my shoulder and ear earning an amused look from Nik making me roll my eyes as I flip my middle finger at him as I walk past him.

My phone buzzes so I pull my phone out and see Davina has text me her address "alright, I'm getting in my car so I'll see you in a few minutes love" I say as I walk out the house and vamp speed over to my car "okay, are you sure you don't want me to just meet you at the coffee shop?" she asks "darling I'm sure, I really don't mind picking you up besides what kind of man would I be if I let a pretty thing like yourself walk to the destination of our date instead of picking you up?" I ask as I get in my car and start it up "I don't know, I figured since it's just us getting coffee it would be different but nevermind. I'll see you in a few minutes" she responds "alright love" I respond before hanging up and tossing my phone on the passenger seat as I drive off.

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