Green Fingers

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Arianna's POV

I wake up, coughing. I've been feeling so sick all night since yesterday. My throat hurts, my stomach hurts, everything hurts everywhere basically. My nose is stuffy, I have a really bad headache. I don't know what's happened to me. I also feel very weak right now. I hope Jasper is okay. Henry just got back in town yesterday from Canada.

"Uggh, I feel so sick," I groan and cough again.

I get out of bed and put a on my pink hoodie, some sweatpants, and my slippers.  I leave my hair down and grab my blue blanket.

I walk downstairs and see Mary blowing her nose.

"Hey Ari," Mary says, "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I woke up stuffy and I have a really bad headache," I explain.

Mary blows her nose again.

"Are you sick too??" I ask, coughing.

"Yeah, I'm sick," Mary frowns, coughing, "I don't think you should go to work,"

"But my boss is expecting me for a hard days work," I explain.

"No Aria, you're too sick," Mary says, petting my head.

"Fine, I'll call my boss and tell him I'm not coming into work today," 

Mary raises an eyebrow as I walk towards outside.

"I usually make my calls outside," I tell Mary.

"If Jaspers sick, he can come and stay over because his mom called and said that she has to work," Mary says.

"He texted me and said he's fine today,"  I explain and walk outside.

I tap my wiz watch and call Ray.

I cough up like I'm coughing up a lung.

"Hey Ray? I can't come into work today, Mary and I are sick," I explain.

"Are you in the hospital?"


"Then you've gotta come to work," Ray orders.

I notice my fingers turning green and zone out on Rays lecture.

"Fine," I groan and close my watch.

I wrap my blue blanket around myself and walk to work.


"Hey guys," I greet groggily and cough again.

"Hi Ari,"

"Hey Ari," 

Henry coughs and Charlotte sneezes.

"No sneezing," Ray says.

"Hey, you sick too Charlotte?" I ask.

"Nooo, I'm just collecting a giant pile of dirty tissues," Charlotte says, sarcastically.

"That's gross," I remark, wrapping myself with my blanket.

"Are you sick Ari?" Jasper asks.

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling too well last night," I explain and couch.

"Well Charlotte and I are sick too," Henry explains.

"Hey everyone!" Schwoz greets.

"Hi Schwoz,"

"Hey what's up,"

"Hey Schwoz,"

"Since it's Saturday morning, look what I brought! Cupcakes!" Schwoz grins.

Completed ✅ Two best friends who fell in love (Jasper Dunlop  x OC)Where stories live. Discover now