Chapter 16

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//Roy's POV\\

After I got what I needed I drove back to the shop. I trust Keith with the shop, sometimes the West Side kids come around and he has a problem but I'm pretty sure he's fine. He's a good guy.

I turned on to the car lot and I saw Keith fighting four other kids. I parked the car and ran out to go get him.

"Keith!" I yelled behind him.

He turned around to me than one of the rich kids pushed him onto the street while a car was coming.

"No!" I yelled.

The car pushed him but didn't run him over. Keith was on the ground. He didn't move. The rich kids stayed in their positions.

"Let's leave." A blonde headed guy with blood all over his face said.

"NO!" I started, "Y'all stay here and make sure he okay! I don't know what happened but I'm positive you have something to do with this!" I yelled.

"Oh my god!" A lady cried behind me.

I turned around, the lady who hit him got out and was comforting him. I turn back to the guys and they weren't there.

I walk to Keith to see how bad he is. I saw him.

"Damn." I winced.

He's beat up pretty bad. His body lay there in silence. The lady checked his pulse and looked worried.

"Well?" I asked.

She concentrated on his wrist post and looked worried.

"I'm not getting anything!" She wept.

"Hang on, let me call the ambulance." I gulped then ran into the garage to dial 911. The ambulance came as soon as possible.

The lady who hit Keith drove there while I rode in the ambulance with him.

When we got there they wield keys into a room and I told his doctor what happened.

So many things going through my mind. He looked like he was still breathing on the ride here, but the lady couldn't find his pulse earlier.

I walked towards the lady that hit him in the waiting room.

She was pale, thin, and had these long chestnut colored curls.

I stuck out my hand and said, "Hey, I'm Roy Harvey. I own the mechanic shop where all this happened."

She looked up, and shook my hand getting up from her seat.

"What's his name? Do you know him? Is he okay?" She babbled, "I'm sorry, this all happened so fast! I'm Ella Davis."

She had hazel eyes, a small figure, she looked about 18, 19, or 20.

"It's alright, I just hope he's okay. His name's Keith. He works for me." I explained.

"Look, I'm so sorry. I just want to see how he is, and if there's anything I can do for y'all." She said.

"We'll get this all situated." I reassured her.

"Mr. Harvey!" The doctor called behind me.

"You wanna see him? I don't know if you'll have a chance any other time, I'm not sure how he'll be in the next twenty-four hours.

"Sure." I answered then Ella and I went into his room.

He was pretty beat up. His shoulder didn't look like it was in the right place. There were cuts all over his arms, neck, and face. His nose was bleeding out. He had a swollen eye too. He wasn't in the best shape.

"Hey Keith, damn, I should call Morgan." I walked in and out of the room. I need to call Morgan.

Sorry it took me awhile to get this up! 😁


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