Chapter 8

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When I woke up I was on top of Two-Bit. I looked at my surroundings and I figured out I was in Two-Bit's living room. In fact I was on him, on the couch.

I got off Two-Bit and shook him.

"C'mon Two-Bit, wake up." I groaned.

"What time is it?" He asked in his cute groggy voice.

"I don't know. Did you drive us here after I fell asleep?" I questioned.

"Yeah I did." He rubbed his eyes.

"Ya wanna go to the Curtis's? Or go do something?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

We got in the car and headed for the Curtis's. While he was driving I stared at my engagement ring. Turning it around my finger, and playing with it.

"Ya like it?" He smiled.

"Yes! I absolutely love it!" I replied,"So, what's the plan for today?" I continued.

"Just hang out with me, if you're okay with that." He responded.

"Sounds like a good plan." I stated.

Soon enough we got to their house. Two-Bit got the car door and the door for the house for me.

"Mornin'!" Two-Bit yelled over the bustling of everyone getting ready for the day and Steve shoving a piece of chocolate cake down his throat.

"Hey!" Claire greeted.

She walked passed Steve to greet me. But just after she walked past him she yelped and turned around to Steve grabbing her butt.

Two-Bit and Steve laughed.

"So where'd you guys go?" Claire asked.

"He took me-" I got cut off by Two-Bit,"to the ol' cliff!"

"Classic Two-Bit." Johnny said sitting next to Pony on the couch.

Soda popped out from the living room and out the door saying,"Hey guys. Bye guys."

Steve followed him saying,"Bye guys. Bye Claire!"

"Bye!" She said back.

Two-Bit went into the kitchen to probably get a beer then watch Mickey Mouse.

"So, what'd you guys do?" She nudged me.

"Well," I watched Two-Bit walk back in the room turning on the tv.

"He asked me something." I said.

"Like what?" She asked enthusiastically .

I paused, she started shaking she was so anxious.

"Shh! Shh!" I said calming her down.

"Two-Bit!" I called.

He turned around from the tv.

"Should I tell her?" I asked.

"Go ahead." He answered.

I lifted my left hand towards her and her jaw dropped.

"Is that-" I cut her off,"Yes!"

We both screamed.

"I'm so happy for you!" She squealed,"Ooo! Two-Bit you did well!" She studied my ring.

"So y'all're really getting married?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yup." Two-Bit said.

The boys congratulated us and we all decided to go to The Dingo. We walked to The Dingo, being cautious about the Socs.

We found Dal and Allison there too and we told them the news. We pretty much hung out there the whole day. Just Johnny, Pony, Claire, Dally, Allison, Two-Bit, and I.

Two-Bit and I walked to his house when the sun started to set.

He opened the door for me and I walked in the actually well lit house. Mrs. Mathews was in the dining room just sitting there smoking.

"Hey y'all!" She greeted getting up and putting out her cigarette in the ash tray.

"Hey Ma." Two-Bit said giving his mother a hug.

"What are ya doin' home?" He asked.

"I don't know." She smirked and she turned to me.

She grabbed my hands and observed me. She sighed and smiled.

"Such a beautiful girl ya have, Keith." She smiled, then she wrapped me in a hug. I hugged her back. Ummm.

"How are you, Mrs. Mathews?" I asked.

"Alright I guess. How are you, dear?" She said.

"Great!" I smiled and noticed that Two-Bit was a little annoyed.

"Ok, Ma, we have something to tell ya." He said as she sat back down at the table.

"Come sit down, Morgan!" She smiled.

I smiled and took a seat across from her. Two-Bit sat at the head of the table and looked at his mother annoyingly.

"What?" She asked.

"We have something to tell you." He said clearly.

"Oh yeah! Go ahead." She said lighting up another cigarette.

"Well, I asked Morgan a question." He said.

She grew serious and her jaw dropped. Two-Bit started to chuckle at her seriousness and he held my hand.

"I KNEW IT!" She yelled shooting up from her seat.

Two-Bit got up and hugged her. She hugged back and kissed his cheek.

"AWW! My son,son. Handsome son!" She screamed.

She came over to me and hugged me saying,"AWW! And my very beautiful daughter-in-law!"

"Ya know, if your father was here right now he'd be proud! But, NO! That fatass left!" She babbled sitting back down.

"Ya know Morgan, this one right here," She said pointing to Two-Bit,"He looks just like his old man! Oh goodness!"

I laughed.

"Do your folks know yet?" She asked me.

"No. But I kind of want Two-Bit, my dad, and I just to sit down and talk about this, ya know." I answered.

"Oh yeah, I understand that. Where are you guys going to be living? Because I'll give ya the house, ya know I'm out and about all the time." She said.

"Ya wanna move in?" Two-Bit asked.

"We'll have to discuss some of this with my dad." I said.

"Y'all're young! You have time. Trust me, ok?" She said putting out her cigarette.

"Ok you need to get a job!" She got up and pointed to Two-Bit,"And you need to tell your father!" She pointed to me.

"I'm leaving." She grabbed her jacket and she left the house to us.

Two-Bit and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Ok, so in a couple of days we'll have dinner with my dad and we'll just talk about this. Sound good?" I said.

"Yeah, and I'll get a job." He said.

"Okay!" I kissed him.

"But now, let's have a Mickey Mouse marathon!" He smiled and turned on the tv.


Sorry, kind of a boringish chapter.

Next chapter will be longer too I think!

That's what Morgan's engagement ring looks like at the beginning.


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