Chapter 18

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//Morgan's POV\\

When I woke up Two-Bit wasn't next to me. He must've left for work.

My head hurts so bad. Got out of bed and took a shower. I put on a white, sweetheart neckline shirt, jean shorts, and cowboy boots. I brushed my teeth then straightened my hair.

Ugh. I feel terrible. Crap! That's why I feel terrible! I might be pregnant or just sick. I hope I'm just sick because and I haven't talked with Two-Bit about a second kid. The day I'll go to the drugstore and get some tests. got a make breakfast for Lilly though.

I walked downstairs and I sell Lilly watching Mickey Mouse.

"Good morning!" I said to her as she watched the show like I wasn't even here. Just like her dad.

"Morning!" She smiled and got up to give me a hug when I got to the end of the steps of the stairs.

I kissed her forehead and pulled some hair away from her face.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked as she went back to the TV.

"Uhhhh..." She said not looking away from the TV.

"Pancakes?" I gave her an option.

"A Mickey Mouse one!" She got excited.

Once in a while I'll make a Mickey Mouse head shaped pancake for her.

I nodded and I went into the kitchen to start on her pancake. I made the pancake mix then I turned on the stove. I pour the mix to make a Mickey Mouse shape. As the pancake cook I had a really really terrible headache.

This is just great. Crap! Forgot I need to take a pregnancy test! Goddamnit, I keep forgetting! I still have no idea what Two-Bit will think!

"Lilly! Breakfast is ready!" I called.

I put a pancake on a plate and got some milk for her. I put her plate and glass in front of her spot at the table, then lifted her up onto the booster seat. I cut it up in bite-size pieces for her and let her eat it.

"What do ya say?" I asked.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

Then I smiled and kissed her forehead. We stayed at the house for another hour and a half, then Lilly and I gotten the car to go to the drugstore.

Elvis was playing on the radio and I caught Miss Disney behind me singing along. She is such a Greaser girl.

We walked in and bought a pack of tests at the store, then drove back home.

When we got back home Lilly plopped in front of the TV with her toys and played with them.

I slipped upstairs so I could take a couple of tests. I did my business with one of them and waited. I was scared, nervous, and my whole body trembled. I stared at myself in the mirror as I waited to ten minutes for the test. I went back and forth from the mirror and the clock up on the wall.

Finally, the ten minutes passed, I prayed for me and my family. I don't know why I did, I guess just a good luck to my future whether or not I was pregnant. I peered down at the lonely test down in the sink.


I sighed. Should I take another test to be sure? Yeah, I should.

I did my business on another test and wash my hands, Then I put it in the sink as the phone rang. I dropped it in the sink and went to go get the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

It was Roy. Two-Bit's boss.

"Hi, uh Morgan. You need to come down to the hospital quickly." He said nervously.

"Why what's the matter?" I asked confused and worried.

"It's Keith, he got jumped, really bad, and then he almost got run over by a car, he's in bad shape." Roy said.

Tears welled in my eyes and I said, "Ok, I'll be there as soon as possible!"

"Okay." He replied.

Then we hung up the phone. I ran down stairs scooped up Lilly. I walked straight from the living room to the car again.

"Hey Mommy I was watching Mickey!" She explained as i buckled her in the car.

"I know." I said trying not to let her know that something was wrong.

I drove all the way to the Curtis' so they could take care of Lilly while I went to the hospital. It's a Saturday so Ponyboy is off school, but I'm sure someone will be there to take care of Lilly. I parked in front of the Curtis' and ran inside with Lilly in my arms.

Dally, Allison, Johnny, and Ponyboy were all talking in the living room. Allison knew there was something wrong when I walked in, I could see it in her eyes.

"Can you guys keep an eye on Lilly?" I quickly put her down.

"What's wrong?" Allison asked softly.

"Two-Bit got jumped pretty bad, I gotta go!" I explained in the verge of tears.

"Lil' be good!" I told her sniffling.

I ran out back to the car. I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over, to the hospital. Iran to the hospital with tears rolling down my face. I gazed around the room and I found Roy.

"He's in here." He led me to Two-Bit's room.

I walked in and he was beat up so bad. Cuts, bruises, and medical tape all over his body. Two-Bit was holding a woman's hand in which he was looked like he was about to doze off. While the woman rambled on.

"Who is she?" I asked.

Two-Bit's eyes opened up widely when he saw me.

"Ohhh-" He started, then passed out.

The machines beeped like crazy.

"Two-Bit!" I screamed.

I ran up to him and held his hand while I sobbed.

"Mrs. Mathews, you need to leave!" A nurse commanded.

I kissed his hand that I held, then the nurse pulled me back out of the room. A bunch of nurses and one doctor went into his room.

I don't know what to do. This is going way too fast. Two-Bit looked like the worst he's ever been and they kicked me out. The fucking pregnant woman.

Shit......The second test......And my husband.

I collapsed in the middle of the hospital hallway. I saw the girl that was holding his hand, and Roy, and a bunch of nurses around me as my eyes slowly shut. I drifted. The world became smaller and colder by the second. And I became weaker and weaker.

Okay so this is where I ended in my notebooks, so this was the end! But I think I'm going to do a chapter or two more because it's a MAJOR cliffhanger.

Thanks so much for reading this far!


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