Chapter 10

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I slowly woke up not knowing where I was. "Shoot kid." I heard Two-Bit say in the background. I looked down to see my shirt off and on myself the cold hard floor of the bathroom. I put it back on and got up from leaning against the wall, then walking out of the bathroom. Breakfast smells filled the room.

Deli and Allison were nowhere to be found. Darry, Soda, Claire, Sandy, and Steve aren't here either. Ponyboy and Johnny are in the kitchen talking and eating breakfast.

"Mornin'." Johnny greeted from the kitchen.

"Good morning." I said back walking over to Two-Bit in the living room. He didn't take his eyes off from Mickey Mouse on the TV when I got closer to him. I cross my arms and shifted my weight to get him to notice me.

"Mornin'." He said not taking his eyes off the cartoon even if I had a million dollars. He's just sitting on the arm of the armchair, deep in the episode of Mickey Mouse. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"Two-Bit?" I said.

He took his eyes off Mickey for the first time ever. "What's up?" He asked curiously, glaring into my eyes. Boy, his eyes are just beautiful, they are everything.

"D-Did it...happen...last night?" I stuttered emphasizing the 't' in it. I trembled not knowing if we had sex last night.

He stared out into space then reassured me, "No. Ya didn't want to do it last time...I knew that was the right thing to do."

My whole body sank in relief. I grew happy that my boyfriend respected me that way. I smiled. He did steal my heart.

"Thank you!" I whispered then smiled.

"Don't thank me, it was the right thing to do." He smiled while holding my hands.

He got up and walked over to the kitchen. Ponyboy was talking to Johnny when Two-Bit walked up to Pony and scared him. Johnny, Two-Bit, and I started laughing while Ponyboy was trying to regain control of himself.

"Jeez Two-Bit, what the heck!" Ponyboy smiled because it was pretty funny.

Two-Bit hopped over to the fridge. "Morgan and I are goin' to The Dingo, y'all wanna come?" He asked grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"Maybe later. You guys go now?" Pony asked.

"Yeah it's around lunchtime." Two-Bit said.

"See ya later." I said as Two-Bit came and wrapped an arm around my waist.

We walked all the way to The Dingo. We walked in and sat at one of the tables against the wall. An older waitress with gray hair pinned up in a bun came by our table.

"What'll it be kids?" She asked smiling.

"Coke." Two-Bit and I said in unison.

"So-" I went on and on about what we would do for the rest of the summer. Two-Bit listened until the door opened behind me and his eyes widened and jaw dropped. He turned towards the wall trying to look away from whoever walked in.

I heard a woman yell, "KEITH!!!" She stormed over to our table. She was a tall brunette with big blue eyes and a boatload of makeup on her face. It literally makes her look like a clown.

Two-Bit tried to act cool but you could tell he was nervous.

"Oh...uhhhh, hey! Do I recognize you?" He said nervously.

She got angry, "Oh shut your trap! You know damn well who I am!"

Two-Bit had a really annoyed face on that made me chuckle.

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