Chapter 1

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I love my friends but sometimes they just push the limit. Claire and Allison are great but seriously. When I don't want to be bothered, I DON'T WANT TO BE BOTHERED! They forced me to come to the drive-in with them, and the movie isn't really that good. To pass time I'm braiding my dirty blonde layered hair. Over and over again.

"Cheer up, Morgan!" Allison said from behind me.

Allison is more of a tomboy than Claire and I. She's tougher, and doesn't care as much about how she looks unless a cute boy is around. Her long pitch black hair went perfectly with her straight bangs.

"Yeah we just wanted to hang out with you." Claire exclaimed.

And Claire is our blonde. She is very careful around guys, unlike Allison who falls head over heels for a guy. She has light blue eyes that are kind of like icicles, and she has freckles but not very many.

I still couldn't pay attention to them because I was staring at the kid Socs in front of us. Socs are the richest, most fake people you'll ever meet. They treat us Greasers like we're nothing. They drive around in Mustangs, wear nice clothes and trash parties. And last but not least they jump Greasers. That's why we have so many problems between us. I don't know I guess that's just the way things are.

All of the sudden a young man in a leather jacket and blue jeans came up to the car window by surprise and said, "Hey baby, you wanna-" He stopped and looked at me like I was a god.

I got a better look at him. Boy, he was cute! He had rusty-dark blonde hair with sideburns and had it greased in the front. The thing I noticed most is that he was wearing a Mickey Mouse shirt.

His jaw dropped as he stood up from leaning into the car. I slowly got out of the car and I heard Claire and Allison whispering and giggling behind me. He blinked to get out of the trance he was in from staring at me.

He cocked an eyebrow and shifted his weight saying, "I would offer you a cigarette but you're already smoking hot."

I took a deep breath in and blushed trying not to smile. But I can't help it. One just creeped out on me. Plus that was the cheesiest pick up line ever!

"Ya wanna go grab a Coke?" He asked using his alcohol can in a paper bag pointing at the concession stand.

I let out a nervous, "Ya....sure.."

"C'mon." He responded in his Texas-Oklahoma accent tilting his head towards the stand.

I followed him to the concession stand. I heard him step on the concrete of the foundation for the stand. I noticed he wore old chestnut colored cowboy boots. Kinda like mine, same color. Just different stitching. Just guys in cowboy boots are my kinda thing!

"Ya gotta name?" He asked opening the door to the stand for me.

"Morgan. You?"


"Why do they call ya that?" I giggled.

He filled up a coke for me and went up to the cash register. He dug through his pocket for change then responded, "They call me that because I can't shut up."


He opened the door out into the open space of the drive-in. He led me to the row behind the first one and we sat down. Two scared the living hell out of a small, fragile looking boy in front of us. He laughed and introduced me to the boys.

"Hey I want y'all to meet My friend Morgan!" He put his hands on the small boy's shoulders and continued, "This boy right here is Johnny, and that one is Ponyboy."

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