Chapter 1: Negative thoughts.

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Possible TW warning: (Anxiety, throwing up, negative feelings).
It was a regular monday morning. I looked at the clock and saw that the time was 6:40 and class started at 7:00. In no rush, or worry or excitement, I got changed and headed downstairs and out the door. The walk to UA academy was about 15 minutes, but at the pace I was walking I knew I was going to be late. I knew the teacher was going to scold me for coming late to class, but I didn't care. I liked going to the school later because there were more kids going to class then out in the main areas or the courtyards. Crowds bug me and give me the worst anxiety. "Damn I forgot to take my medicine this morning.." "Oh well at least today maybe I won't actually fail at learning to be a hero." I think to myself. As I walk towards the huge school, I look up and admire the pink clear sky from this mornings sunrise. No positive thoughts filled my mind. No good words came out of my mouth either. I was just in dispare... Like always. I starred off into the sky hearing the morning bell ring in the distance. Suddenly I bumped into somebody and fell to the ground. "What?!" I thought to myself. "What happened?! I bumped into somebody?!" "But I thought everybody would be in class by now!"
I looked up at the figure looking down at me, extending a hand for me to grab onto and let myself be helped up. I ignored it and looked up at the face. He was wearing a male school uniform and his backpack was on the ground. His face was blurred out by my vision and I couldn't hear his words over my own thoughts. "You bumped into somebody," "you're so clumsy," "can't you even pay attention to what you're doing?" "At least a bunch of people weren't here to make fun of you falling." But that boy will probably tell the whole school how clumsy you are and to stay away from you to make sure that they don't fall too!"
"Get out of my head!" I screamed.

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