Chapter 12: Positivity.

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It was the day where after school Tokoyami, Kirishima, Kirishima's friends and I would end up going to the mall to hangout. At first I almost thought Tokoyami was asking me out on a date, but maybe not, since it's a group hangout anyway. I was sitting in my seat doodling on my notes page during our class break. Tokoyami was talking with Kirishima and Shoji. It's only been a few months I've been attending U.A I arrived a little after the USJ attack so I unfortunately didn't have any experience in real hand to hand combat, plus not attending the sports festival didn't catch any of the heros attention. Not even my classmates know a lot about me. Plus I've only ever really faught with Bakugo, and I've gotten to show Princepal Nezu and the teachers just a little bit of what I can do during some personal training time. I'm only still here at UA because I'm about as strong as Midoryia but my quirk isn't breaking my body left and right as I use it. It kinda sucks I didn't catch a pro heros eye from outside the school, but Mr. Aizawa did talk to my mom about personally training me. He kind of feels like a father figure in a way, but maybe it's just the consideration for his students he shows. I heard Tokoyami got to go on an intership with the 3rd pro hero Hawks. Although I don't think he was very happy about it. I overheard him telling Hagakure it was "nothing special" maybe something bad happened and he doesn't want to talk about it. Oh well, it's not really my place to barge in. I do hope if he continues to work under Hawks that'll go better for him. Mr. Aizawa told me that if I do train with him that I might possibly encounter Shinsou from General departments, Mr. Aizawa said he offered to take Shinsou under his wing as well, but Shinsou said he'd think about it. I got up from my seat and asked Mr. Aizawa if I could use the restroom and he said yes. I went to the bathroom and as I was washing my hands. I looked up to my left where a Broken mirror used to be. The school replaced the mirror I punched that one day. They didn't know it was me though. My negative thoughts were really bad that day....but ever since I met Tokoyami they've kinda went away. At first I just thought maybe I've been growing out of it, but the more I'm around Tokoyami the less negative thoughts I have. I also am more comfortable being around people, and I've noticed that I've been able to take in more moonlight and be stronger when my head is not as disruptive. Maybe having a personal connection like this with somebody who isn't my mom helps me. Well it seems to so far.

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