Chapter 14: Breaking The Ice.

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We arrived to the mall, it was a little busy since it was afternoon, "woah" I thought to myself. I haven't been here in a long time. "Are you really that surprised?" Tokoyami asked. "Well- it's just that I haven't been here since I was a little kid, the last time I was here my mom brought me on my 8th birthday to get my ears pierced, but back then there were only a few stores around. Now it's packed!!" I said in excitement. "Ah I see," Tokoyami replied to me, he glanced at the earrings I had in, opal studs surrounded with small diamonds. "Is opal your birthstone?" Tokoyami asked. "No it's not, my birthstone is (your birthstone), but opal is one of my favorite crystals." I said. Tokoyami said in response, "Well I'll have to remember that." I was about to ask him why when we were interupted by Denki, "So guys why don't we all go in groups and shop around, then meet back here innnn an hour or so?" We all agreed that would be a good idea. I went with Tokoyami, and Denki. While Kirishima, Bakugo, and Sero were grouped together.
"So where do you guys want to go first?" Denki asked. "I was thinking we could go to a couple clothing stores!" I said in excitement. "Yes that would be nice first," Tokoyami also said.
Tokoyami's Pov: "Wow (y/n) is super excited and happy that we got to come here. Maybe I'll ask her if she wants to come here another day, just us two... But usually she's always kind of sulking, maybe I'm just seeing more of her true colors, she's a lot more outgoing then I thought. It makes me happy that she is happy."
"Hehehe you're happy seeing her huh?~" Dark shadow popped out. Tokoyami didn't deny anything. Dark shadow said to him "All your love interests in the past haven't been acceptable to me, but when I saw (y/n) I could barely contain myself.~" 
"Yes I know that Dark shadow, I'm glad you didn't pop out and say something stupid to embarrass us. Thank you" Tokoyami replied. Denki came up to Tokoyami and reminded him "Hey dude remember we aren't supposed to use our quirks off school campus yet." Tokoyami said, "Oh right I'm sorry I forgot." Dark shadow returned to Tokoyami. I looked at him and asked Tokoyami, "So you probably don't get very lonely when you always have dark shadow to talk too?" Tokoyami replied, "Well not very often, he is good company but he's like another version of me, it's not like he's totally his own person who has a range of different feelings and emotions from me." "He just expresses my emotions in a different way, I guess you could say." "Ah that makes sense." I looked at Tokoyami in an understanding way, obviously I didn't have a quirk like that, I think it would be nice to have a companion like he does. Well after 12 years that might get a little boring... (everybody usually develops quirk a around the age of 4). There's so much more I want to ask him about Dark shadow. Well that and also what Kirishima meant earlier... It's probably just a misunderstanding. Ugh Kirishima that idiot. We went to a bunch of different clothing stores and bought a few things, Tokoyami, Denki, and I explored hot topic, I remember going here as a kid when it was barely new but younger me thought it was a scary place. Now it's super cool! So many fancy shirts and cool jewelry!! Denki was new to the store and wasn't really feeling the vibe very much. He said "it's too gothic for me!" Tokoyami must come here a lot, because the store manager came out and greeted him, like two friends who haven't seen eachother in a while. I looked at Tokoyami and smiled seeing him express happiness like that. It was really nice.

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