Chapter 5: End of the school day.

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                          ~ Time Skip ~
It was the end of the school day and the bell rang. I started to walk out of the school looking down at my phone. A text from mom popped up and it read:
Mom <3
Hey sweetie I'm stuck at work for a few more hours plus there was a villain attack nearby so I can't pick you up today I'm sorry.                             
Are you okay?? And that's fine I'll just walk home. I remember you telling me work has been getting busy lately. Don't have a sleepover at work :p
Mom <3
yes I'm fine, it was a couple blocks away but everybody is safe, and you know I couldn't leave my little girl all alone over night!
I'm not a little kid anymore!! Even if I did have to spend night alone, I wouldn't mind. Plus there are more places I could go to, to soak up moonlght if the sky is clear hehehehe >;).
Mom <3
(Y/Full name) Don't you dare go sneaking off in the middle of the night you know it's dangerous and you could get hurt!
yea yea I know... sorry, but at night is when I'm strongest so technically it's safer for me out there hehe :p
Mom <3 just at least be safe on your way home ok? igtg love you!
Me: I love you too mom. Enjoy the rest of your day! <3
I smiled at the texts with my mom. She was the only friend I ever really had. She understood me and I never ever had a problem looking at her in the eyes.
"Alright well time to get home.."
*bumps into somebody*
"Oh great not this again... maybe they didn't notice?"
"Oh no.... I would know that voice from anywhere... I backed off and looked up just to the angry brut's ash blonde hair, it was katski bakugo."
I didn't say anything and kinda tried to walk around him when he stepped in front of me ready to blast my ass to the next century.  "YOU BETTER NOT GET IN MY  WAY AGAIN OR YOU'RE DEAD YOU FRIENDLESS WANNA BE HERO!"
I bowed to apologize when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked over to who was touching me and it was that guy!
"She isn't friendless she's got me and so many other people around her to support and help her." He said, after hearing that Deku, Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki all stood beside me, glaring at bakugo.
"What are they all doing here" I thought.
Bakugo's red spikey haired friend that was with him said, "Hey man I think you went a little far there, just leave her alone" Kirishima said, "FINE but next time you better pray that you have backup when you run into me like that again!" Bakugo yelled.
I let out a deep sigh and looked over at the guy who's hand was on my shoulder. We made eye contact again and he flustered took his hand off my shoulder and apologize for not being there earlier. I shook my hands in a ' don't worry about it motion.' Deku came up to me and also apologized as he said "Kacchan has always been like that, ever since we were kids... but I'm happy we got him to walk away before he hurt you." I bowed thanking everybody and they all said goodbye and told me to be careful. The figure that was there stayed, "I'm Tokoyami Fumikage." He said, and before I could think anything into advance I looked at him again and said "I know."

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