Chapter 7: He shows up.

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I was content sitting in the comfortable chair enjoying my drink when I glance up and see him... The ashy blonde brute walk into the place that I just happened to be at. "Oh no...not him again." I thought. He was alone and walked in to look around. I pulled my hood over my head and tried covering up my face so he wouldn't notice. That obviously didn't work and he noticed me right away. He yelled from a few feet away, "HEY YOU'RE THAT IDIOT GIRL FROM BEFORE! I DON'T SEE ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU NOW, WHERE'D THEY RUN OFF TOO?!" WHAT COULDN'T YOU KEEP THIER INTRESTEST LET ALONE A CONVERSATION?!" I didn't say anything to him... He came over and spung the chair around me to face him. He got close and yelled even more, "DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!!" I pushed him away and got down from the chair with my hand still resting on the table. I slid my fingers over to a small patch of moonlight coming through the window. Bakugo was yelling at me a lot more and the waitress lady was too scared to do anything. I looked at him and then sliced the air with my other arm sending an air wave directly and only towards bakugo. He flew back into a wall but didn't damge it. "So you do have some power in you... REMINDS ME OF ANOTHER STUPID NERD I KNOW OF!!"
He was obviously was talking about Deku. Bakugo yelled as he came towards me full throttle. This time I used my super speed to go under him and then my strength to kick him up towards the ceiling and then out the front door. The door broke off and fell over. People started to panic at the commotion going on. I reasured the waitress I would fix her door after dealing with him. Bakugo was getting up off the ground ready to charge at me again when a shadow in the shape of a bird came out of nowhere followed along by tokoyami. Dark shadow (as tokoyami calls him) distracted bakugo and tokoyami went for a full on punch right to bakugo's stomach knocking him down once more. Dark shadow suppressed bakugo while Tokoyami put some sort of handcuffs on Bakugo. They looked a lot similar to the ones I saw used to apprehend the heros back at the school pretending to be villans on a video the teacher sent me. Tokoyami spoke up and said, "I'm glad I got here when I could, I don't think people would have liked it if Bakugo made more of a mess then he already has." Looking at the fallen down door and the concered waitress. I spoke up and told Tokoyami "He didn't do that... I did." I said in a nervous manner. Tokoyami looked at me and realized who I was after I uncovered my hood. He slighly gasped in embarrassment and in suprise. Kirishima and Denki ran up towards Bakugo, Tokoyami, Dark shadow, and I, out of breath they looked worried and asked "Hey sorry we lost bakugo and didn't know where to look for him untill we heard crashes and screaming coming from this direction. We thought bakugo was facing off with some villan but I guess not. What the hell happened man?" Kirishima looked at Tokoyami and then in my direction after Tokoyami looked at me. "Yes I too would like to know the rest of events that happened here." I kinda said in a quiet tone "I was in that yogurt shop when Bakugo came in and started yelling at me, I ignored him and then he got really mad and almost exploded the shop when I sent him back with a gust of air. He got more mad after that and before he could do any damage to the shop, I well kinda kicked him out, literally." Kirishima, Denki and Tokoyami looked at me surprised. I only used my own strength during all of the tests we had and my mom conviced Mr. Aizawa to let me not participate in the sports festival. So of course nobody knows about my quirk or it's potential. I looked down and a wave of anxiety kind of came over me. To break the slilence and to make things a little less awkward I asked about the cuffs Tokoyami had placed on Bakugo's wrist. "Ah those, I had those made for me whenever Dark shadow gets out of control, if I have enough strength I'll put them on stopping him immediately. They are like the ones used during the Villan / Hero training used to supress quirks." I nodded in agreement before kirishima said "I knew they looked familiar! Who made them for you man? I could really use a pair for when Bakugo goes all explosiony." Tokoyami replied to kirishima saying, "I got them from the girl that helped Uraraka, Midoriya and I in the cavalry battle. I think her name was hastume. She works along side a pro at our school in the engineering department." Kirishima, Kaminari and Tokoyami all engaged in conversation while bakugo was still cuffed. I walked over to the lady who was still in the doorway to her shop. I told her I would fix her door whenever she saw fit. She accepted and told me tomorrow works. She gave me another boba on the house for stopping the brute that was disturbing the peace. I took my drink and crept away from the men still talking to one another.

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