Chapter 16: Confessions.

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⚠️TW⚠️ Negative thoughts / downgrading!!
Tokoyami's Pov: I thought to myself, cursed all these people, well I'll have to get used to it if I want to become a hero... wait what happened to (Y/N)? I don't see her anywhere. I asked Kirishima where (Y/N) went, he said she went home. I saved her... but at the cost of loosing her. If only I could get rid of all these people then I would be able to catch up to (y/n)... I have an idea... "Dark shadow!! Come out!" I yelled. Dark shadow came out just to hear my voice, I told him of my plan and he thought it was risky but agreed... "ok now dark shadow," "right!" He replied.
End of Tokoyami Pov:
RWAAAAAAAA!!! Dark shadow emerged and growled. The crowd backed off and people started to panic, "What is that?!" "Is he a villain?" "Somebody get security or call the pros!" Kirishima yelled, "what are you doing man!? Ya know you can't use your quirk out in public like that ye-" Tokoyami looked over at Kirishima in all the commotion and gave him a reassuring look. Kirishima understood the situation. Security near by ran over to where Tokoyami was and put him in quirk canceling cuffs. Tokoyami told the security, "I'm so very sorry sir, I don't know what happened... My quirk suddenly took over, it's not the first time this has happened... I'm very sorry.." The security man just huffed and escorted Tokoyami to the main doors. "Sorry young man but you used your quirk without a hero provisional license, you are banned from this store. Luckily nobody got injured." Tokoyami looked down and apologized again. He thought to himself "I hate that I had to do that, but it was the only way..." Tokoyami stepped outside of the mall and as soon as he was no longer in sight of the mall guard he ran.
Y/n POV: I bet all those people were proud of what Tokoyami did. That's what a real hero does. I could never like him... He's got so much potential but as for me, I don't. I couldn't even save myself from a little fall. There's no way I could tell him I like him now either. He probably doesn't think of me in that way. *I looked down at my phone and saw a bunch of missed calls from Tokoyami* Tsk. Why does he even bother... I think it's better if I just don't talk to anybody the rest of the night... I'm almost home anyway- "(Y/N)!!!" A voice called out for my name... That voice was so familiar. I knew who it was so I didn't turn around to look. "Y/N!" Please wait just a second.." Tokoyami grabbed my hand a pulled me back a little preventing me from running away again. I still didn't look at him. "What? The press getting to much for ya?" I asked sarcastically. I could tell by Tokoyami's vibe he was giving off, he didn't find that very funny. He responded in a calm tone, "actually yes, but I didn't want you to leave while I just stood there... I could never do that to you. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." "why... why me...? WHY WOULD YOU COME AFTER ME IN THE FIRST PLACE, WHY DID YOU EVEN SAVE ME?! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER OFF IF I GOT HURT INSTEAD OF YOU!" I yelled... without realizing what I said... I pulled my hand away from Tokoyami and looked up at him tears streaming down my face... I couldn't stop crying. I hated feeling like this, but there's nothing I could do about it, I thought it was all better when I met him but, now it's not. I said in a low voice, "why can't I just be happy, why can't I be as strong as everybody else? I can't even save myself from a little fall, I'm no good to be a hero...or even a normal citizen." Tokoyami took his hands and placed them on my cheeks wiping away my teary eyes. Dark shadow came out to hug me from behind. " are strong, you wouldn't be in UA if you weren't and if it weren't for you being here..dark shadow and I would be lonely." Tokoyami said calmingly. "What- but you have the whole class at your side what do you mean you would be lonely...?" I asked. Tokoyami replied, "well you see, when I get close to somebody or develop feelings for somebody.. like you for example, Dark shadow's instinct either agrees with my feelings or denies them. For some people I've liked in the past... Dark shadow never "approved" of them. So I've been feeling pretty hopeless until I met you. Since the first day of school Dark shadow was always super exited and got this crazy lovey dovey feeling over him, in which I felt as well, but never knew who those feelings were meant for, but when we bumped into each other and made physical contact for the first time. I automatically knew. (Y/n) you bring Dark shadow and I loads of happiness. So let me thank you by making you happy, please. I want to be with you for the rest of eternity. Only if you want that too...." Tokoyami blushed and took a few steps back. I almost couldn't believe what I just heard... this was like something from an anime or a fan fiction (hehe lol). I looked at Tokoyami with a flustered yet smiling face, and said to him, "I would love that.. more than anything, my heart yearns for somebody like you, ever since that one encounter we had, I couldn't really get you out of my head. Plus my heart and mind were filled with happiness after we met, like all the negativity that was resting in my mind was going away. All because of you.. So yes I'd love for you to continue to make me happy. And I want to make you happy as well, to the best of my ability." Tokoyami smiled and so did Dark shadow, they both imbraced me with a very warm hug, I was so thankful to have them around. Why didn't I realize that earlier. Dark shadow popped out and exclaimed, "Fumikage's got a girlfriend Fumikage's got a girlfriend Fumikage's"— "that's enough Dark shadow please restrain yourself." Tokoyami said sternly. I looked at them both and started to laugh. Dark shadow hugged me one last time and returned to Tokoyami. "(Y/N) it is getting rather late, I should return you to your home." Tokoyami said. "Do you really feel like walking me home?? I mean you did run to find me, plus you fell either and"— "I'll be fine, besides I wanted to spend a little bit more of this evening with you if that's what you wish as well." Tokoyami said as he held out his arm for me to hold on to. I nodded in agreement. Did just that, and we walked in the direction of my house. When we got there, there was a car I haven't seen before outside...

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