Chapter 4: Decendant of A Goddess.

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Somebody I admired was the Japanese goddess of light: Amaterasu-Ōmikami. My mom used to tell me stories of her and how powerful she was, they said that we are the descendants of Ōmikami, but I don't know if that's really true. My mom kind of had a similar quirk to her power, and it was being super strong. My dad could- oh yea I forgot... He left my mom to raise me on her own. She never talked about him or his quirk. I think his quirk had something to do with the moon but I'm not sure. Might be where I get the moon side of the powers from but then again I don't know... 
I spaced out again but then came back to earth when I felt eyes on me. I snapped out of it and looked around the room, everybody started to sit down as our break ended but I could still feel eyes on me. Who's were they though? I wanted to know but I didn't want to make eye contact with anybody... I scanned the Room again from my seat and saw...Him starring at me. "It was that guy, from before! How come I ran into him of all people!?" "Why was he starring?" "Nobody else was starring, do I look weird or do I have something on my face?" I took a deep breathe and focused to my best ability to push the thoughts down, I lifted my head and made eye contact with him... I made eye contact, for the first time in so long I actually looked at somebody in the eyes. I looked away and tried to make eye contact with the teacher at the front of the class but it was no good, "why could I only make eye contact with that boy?" "What was so special about him?" "I looked back at him while he was talking to his friend Shoji and I felt this weird feeling... I didn't feel the negativity that surrounded me all the time. When I looked at him I felt peace? Comfort? What was this feeling...?" He caught me starring and looked at me in the corner of his eye. I shook my head a little and started doodling. Drawing was a form of keeping my mind off things and the negativity out of my head.

Light In The Darkness ( Tokoyami x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें