Chapter 19: Jealousy. [Slight nsfw]

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Walking back to class, hand in hand with Tokoyami, I couldn't help but feel like we were being followed... Maybe it was just another student wanting to know more about Tokoyami's herosim? Oh well I'm sure its nothing. Tokoyami and I walked back into class, everybody was sitting in their seats as the bell rang, well almost everybody... Mr. Aizawa came in and began speaking when Bakugo entered the room, late. Even he wasn't usually late for class. "Bakugo you're tardy, if this becomes a habit you'll get detention." Mr. Aizawa said. Bakugo cursed under his breath and then pulled his head up as he walked to his seat, glaring at Tokoyami. "Damn, what is that guys issue.?" I thought to myself. Mr. Aizawa spoke up and said, "So class this afternoon you should all get ready and packed for moving into the new dorms. I expect everybody to be finished and at the dorms by tomorrow afterschool. If you need to go back home to get more things or whatever thats fine by me, just let me know beforehand. Anways, onto todays assignment." "Wow, this is all so cool, moving into new dorms, I'm going to miss my mom a lot, and her wonderful cooking, but I can always call her. Hmm, I wonder what Tokoyami thinks of all this, I didn't get ask when we both heard the news. I'll do that after class.
*time skip to end of class*
Tokoyami and I headed for the door when I asked him, "So what do you think of the new dorm system they set in stone?" "Well, I do agree that it is a safer option for all of us, and well the dorms themselves I guess I will have an answer for you when I see them for myself." Tokoyami replied, "You're right maybe we can have our dorm rooms next to eachother-" I smiled but then blushed in embarrassment when Tokoyami came towards me, one hand went around my waist and the other he put it up on the wall behind me. Apparently Bakugo exited the doorway as the same time as us and purposely shoved Tokoyami with his shoulder. Catching Tokoyami off guard he did what he had to, to prevent falling into me, or cause me fall into the wall. We were the last ones out the door so nobody saw what happened but it was still embarrassing, Tokoyami stayed the way he stood, close to me, so Bakugo didn't hear him. "Bakugo sure has been acting off lately.. he seems very angry at me for some reason, even more angry than he is at Midoryia..." "M-maybe he's just upset you got all the attention from your act of heroism." I said to him, not looking him in the eyes, he was so close I could feel his breath on my neck as he spoke. His eyes were looking at the ground, his mind lost in thought. I felt my face burn up even more, then a very funny feeling came over me. I didn't try to overreact so I touched Tokoyami's shoulder making him come back to earth, he realized that he was super close, and in a cute flustered way backed up and apologized. I told him there was no need to apologize it was okay. We didn't say a word to each other untill I finally spoke up, "You don't have to wait if you don't want to but I need to use the restroom real fast." Tokoyami Relpied, th-thats okay I'll  wait for you outside." I nodded and hurried to the bathroom. My thoughts were racing "ugh I really hope I didnt start my period, that was kind of gross, I felt like I soaked threw my underwear!" I looked down to find that there was no blood. I kind of sighed in relief, "wait but why did I get so-....?" Then I remebered what happened back at the classroom, Tokoyami bumping into me and getting so close...That must have been the reason.... "Wait?! Was I just turned on???? But- We've barely started dating and even tho he's a guy I'm sure he doesn't have time to think about stuff like that!" >//////<
Tokoyami's POV:
After (Y/N) went to the restroom I uncovered my bag from my abdomen area and looked down... "damn it, just my luck... Hopefully this goes away soon and (Y/N) doesn't notice I'm holding my bag in a weird way..."
End of Pov
I met Tokoyami outside near the main gate he asked me if everything was okay and I nodded. He walked me back to my house and before leaving he asked, "do you need help packing?" I responded to him and said, "no, do you?" He shook his head, "then I shall see you tomorrow my dear." He took my hand and pressed it up agenst his face, we both smiled, and said our goodbyes, well untill tomorrow of course. I went inside and sprawled out on the couch to watch some tv for a little, mom wasn't home but I sent her a text saying Tokoyami got me home safe and sound. After watching t.v (just cruising through channels because there was nothing on) I decided to go up to my room, put on some music, and start packing... "Boy was this going to be a Longggg Night..."

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