Chapter 21: Games Begin.

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!! Tododeku & momojirou ship!!
Everybody was gathered downstairs in the common room Iida spoke up an announced "Mina and Hakagure had a few ideas for a little game we all could play if we wanted to, you might not be done setting up your room, and if you want to continue to do that, that is fine with me. Mina? Hakagure? Will you please further explain?" Mina spoke up, "hehe welllll I was thinking for everybody who wants to join in, we can play a few games as a group!!" Hakagure then said, "yeah! They will be super fun and maybe a little spiceyyyyyy hehe~!" Denki spoke up and asked, "Spicy? Wym guys?" ( oh poor poor boy) Jiro sighed and told Denki he shouldn't worry about it and then dragged him off to go finish his room decorating. "We have a few games in mind so we can draw lots to see who gets to play what!" Mina said in excitement. "So for spin the bottle for example there will be 4 cards with 'spin the bottle' on it, and the 4 people who get that card obviously has to be in the spin the bottle circle." Hakagure explained. Mina spoke up and said, "and for those who choose the 7MIH card (seven minutes in heaven) will go with whoever drawn the second card.  There are four 7MIH cards so 2 couples can go one after another!!" (Idk if that is explanatory enough hah sorry).
Mineta hurried over fast drooling from his mouth ready to draw a lot when he was stopped by Iida "oh no you don't! You have to finish your room decorating pronto!" Iida exclaimed. Mina also added, "oh yea if you happen to get a spin the bottle card or 7MIH card and don't like your partner then you can always decline! (Consent people!!)
The only people interested in this group of games were me, Tokoyami, Deku, todoroki, momo, and jirou. Mina and Hakagure along with other students watched from the sidelines. "Ok Rock Paper Scissors on who draws the first card!!" Momo won the Rock Paper Scissors and drew a card, she got the 7MIH and then Jirou drew next, she got the 7MIH card as well. (Yes a little momoxjirou up in here). Todoroki spoke up, " well that is certainly unexpected..." we all looked at him very dumbfounded, everybody knew they were 💅 so once they heard of the games they rushed over lol. Mina said she'd keep a eye on the clock and told the rest of us to get in a circle, since a certain heaven was being accupied, she suggested we all just play spin the bottle, "alright deku why don't you go first!" "Huh me?! Um... ok.." deku spun the bottle and it landed on me... I looked kinda confused and then asked Tokoyami if it was ok. He said it was fine as long as it was NOT on the mouth. I stretched out for my hand for deku to kiss and he did so very gentlemanly like.  Todoroki got Tokoyami and they both passed lmao, deku kept on getting me and I could tell Tokoyami and todoroki were getting a little agitated. I spun and it landed on Tokoyami, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he blushed, everybody awed, then he spun, got deku, and had dark shadow kiss dekus hand lol. Deku spun and it got to me, I decided he could give me a forehead kiss but that was all, I leaned in when suddenly todoroki grabbed deku and kissed him right on the lips!! Mina and Hakagure gasped and I had to contain myself from laughing. That's a very todoroki thing he would do. Mina then exclaimed "ok times up I'll go get the girlssssss~" Mina went to get jirou and momo then Hakagure told me to pick out another card. I did so and of course got seven minutes in heaven. Then Tokoyami drew the next lot and he got 7MIH as well, "hehe alright you lovebirds in the closet you go!!" Hakagure said, she shut the door on us and walked away.
Hakagure: "well they're all set in there hehe"
Mina: "hehe good, let's set the timer for a litttleeee longer than 7mins hehe."
I sat down on the floor of closet, "it's kinda cold in here, brRrRrRr," Tokoyami responded, well I do believe the air conditioning is right next to us, if you want to you can borrow my hoodie." I shook my head and said, "yeah but then you will be cold, plus I don't want to be a burden, we'll only be in here for a few minuets," "alright then, may I sit next to you so we can both keep warm?" Tokoyami asked kindly, I nodded and he sat down next to me and put his arm around me, he was looking in the direction of the door, away from me, but I was so awkward to say anything...He spoke up and said "y/n you know dark shadow and I really enjoy your company, we appreciate you a lot and want to make you the happiest person ever." "Fumi where's this coming from- I lifted my head up to look at him and my nose came in contact with his beak, we both blushed and then looked away from eachother. "Well I just wanted to let you know, you always will have people here for you." He pulled me closer when he said that. I felt so at peace, this was really nice, I enjoyed it a lot. Tokoyami was staring at me in a funny way, I looked up and asked him, "what? Is something wrong?" He shook his head and just said "it's nothing, just that cheesy smile of yours.. it's quite cute." He smirked and I looked away in embarrassment. Idk what I was doing but it's almost like I started to speak without thinking, "hey Fumi..? Do you think I can kiss you...?" He replied, "well if you wish you may," he moved his head forward so I could kiss him on the cheek again but... "no I mean like actually... kiss you..." oh god what did I just say. Fuckfuckfufksbrisjdjndjdjd now he'll think I'm weird!! To my surprise he didn't have a bad reaction at all, "well if you can figure out a way then I would be more than happy to accept a kiss from you my feather." I realized what he said and thought for a minute. (Ok so like I've actually thought ab this on how you could kiss him, y'all just put ur heads in a certain angle and smooch smooch ya know?) I took his hand and placed it on my cheek and doing the same with my hand to his cheek. I looked at him, "just maybe tilt your head like this..." I gently moved closer and tilted my head, I moved my lips in to where mouth was and yeah kissed him... (obviously it wouldn't be a soft peck with both our mouths open) he blushed and opened his eyes, "I- um was that ok....?" I asked, "it was more than ok it was nice, I'm glad I can have someone kiss me even with me having a beak, was.. it ok for you? Did my beak get in the way at all...?" He asked. I replied to him, "yes it was good for me, your beak didn't get in the way," "I guess you could say this type of kissing can be unique but only to us!" He nodded in agreement, there was a somewhat long pause before he spoke up, "do you think I can kiss you again? Right now..?" I nodded and said, "of course."

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