Chapter 8: Boy Talk.

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Convo with Denki, Kirishima & Tokoyami—————————————
(Toko's pov) "Hey Tokoyami what's wrong? You see a little distraced."Kaminari (denki) said. Kirishima also asked "got something on your mind man? Ya know we're always here to help out a bro in need." Tokoyami replied to both of them, It's just (Y/n) and I have been kinda bumping into another recently and I don't know how to explain it but for some reason I want to be closer to her? Maybe ask her to be friends or something? I know she isn't the most social person but, I feel that we just kind of click..."
Denki replied very straightforward "do you like her?" Tokoyami said, "what? No? I don't like her, well at least I don't think I do?" Maybe I do? I just want to get to know her a little bit more that's all."
Kirishima said, well go after her, ask her to hangout, maybe she likes you too, ya never know unless you give it a shot man. Well only if you want to." Tokoyami replied, "well I'll just ask her to hangout for a little, I won't make it an official date date yet." "Well do what you feel is best, and tell her thank you for us alright?" Kirishima said. Tokoyami nodded and said goodbye before running off to look for (Y/N). ———————————
End of convo with the boys
(Our pov) I walked onto another street drinking the free boba the lady gave me. "(y/n)!" A voice called out to me. I turned around and it was Tokoyami. "Hey Kirishima and Kaminari wanted to thank you for stopping Bakugo when you did. They were going to tell you themselves but when we all looked around for you, you were gone. So I told them I would tell you thank you for them." He said. "P-plus I was hoping I would see you again.." He muttered. "O-oh you're all welcome, and what was that last part?" I said. Tokoyami replied in a somewhat nervous manner "oh it was nothing I was just talking to myself. But um I was wondering if you had any plans tomorrow or this weekend maybe?" I looked at him kinda suprised but I could tell he was nervous... He was usually so calm and collected, and didn't show much a range of emotion.
"I have to fix that lady's door tomorrow after school but Wednesday I don't think I have anything going on." I said. "Ah, well then how about we go to a park or a store after school?" Tokoyami replied. "S-sure that works for me." I said. "Wow" I thought to myself, I didn't know he could be so open, aha look who's talking, I never knew I could be this talkative to somebody other than my mom." Tokoyami then asked if we could exchange numbers so we did. I said goodbye to him and headed home.
I texted mom telling her I was on my way, and that I would be there shortly.

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