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October 29, 2016.

"Where should I come after I find Yeonha?" I asked.
"I'm not dumb to tell you that now, but. Be sure that I will be monitoring everything you do. So don't try to act oversmart. Find her and then I'll contact you."

"Uh.. alright I'll locate her through contacts and let you know where she is"
"Locate Yeonha virtually and I will give you back an augmented reality version of your wife."

"What do you mean?" I was confused.
"I want to find Yeonha in her physical form. Meet her in person, greet her and then reach me, NO 'LOCATING' BUSINESS. And how you find her is upto you Mr." He responded coldly.

"Fine. I need to have a word with my wife to be sure that she's safe and fine and that indeed you've abducted her."

"Trust me Tae baby, she's fine and yes I've kidnapped her. She was crying out to you all evening and has just slept, exhausted. But don't worry I won't harm her because I need you." He spat.

"At least send me her Picture." I demanded.
"With her clothes on or without?" He giggled. I was fuming by now.
"IF YOU SO MUCH AS TOUCH HER HAIR." I screamed in an agitated tone.

"What will you do my boy? WHAAAAT?" He yelled.
"Listen Mr WHOEVER you are. Remember this, I will go to any extent to save my love and if I know that you have harmed her even in the slightest possible way. I will give it back to you tenfold."

"You're forgetting that you are talking to your wife's captor. I give the orders here and not vice versa."
I took a deep breath and composed myself.

"I've really no contact with Yeonha. The last I know of her, she was in.. Sydney? How could I meet her in person within 11 hours? Why am I the target for all this? I'm not even her husband for god's sake." I rattled.

"Do you love your wife, Taehyung?"
"I wouldn't be running like a headless chicken and talking to an unknown stranger in the middle of the night about finding a girl who I have lost touch with, if I didn't love my wife."

"Then stop asking questions and go find Yeonha." He gave his order.
"How on earth am I supposed to?" I was frustrated.
"Why should I bother? And by the way what's the date and time now?"

"12:01, oct 29." What has this got to do with Yeonha?

"29 was yesterday and today is 30th, Taehyung baby. Do you know what's special about this day?"

I was totally blank and couldn't think of anything. Even our anniversary was 11 days ahead.
"I've no clue." I replied.

"It's Yeonha's birthday and your 11 hours to find her has already started.
"What the fuck is happening with me." I uttered aloud.

"Don't be foolish to go the cops. I hope you wouldn't when your wife's life is in danger." Saying, he cut the call.

My whole world turned upside down. Y/n had been kidnapped by some unknown stalker who claimed the reason for the abduction was me.

There were too many knots to undo and I felt they were quite complicated and incomprehensible. who is that caller? Why should we abduct my wife? what did she do? how did Yeonha come into the picture? why did all this happened today. My mind whirled in confusion and I was unable to draw any conclusions.

I looked at my phone and it had 83% battery. I wasn't sure if it could withstand for the next 11 hours.

even though he warned me not to contact the cops, I felt I had to inform them of this. I didn't know anyone in the police department nor did I have any friends whose father were cops. without having any other option, I reached for the contact number of the local police station and dialed the number, waiting for someone to pick up the call but there was no response.

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