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October 2016.

(present time)

Jungkook was by my side. Both of us, in very deep thoughts.
"What do we do now, kookie.?"
"Well you have to tell me. Who is this girl, and is she Beautiful?"

"Jungkook I swear-"

"Unless you answer me I'm not helping you."
"Are you really doing this to me?"

"What do you wanna know, hoe"
"Everything, whore."

"Yeonha is my first ever crush and my friend from Daegu. The last I know is she is with her cousin, in Sweden. I don't know where she is now but I'm thinking how I have to find her and why I have to find her."

"Why the fuck does this loser bitch wants you to find yeonha?" He asked.
"Now how would I know."
"I think I know why."
"Enlighten me, please."

"This loser guy, wait first you tell me, were you yeonha's first boyfriend?"
"Uh yes."
"Damn my theory is correct."
"Spill the tea, smartass."

"Oh you wanna talk about ass."
"No you dipshit-"
"They call me roundie :)."

"They who?"
"Who are armies?"
"People who love me, and you."

"Bitch they want us to get married."
"Oh trust me, if I wasn't married to y/n, I'd certainly make you my wife."
"I'm a top" he said.
"Sure, and I'm the King of England."

"Enough with your bullshit, we have to find yeonha." I remarked.
"Yes hoe, I was coming to that. You have anything that could help us find her?"
"No, but what do you need?"
"Literally anything would give us a start. Think, even a small detail is valuable to us right now."
"I don't know, I'm panicking."

"Okay breathe, do you have any of her numbers which she had shared with you in the past. Can't you think of any way to contact her now?" he asked.

"I do. I have about three different contact numbers of hers but I am pretty sure she isn't using any of them. someone else is using her number which I came to know recently and the second number took me to an automated voice the last time I called. The other number is deactivated and she also has deactivated her social media."

"Is there absolutely nothing you know?" Jungkook peered.

"No. I don't even remember the name of anyone from her family, other than her dad. She hasn't replied to any of my emails for the past 7 months. Come on bro! Didn't you read my blog about her?" I asked.

"Nah i didn't read it. But why did you mail her for seven months when she did not reply?"
"Just to know if she was doing fine, that's all. It shouldn't be a concern now. I'm married now and all i want is to find y/n and hug her. Let us think of how we can find her."

Jungkook was lost in his thoughts for sometime. I gazed at him. He for sure was a genius, to say the least. I could always bank on him in times of trouble. He was an excellent problem solver too. I trusted him to come up with some plan or the other which would help us to move forward in this puzzle. He let out a determined sigh and I knew he was ready for the adventure.

"Well tae, you said that yeonha is not on any of social media's right now, are you sure that she has deactivated her account or she is just in hiding mode?" he asked me. "How in the world would I know? And what's the difference between the two?"

"Nevermind...just give me all the numbers of hers you have and also her email ID."

"Official mail ID or her personal?"
"Do you know her official mail ID as well?" Jungkook raised a brow at me.
"Yeah haha. I think she once went to Australia for an onsite assignment. I do have a few friends there, I'll contact them and try to gather information."

"Didn't you just say that the number took you to an automated voice?" He questioned.
"It did, but what's wrong in trying?"
"Alright then, give me all her numbers you have and her mails, and give a call to all your friends who you think could help."

After I gave him the details, i made a call to my friend, Seojoon in Australia who was also a co-worker of yeonha.
"Hello Taehyung, how are you, it's been a long time." Seojoon was excited when he answered.

"I'm doing fine hyung, how are you?"
"All going well, tell me sir, how are things, how is life aandd how is your wife"

"Yeah all fine, hyung. Could you like do me a favour? I will give you an Australian number. Would it be possible for you to find out who used it? It's a bit urgent."

"What? How urgent?" he questioned.
"I don't have time to explain now, really. I need it immediately. Can you please help me?"
"Okay, if you say so, let me do it. When do you need those details?"

"Maybe in the next fifteen minutes?"
"Shit Taehyung, are you crazy?"
"Hyung please, my life depends on it."

"Okay okay send me the number. I will try." Seojoon hyung was a software engineer who had settled down in Australia after his marraige with Seri noona. As i waited for his response eagerly, jungkook tapped on my shoulder to gain my attention.

"Check this out, tae"
"What is this?" I asked.

We were looking at an Australian telephone exchange website. I wondered how he accessed that. Jungkook wasn't a  hacker I knew that for sure.

"How did you access it?" I asked bewildered.
"Remember that CEH class I asked you to join. Well I am a certified ethical hacker now, I learned this from there." he replied.

"THANK GOODNESS YOU ATTENDED IT. YOU'RE FUCKING GREAT JAYKAY. I LOVE YOU BRO." I hugged onto him ever so tightly which resulted in him shoving me off which again resulted in me falling off the bed which double again resulted in me hitting the floor which hurt my ass.

"You know I even hacked the websites of our local cab services, just for fun. At times I manage to get free services from them using my skills." Jungkook said proudly.
"Duh! Kook. And that by no means is ethical hacking bro. So what have we got to do now?" I asked.

"I know all that crap. Listen, the number is defunct for 9 months. No one's using it now." He continued.
"Won't they like give it to someone else?" I pondered.

"They would, but I'm not sure why it is still defunct. No use in tracing it, forget it. What next? You wanna trace the Indian number?"

"No use, someone else is using that number. Is there a way we could hack her social media account and find any details? Anything about her friends and relatives? If we can get their numbers, they should know her whereabouts. The last I knew, she had a boyfriend. His name is....well it starts with 'H'. Some hanbin. See if you can find him. He's from Busan, working in Seoul. Then I remember she has a cousin. She is very close to her. I forgot her name, though.... maybe, I will remember if I can browse through her friend's list. Other than these people, we don't have any other common friends at all."

"How did you become friends then, tae?"

I have updated after ages. Nevermind I'll update more often while the other story would be at pause for a while.

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