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"how did you become friends then, tae?"



"This is not the time to narrate the story, kook. Just search on social media if you can find hanbin or hack her account."

"There could be hundreds of Hanbins, any last name of that sort?"
"No. I don't know. I hadn't had the need to know. Strangely I don't anything about yeonha now."

"Her one number is defunct. Either she has changed her number or maybe she returned to Korea? She was where again?"

"I have no idea, the author probably forgot about it too."
(Fuck yes, i did.
Please tell me if you know where yeonha was currently living)

"But what you said has a possibility. We cannot overlook that." I stood up and started pacing around the room restlessly.

"Do you know anyone who worked where she was employed before leaving Korea?"
"I do know.

"So what's stopping you."
"Is almost 1:00 AM now. no one would be awake, besides what will I tell them? how will they have access to any system at this odd hour?"

"Check with them! preferably only your trusted friends. check if they know this girl, or any of a teammates, or boss or anyone in her close circle. see if you could find her."

All the suggestions weren't making any sense to me. I called up to one of my friends, who was shit drunk. I knew I couldn't get any sensible information from him and cut the call. I then decided to send a mail to yeonha's official mail ID and to my horror, the mail bounce back stating the email ID was no longer valid.

"Damn Jungkook, she isn't with the old company as well. She would be in some other company now. My guess is she should be back to deagu now. what do you think?"

"I think your brain is functioning well now, Tae." He uttered and looked at me.
"But there is still a possibility that she could be working in Sweden in some other company." I let out a dry smile.

I couldn't trust the loser and be content with locating yeonha and hope that he would let go off my wife. I was looking for a plan where I should find yeonha, locate her in person and then be able to come back to Seoul to my wife within the stipulated 11 hours.

I had a gut feeling that y/n was still somewhere around in Seoul, and there was only a 4 hours gap between the kidnapping and the loser's call. As much as I was trying to locate yeonha, I had to locate the loser and thereby y/n as well.

It was 1AM by then. I still had 10 hours in my hand to find yeonha. I discussed on all possibilities ahead of us with jungkook.

"If she is in Sweden, and I have to travel there, my wife would be dead by the time I bought the next available flight! If yeonha is in daegu, going there would take some hours. If she's in Busan, it'd take time. I am not sure if we would find her in any of these places though. Even if we did, I am not sure if we could turn on time as that is the priority for me. We never know what the loser would and could do."

"Makes sense bro." He said.
"Contacts, kook. I need contacts of those who could help me in locating her swiftly." I said as my mind whirled with innumerable conflicting thoughts on what should be the next step for searching yeonha, when I got a message from the loser.

"Yeonha is not in Sweden. And you won't be able to locate me."

I jumped from my chair. "Kook, look at this message. It looks like the loser knows where she is. He says yeonha's not in Sweden but how does he know she is not there?"

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