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October 29th, 2016.

I reached and knocked on his door. He opened after a few seconds. I barged on and explained my situation to him without allowing him to talk too much. He was talking rules again then. I was so done with him, I waved 50$ at his face and within seconds, I got access to all videos.

The security guard asked me to swear on my long dead grandma, that I'd never tell a soul about this incident. I obliged and started viewing all vidoes.
In one particular video, I saw y/n and the unknown guy beside her.

I asked the admin to zoom on him. He was dark, had short hair and wore specs. It was a familiar face. I've seen him somewhere before but couldn't remember where. I took a snap of him in my mobile. They both maintained a considerable distance and y/n's face was pale. She definitely wasn't comfortable with him.

Was she kidnapped?
If yes, then what for and why?

The thought of her missing was hard enough to expect, she being kidnapped was nearly improbable to digest. Who was that guy so familiar, yet unfamiliar.
I had several doubts in my mind.

I thanked the admin and came out. I stood in the middle of the café not knowing what to do next, what fate had in store for me. I wanted to call and inform my parents but decided against it as it was late into the night. Jungkook would be awake but then but I was skeptical if I could call him, not knowing what I am up to. I wanted to drink some water and went near the water filter when I heard a beep sound from my mobile. I looked at it. It was a message from an unknown number.

'Find yeonha' were the only words written. "Crap", I uttered and drank some water. I looked at the message again.

I would have ignored it as a random wrong number on any other night, but that night it was different. it was a day of disappointments and surprises. I couldn't dismiss my thoughts to know who it was. I finished the last sip of water and decided to make a call to that number.

"Hello." I uttered and waited in anticipation.


5th August, 2014.

"Hello mom, wait. What happened?" I couldn't understand the reason why my mother sounded so tensed.

"Just catch the next cab or bus, get back home soon."
"But why?" I asked further.
"Because your father had an accident and is in hospital." My mom was breathless as she told me the news.

I stood near the bus stop shocked. The happy shopping had turned into a dad's survival experience within a few minutes.

Y/n's mom insisted to come with me but since she seemed ill, I couldn't allow her that. So I told y/n to take care of her mom and I'd be at the hospital.

I caught a bus and reached the hospital, running through the crowds, I finally reached mom, she was sobbing silently.

"Mom, it's fine. Don't worry." I tried consoling her.
"He'd be fine, right?" She asked.
"Ofc mom, dad's a fighter and that too a strong one." I remarked.

The doctor came out looking positive and it relieved me a lot.
"Doctor how's dad?" I asked.
"Don't worry he's out of danger. They just made it in time. No severe injuries. Just give him the medicines regularly and he'd recover soon."

Mom hugged me tightly and started crying. We were told to wait for a hour and then could go and meet him.
Meanwhile I got a text from y/n.

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