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Within few months we both were ready to join our respective IT companies. Her date was a few months after mine. She was asked to join KBS at Busan where her dad also worked and she was excited for that.

Yeonha: i can hardly wait to join


Me: awesome dear, happy for u

Who is accompanying you tho? Mom? dad?

Yeonha: tae dumb head

Dad's in Busan! You forgot?

Me: oh yeah. So who? Would you want me to come?

Yeonha: well can u?

Me: i wish but I can't. I'm sorry dear

Yeonha: Go away then

I knew I couldn't trust u so therefore my boyfriend would accompany me

Me: boyfriend? Great then.

My best wishes. Safe journey

Yeonha: aye aye don't get jealous I was kidding. It's grandpa

Her grandpa again.

Her day of journey to Busan arrived. I wished her luck. That day we slept off with a lot of dreams thinking of the exciting life ahead.

It was around 4 in the morning when I heard my phone ringing. I was too sleepy to pick up the call. Looking at the id, it was Yeonha. I wondered why she's calling now. I thought of sleeping right now.

The phone rang again and I was frustrated. I picked up the phone ready to tell her something when I heard her crying at the other end.

"Yeonha calm down. What happened, tell me?" What she told me left me shook. I wouldn't even want such a thing for my enemy.

"Grandpa passed away." She mumbled.
"What?" I gasped. It was her first job, she was so happy but even before she could step into it, she had to face such a turmoil. At times reality is more cruel than fiction.

"How? When?"
"I don't know. I-I I tried waking him up but-he- he didn't move. He died. I don't know. I'm not sure. I don't know what am I going to do." Saying, she burst out crying.

I didn't have words to console her. Indeed it was a great loss and that too when she was so close with her grandfather.

"Do you have anyone there? Should I come?"
"No. I can't trouble you. Even tho you'd say that it's okay but I know. You've a life of your own Taehyung. My parents would be here in 3 hours. I'd be fine."
"I know it's difficult but please take care. You've my back always."

I so badly wanted to be by her side to give her my shoulders. it was indeed a long day for me. I was dejected, her whimpers and her thoughts kept filling my mind. Her grandfather died. Her dad arrived and took care of her. I couldn't sleep and neither could she. both for very different reasons.


Yeonha had postponed her joining by a month and joined after she was better. She slowly moved on and enjoyed her life where she was independent and earning a living with respect. She managed to make new friends easily and soon I found her account on tinder and yes that increased my jealousy. However, I liked the new matured version of hers, ever more than her naive self.

Our talks reached its pinnacle. From early morning to late nights. I was happy in making progress. We decided to meet up over a cup of coffee and some shopping. I was waiting for her and she arrived after ten minutes, clad in a white shirt and extremely short shorts. Just when I was about to adjust my vision so that I don't look like a creep,

I sneezed.

Yes you read that right.

Now you know what happens next,

I'm embarrassed as fuck

But the reaction I got wasn't expected at all. She was running around asking people for help, to give me water and some air. Never before I saw a woman Caring for me at this level. Her worry was pretty evident, her eyes were full of care and her actions affected and all this for just a sneeze, which was so loud

After all this, she asked if I was alright and I nodded. We proceeded to have coffee and then shopping.

"How's this?" I asked her and she looked at me giving me attention. I liked it."IT'S PERFECT TAE, you're looking like a hot damn greek god. Woah you're so good looking."

I was red. My face seemed to tan with red, she was complimenting my outfit and my face and I was blushing so badly. Like bro I never knew she thought I was handosme.

I had just brought one outfit with me for the sake of her. She kept Whining about how I should get something too and stuff so I just picked up a random shirt and got complimented?


I wasn't planning to try more but oh boy, I would surely try now.

"Umm I don't like this one much. I gotta get some and you help me the choose the best? The one that looks best on me."

"Tae everything looks good on you. You never look ugly. Aww you're so good looking. Oh gosh." She was fanning her face.

I laughed nervously before running to pick some more. She complimented me for each outfit I showed her and I thought I might pass out after such a good day. I couldn't believe all this.

I let her select my outfit which I don't know where I would even wear but I made sure to keep it safe and sound because that's so precious to me.
My crush got it for me and told me I look hot- that's actually so much
She herself got a floral print peache dress reaching her knees and it was actually pretty.

She looks pretty in everything. We took our leave and I reached home, plopping myself down on the couch, staring at the ceiling and remembering the beautiful moments I had with her.

I was immersed in her thoughts. Her care filled eyes promised life eternal. If only I marry her.

I want to Marry her and have kids with her. But Jisoo from Blackpink said that if everything goes to according to our wish, it definitely is a dream. I was sure I wasn't sleeping but I was tired so decided to have a power nap.

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