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Marraige day with y/n ;)

Please read the a/n at the end

I was getting married to y/n.

Her parents choose the venue for our wedding and she was happy. I, after great difficulty choose my tuxedo but wasn't satisfied. I mean who is.

Y/n was way too pretty and good and humble and caring and- okay.
She was an angel in human form. My mom selected her wedding gown which looked so beautiful and elegant on her, I was sure she'd slay it today.

Jimin coughed and interrupted me, I glared at him to find him looking oh so innocent in front of me and I knew what was coming next.

"So how many-"
"I didn't watch porn at all yesterday. Heck I haven't been watching it for a month now. So stop with your shitty questions, soulmate."

"The fuck bro, I never said anything about porn-"
"I know you would, after all you're one horny bitch."
"Okay look, first of all stop cutting me off in between. I hate it and secondly, how are you gonna perform today without having rehearsals?"

"Bro are you nuts? You want me to have rehearsals? What for? I've already done that so many times with her-"


I looked at Jimin and saw the biggest grin on his face and my face turned pale out of horror when I saw him fish out his phone from his back pocket. He fuckin' recorded it. I hate this world now. I'm sure this would be circulated all among hyungs and then wow. I don't even want to think-.

"Taetae, I don't remember you telling me anything about having sex with her. Perhaps, do you remember?"
"Fuck off Jimin, I never told you in the first place."

"Yes and from what I remember, we had confronted you about this last week in the club when you showed up all flustered and messy and what not and you so politely declined and lied on our faces. I had to make sure to get a proof. You said you haven't had it yet, which of course was unbelievable but yet to be on the safer side, I've it all with myself and if you forgot about that bet."
He stopped and smiled devilishly.

The door opened and jungkook barged in inside. Oh how I felt like the most unlucky man on the earth, contrary to what I was feeling was to be the luckiest before having this conversation with Jimin. I looked at jungkook and saw him grinning too.

Don't tell me. I looked at Jimin and saw him already looking at me with that stupid grin on his face. This fucker did not send this to jungkook- I swear. I banged my head on the table. I wasn't embarrassed but I knew these bitches would bring this topic up today at the ceremony and that was the last thing I wanted to happen today. Fuck my life. I just wanted the floor to divide and swallow me so that I can never be out to face this situation.

But I guess I'm not god's favourite. I sighed and wanted to cry.

"If you do something for us, we might spare it for today."

They had a victorious smile and I wanted to kill them but couldn't. I would have my revenge the same way bitches. Just wait.


Y/n was there in front of me looking as heavenly as Ever. I was basically drooling over her with my jaw open.

She walked up the aisle with her father not looking at me until she took my hands. And when she did, oh god the time stopped for me.

We exchanged the words and I was clutching so tightly on her hand, afraid to let her go. She was so precious to me even than my life. I promised to keep her safe and happy all my life.

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