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"And you tell me this so soon?" He grinned.


"Kook. Yeonha is in the past. I vaguely remember anything about her. Expecting me to remember about other people in her life is too much, to say the least." I remarked.

Jungkook warned me by glaring at me and signalled towards the paper.

"And you're asked to find this girl. The blast from the past?" He wrote.

"That's the silliest thing of all. The loser, he should be from one of those asylums." I passed on the sheet of paper to him, he read it and glanced at me and then we both burst out laughing.

"How do I locate her kook? I have no idea where she is right now. She might be living 5 minutes away from me or maybe in a different country altogether? What if she's living in the US? How would I get to her before 10 hours?" I panicked.

"I have a plan." Jungkook wrote back.

"Care to explain it then."

"Currently mobile information service, which includes, portals, maps, SNS, online yellow pages and many others provide relevant information as per the request of the user." He wrote.

"So how is this going to help us?" I asked while scribbling the notebook.

"Owing to these benefits, this website is offering to us, the LBS might take us to Yeonha, since it's achieving global acceptance. We can trace Yeonha's whereabouts if we follow this web page, but sadly this requires some detailed information which I'm afraid you don't have."

"Like what? What information? I vaguely remember about her family. Only close friends."

"For someone in the past you sure remember the incidents that happened with her, bitch." He grinned.

"Shut up." I glared at him.

Text message from loser:

10 hours remaining.

It was a reminder message from the loser. Seemed like he couldn't read my mind now that I was using pen and paper which was one thing I could say, I had an advantage in.

"So listen, now that we've successfully wasted an hour, let's get back to work."

"Yes continue." I asked jungkook.

"This says that via LBS, some tech- companies have created user friendly aspects, wherein they've developed their application such as opt-in, do not track and contrability of GPS."

"Kook, how is this going to help us? We don't even have her phone number or anything that can be used to track her IP adress?"

"That's what I'm saying! Taehyung. You don't have any of the information required to locate her!"

"What should we do now? Am I going to lose y/n forever?" I wrote with bloodshot eyes.

"No. Tae, you remember you said about her cousin or some relative? What was her name again?" He asked.

"Sora. Han Sora."

"Okay, now she's our last hope. I need you to go through your social media, also check your mails and make sure we get some sorta lead on this Sora. Now only she can help us."

"How's Sora going to help us? She might not know about where Yeonha currently is."

"She's not helping us with locating Yeonha."

"Then what's the purpose?" I wrote with confusion.

"You'll know soon. She will provide us with a way to move forward. I'm not stupid, tae, just trust me and observe everything. Sora is going to be of a great help." He wrote back.

"Back in college days, Yeonha might have sent me Sora's resume. She said she needed her to get a job. YES! KOOK I THINK IT SHOULD BE THERE."

"Bring that to me asap."

I logged into my e-mail account and searched for mails from Yeonha. After scrolling for a while, I finally found Sora's resume. It had her phone number on it.

I just prayed she used that number and didn't change it otherwise I will be doomed and all the hardwork will go in vain. There's literally so less time, I have to bring back y/n.

"That's Sora's number. I'm calling her." I wrote to jungkook.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? IT'S 1:00 AM." He wrote back.

"So what am I supposed to do? Wait until she wakes up? Y/n will be dead." I shot back, fuming with rage.

"Just-just text her. Tae..I will try using that number in the LBS, we'll find something."

"Do you listen to yourself? Are you aware of what crap you're feeding me?" I yelled. Jungkook kept his silence, signalling me to use the paper and not let my emotions get the worst of me.

"Listen jungkook, do whatever you have to but let me have a talk with her, first. I have a very strong feeling that she could give me a lead."

"Alright. Pass on the number to me and then call her. I'll log in to this webpage and try finding relevant details of Yeonha's family." He passed the paper to me.

It was a hell lot difficult to use paper and pen rather than having a conversation. Getting used to writing to paper instead of talking? The loser will end up making me insane. I wondered how the ensuing 10 odd hours were going to be.

Damn you loser.

I cursed him and wished he got covid and died. I knew it was well into the night and looked at Sora's number once again. Should I do it? Or should I not? I knew it was unethical, but I didn't have a choice. It was life and death and I was dealing with a psychopath bitch.

I dialled her number. The phone rang perennially, but there was no response. I was beyond disappointed when the call went to voicemail. Not losing hope, I dialed her again. No response. Again.

I desperately looked at jungkook with tears welled up in my eyes. He had a look of comfort in his eyes and signalled me to try once more.

I sighed and dialed her again for one last time, and after several rings, someone picked the call at the other end.

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