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1 text message from the LOSER.

"Do not change your phone or SIM."


All my happiness vanished instantly.

My heart sunk in disappointment.

How in the world did he know what I was talking?
If he knew it all, why was he broadcasting it? what was his point?

I looked at Jungkook doubtfully.

"What happened bro?" He asked me reading my expression.

I showed him the message and he too looked flabbergasted. 

"How did he find out what we were talking?" he quizzed startled.

"How would I know? maybe, you would?" I looked that him with piercing eyes.

"Don't you trust me, Taehyung?are you crazy?" Jungkook was visibly disgusted at that thought.

"I can't even trust my own shadow now, kook!"

"I understand but believe me. I don't work for him." He assured.

"Not sure if it I can trust anyone now, kook. But if I have to go by what you say, I think he is not just tracing my calls, he is somehow tracking my conversations as well. For all you know, he may have been hearing this very sentence of mine too!"


Jungkook's pov.

Who the fuck is this loser? Honestly what does he think he is?

Being tech savyy is a complete different thing, he's being like a paranormal creature!

How in the world is he able to know all that we're talking about. Perhaps I haven't heard of this feature. You can't do this.

Coming to think about it, he may have known what Tae was doing when he was at his home. There are cameras, hidden microphones and so many other gadgets that could've helped him know, but here? At my place?


Am I betraying him in any way?

Well he for sure feels that way now!

"Kook are you even listening to what I am saying?"

"Take off your clothes."

"What?" He asked.

"Take off your clothes." I repeated.

"Wh-why would I do th-that?"

"Because I asked you to. Now, do it, asap. Take off all your clothes."

"I'm not doing that, pervert!" He exclaimed.

"Oh shut the fuck up and just do as I say!"

"Nooo you're trying to take advantage of my misery when we don't have time. My wife's life is at stake. I'm not doing this now, maybe some other time."

"What the fuck you mean 'maybe some other time?'. THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS." I yelled at him.

"Then what is it?" He asked.

"I've to check something."

"Check what?"

"Taehyung! Sometimes apply your pea sized brain too. How else do you think you're being tracked? Like, your mind is. There has to be something off. It's not possible to know exactly what we're conversing about. Either your phone is bugged or you have something in your body. But the thing is I'm not very sure if that's the case so please do as I say without wasting time."

"Okay. You're right." He nodded and took off his shirt.

I checked him out properly. His stomach. His abs. His shoulders. His wasit.


To make sure there's not something off.


Exactly for that.


If that's what you think, suit yourself.

Fuck you, author.

Gladly( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°).


"There's nothing I can see."

"You are underestimating him, Jungkook. You think he's not planned this through? Even if there's something, we can't figure it out by ourselves. Although I'm very sure that it's very obvious. Usually the things you're searching for, is always right in front of your eyes the whole damn time."

Taehyung's pov

I signaled to him for a paper and pen. We decided to have all further conversations over pen and paper. I had seen this type of tracking in a recent popular movie where the hero will be bugged and his every move will be tracked by the villain.

Meanwhile the other cell phone was getting charged, the testimonials were downloaded completely.  I didn't know most of the people who had written the testimonials. As I skimmed through the names one last time, I came across a familiar name, Han So Ra.

"Jungkook! I know Sora. She's younha's cousin. They were quite close." I said.

"Alright then, we should work on finding her on social media." Jungkook said and searched her name on various platforms. A few moments later, he sighed in disappointment, "Bad news, tae, I'm unable to find her."

"Search everywhere. Try Google? Search for any combinations, kook. She's the last straw we have right now."
I insisted.

"I already did that! I did. I looked at all the options and possible combinations. but none of the results matched what we are looking for." He sighed again.

"Damnit. Why should online searching be so tough? How am I going to.." I trailed off.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeonha. She once sent me Sora's resume. She wanted to apply for a job application in Yoongi's dad's company. Yes, I guess her details will be there in the resume."

"And you tell me this so soon?" He grinned.


Short chapter.


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