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So here we are now, at the entrance of the park reading the first clue.
"Where we all met the first time" Geonu read out loud.
"That's a really specific clue. I could've done better tsk"
"Stop being like that Heeseung oppa. Seon oppa said that you declined the offer to help"
"Stop rubbing that on my face shorty Jjyu"

"Where we all met the first time?" My brother repeated.
"Oh! The cafe! When Sungyeon went there in pajamas!"
"That's really what you remember most of that day? Hahaha"


We arrived at that cafe and immediately found the next clue on the table where we ate that day.
"Aw This bubble tea plushie is the clue? This is so cute!"
"Yeah but what does that even mean?"
"Look, it has a note on it"

"It says 'buy me boba pls - Seon'"
"Really creative Seon oppa"
"I guess we have to get boba now hahaha"
"But where will we find the next clue?"
"Oh! Maybe I know where! Let's go!"

We arrived at the mall and went inside with me dragging Heeseung cuz he was being lazy while the 2 boys followed us.
"The boba shop where Nicho used to work?"
"I mean, we all used to hangout here before school started"

"Hey!" he said waving to his ex co-worker.
"Yow Nicho! I got something for you, a dude named Hanbin payed for it alrio I just just eady. Just wait a bit"
"Ok" After some minutes he came back with a tray with 5 cups of bubble tea and the clue.


After few stops here and there in the city, we arrived to where we would get the last clue. We were at an arcade, searching around for the clue.
"Found it!"
"Oh- we have to separate"
"Jiwoo and Nicho will go together while Ace and I will go together"
"Ok then"
"We'll go to the super market and you 2 love birds will work on the other location"
"Yah! Why did you take the easiest one!"
"We're the oldest. We decide"
"Don't worry, I got this" he said winking at me.

"Are you sure this is the way?"
"Why? Don't you trust me?"
"No, I do! But where are we even going?"
"You'll see, cmon you're so slow" He then took my hand and started running.
"Ah I can't run! I'm already tired. Can't we teleport instead?"
"We're in public cutie, we can't. But ok, let's not run"


After a 20 minutes walk, we arrived to our mysterious destination: N Seoul Tower.
"How can we be sure this is the place?"
"Because of this..." He took a dark purple locket with also an envelope out of his pocket "Read it while I'm gone. I have to do something really quickly"
"Oh ok" I opened the letter.


Hey Jjyu cutie
It's Nicho here hahaha
I've asked to court you over 2 months ago and I hope you enjoyed each little date we had.
Haven't you notice all the place we've been today? And the clues?
Yes, it was actually all planned by me with the help of everyone hehehe
I think it's time for us to take it the next step, what do you think?
Once you finish this letter go to the Love Locks inside the tower :)
Your fave boy,
Nicho♡ 」


Aw that's why he gave me the locket and what a dummy, how can he be sure to be my fave boy?

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