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‼️⚠️TW!! - this chapter is pretty crucial for the story but it contains some parts mentioning
sh and su!c!d3⚠️‼️


The four teens reached the dorm and sat on the couch to take in what just happened.
"Do you guys have tea? I could make you some to relax" Euijoo asked.
"Ah yeah, Taeyong should have left some in the drawer"
"Ok thanks Sungyeon. It'll be ready in 5 mins. Do you want anything in particular in yours?"
"Wait oppa, I'll just help you"

When the two left the other boy faced the poor girl.
"Ji? Uhm... Are you alright? Did Dawon hurt you badly anywhere?"
"Don't worry Won, she didn't. My head hurts a bit but it'll pass with the tea"
"Oh ok"
"It's all my fault..."
"Dawon is right though!"
"No she's not..."
"Jungwon, if Nicholas didn't block that dart directed to me, he'd still be here!"
"Jiwoo, it was their uncle's plan. He did it because he knew Nicho hyung would have done that. You have done no wrong in this"

"I did something wrong, Jungwon! I should've not hid behind him that night! I should've went to fight!"
"Lee Jiwoo stop blaming yourself!"
"I can't!... I can't ok?! Even though it was all part of his uncle's plan, I should have done something!"
"Hey what's all this shout- Jiwoo?!" Her best friend went there and hugged her to make her stop shouting.
"I'm gonna go to Geonu hyung"
"Yes please" the younger male added as the older one teleported away.


Few months have passed since that episode. Almost everyone went back to their own lives: Jay and Daeyang's relationship was stronger than ever, Heeseung and Soomin finally started going out, Jake finally woke up and was on rehabilitation and everyone was doing pretty ok with their lives, everyone except our protagonist.

She still struggled with the harsh words thrown at her by Dawon and her bratty minions but she tried to cope with it alone, not telling anyone or showing this side of her to her friends. Not until an 'accident' happened... She was so tired, tired of all the things Dawon did to her, tired of pretending to be fine, tired of life...

So she finally decided to come to an end. Few months ago she bought a silver knife online, she has been using it only to cut herself since only silver could make her feel the pain (it stings and burns less than a pointy piece of wood) but she finally decided to end it. She felt sorry for her brother and friends but she couldn't bear going on.


Today she decided to skip school and stayed at the dorm, her dorm mates just thought she had slept in since it happened pretty often. She was on the couch staring at the shiny and pointy tool in her hand, its holder made of white material, then her gaze shifted to the letters she has prepared for her friends.
"I'm so sorry, but I'm tired. I can't do it anymore" she then looked at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry Yixiang... But at least we will meet soon this way. Right, my love?" she said smiling bitterly and looking at the knife once again "Ok let's do this. Goodbye guys..."
In that moment a hand stopped her, it was too late but at the same time right on time, because the knife was only few inches into her abdomen, skin slightly burning because of the lethal blade.
"J-jungwon..." she could blurt out before closing her eyes.

Without thinking twice Jungwon teleported to the hospital carrying the girl in his arms.
"OH MY! JUNGWON WHAT HAPPENED?!" The doctor shouted in shock as some nurses rushed a bed and placed the girl on it.
"S-she tried to kill herself! I-I-"
"It's all ok Jungwon. We will save her. Calm down. Call her brother now"

Then his friend's father ran to the OR leaving the boy panicking as he did what the doctor told him.
"WHAT?! WAIT I'LL BE THERE!" And in not even a second the older boy appeared in front of the younger.
"JUNGWON! YOU'RE HAND TOO!" Geonu exclaimed seeing the cut on the younger's hand.

The older called a nurse who took Jungwon to the ER and made him sit as another nurse took care of the cut. Geonu was waiting outside the emergency room hoping that his sister is fine while the others, one by one, started arriving at the hospital worried from what Geonu told them before teleporting.
"Hyung! Hyung!"
"Is Jiwoo ok?!"
"What happened?"
"Will noona be ok?"

Many questions were thrown at the oldest Lee.
"I- I don't know what happened and I don't know if she's ok!" He shouted stressed before continuing talking.
"All I know is that Jungwon called me when they were already at the hospital saying that she attempted suicide..."
All the teens present started looking either sorry or scared for the girl's state.

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