🖤Sero x Shinsou💜

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Little: Sero                 Date story was written:
Caregiver: Shinsou                   April 29, 2021
(Currently eating Chinese food so let's go)
Request from @mooncosplaywitch , thank you SOOO much for the idea and I am in love with this ship tbh🥰

POV no one
It was the middle of training... "Injured civilian over here! Broken arm and possible concussion!" Sero was swing from building to building with his tape to check out the destructive city scene. He was alerting everyone where the people, fires, and 'villains' were. He stopped at the top of one building after seeing a figure standing there. He snuck behind them and tapped them up. Thankfully it was in fact a 'villain' and not one of the heroes in training. After they were caught, he brought them to the front of the trading grounds. Once he was taken care of, Sero went back to his previous job checking around. He helped Uraraka in part of her rescue mission then went to take a break in the streets. He had been non-stop moving since the start, so he decided to take a closer look at things while he was standing still. He saw someone in trouble by the river, that he hadn't before, and started swinging over to them. In the middle of a jump someone had called his name. He looked around but didn't see anyone, he snapped back to reality and realized he was still falling. He tried to quickly shoot his tape at the top of a building but it missed and caught the side instead. Before he could process what has happened he swung right into the side of the building with a groan. The wind having been knocked out of him, he slowly released tape to lower himself to the ground. Todoroki slid next to him once Sero was fully laying on the ground. "Cellophane! Cellophane! Can you hear me? Are you alright?" Sero fluttered his eyes open "I'm fine" he stood up as fast as he could and shot his tape up to the top of the previous building. "Wait, are you sure? Maybe you should get checked? We have more than enough people helping right now and you should seriously get that looked at." Sero huffed opening his mask to look at him in the eyes "I haven't done enough." He shut his mask and flew up the building with protests from Todoroki. He got to the person and carried them to safety with little to no pain. He went to go check if anyone needed help but suddenly the world started growing darker until.... it was black.

POV Todoroki
The horns went off signaling the end of the training. Everyone was excited, clapping and patting each other on the back. I looked around but locked eyes with Shinsou, he seemed to be looking around too. He walked over "Where's Sero?" I looked around for another moment with him until our eyes met again. We started running back to the training ground. We were yelling and calling out but there was no answer. We looked around until I saw him down by one of the destroyed buildings that I was helping at. He hadn't quite made it in sight of where l had been working at the time though. "Shinsou, over here!" I tried to wake up Sero as Shinsou made his way over. "Is he alright?!?" "He's not conscious but he's breathing fine" Shinsou picked him up and I took us back to the front. Mina came up "We were looking for you guys! Everything ok?" She looked down at Sero and moved aside as if reading our minds. "Yeah we just need to get to Recovery Girl."

POV Shinsou
I was scared out of my mind as I sat outside Recovery Girls office. The door finally opened "Oh hun, he's all better. He needs to take it easy for a few days but he should be fully healed in no time! He'll wake up in a few hours" I thanked her and went to get him from inside. I brought him back to his dorm room and see him on the bed covering him up. ".... good you scared me.... what the hell were you thinking? You know Todoroki told me what happened when I was waiting, why did you keep going? You were only running on adrenaline..." I scooted him over in bed and got under the covers with him.

POV Sero
I don't know how but I woke up in my bed next to Shinsou. As my eyes adjusted I tried to sit up. "Agh-" I only fell back down grooming my stomach. Shinsou sat up quickly and leaned over me, I could tell he was worried sick just by the look in his eyes. "Hey hey, shhh stay down ok? You're ok, you have to rest your body. Took a pretty hard hit from the building." That's when I remembered.... oh yeah I smashed into a building. I couldn't keep it together, my sides hurt so much and I normally slipped when I was hurting or stressed. So I did, tears already threatening to spill. He leaned down closer and wiped them away "Oh baby no, don't cry please. You're my strong baby boy! You did sooo well today! You helped so many people, you are such a sweet boy." I started crying harder from the pain and the praise I was getting. He laid back down and pulled me close to him, being careful where he put his hands. He held me as close as he could without hurting me and I cling to him. "How about I go get you some stuff ok?" I held his arm tight "No! Please don go Dada please!" He pet my head and back whispering in my ear "ok ok, I won't go if you really don't want me to.... but don't you want bo-bo?" I lifted my head slowly, bo-bo was my stuffed doggie and I really needed him right now. I wiped my tears to look him in the eyes "You be fast?" He chuckled "Wont even notice I'm gone" I put my pinky out "promise?" He interlocked his pinky "Promise."

     After just a few minutes, I started to get fidgety. I let out a whine for no one but myself and started to pout. I huffed and was about to throw my pillow when the door opened. "Well, well, well" I shoot my eyes over to the door "What were you planning on doing with that pillow mister?" I slowly brought it back to my chest "jus givin a hug" Shinsou glared at me "mhmm" He closed the door coming next to the bed with a backpack on his back. He pulled out my yellow pacifier that said precious to clip onto my shirt, and bo-bo. I quickly took bo-bo in my arms and squeezed him. "Ok how old are you little man?" I looked at my fingers trying to figure out the right amount "I tink I'm tree!" He gasped "Wow, three years old?!?! What a big boy. Now I didn't have time to get your sippy cup so do you think my big boy can handle a juice box?" I nodded and held my hands out. "Now before you drink this I have to say two things. One don't squeeze the juice box or it'll go everywhere, and two you have to take some medicine to help you get better." I groaned at the idea of medicine and hung my head low. "I tried to get you the little boy kind but these ones have to be taken as pills like a big boy. I know it's gonna be hard but do you think you can do that for me?" I slowly looked back up at him and sighed "....I guess...." He handed me the medicine while he opened the juice box. I closely examined the medicine with a disgusted and angry face. Once I got the juice box, I took the medicine faster than ever and drank a lot more juice to get the feeling out of my throat. "You have did a such a good job baby! I'm so proud of you, thank you for taking it so well little one." I blushed at all the praise while still trying to keep my angry face on, which did not work. He climbs up next to me and pulls me into his lap. We turn on the T.V and watch cartoons while I finished up my juice. "Oh I also though you might be hungry but again I had to be quick so I could only get some grapes, is that ok?" I gasp and nod, I love grapes! He pulls them out the bag and opens the container to put in my lap. I lay my head back on his chest and he pets my head. I offer him a grape but he declines.....so I shove it in his mouth anyways. He chuckled at the action and I go back and forth feeding myself, and then him a grape. I may have got hurt but with him, I didn't even notice.

Word count: 1536

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