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    The next day, 2 people Y/N didn't know showed up at the house. They were currently sitting on the living room couch when the boys entered. One was reallyyy above the average height while the other was just at it.

    The taller had half white half black hair and was 6'6, which intimidated Y/N on how tall the 12-year-old was. He wore a light blue sweater with black jeans. On the sweater there were little pins. Some had flowers while others had characters from games. 

    The shorter wore a green short sleeve button up with blue jeans. He had one of those kid leash backpacks which Y/N couldn't tell if it was for the irony or not. He was a brunette, his hair was fluffy. 

    "Oh! hello, is Tommy in his room?" the taller greeted Y/N. the shorter instead tried running up to Y/N but was pulled back from the taller pulling the leash, "dont mind him, he gets excited when there's new people in this house."

   "I'm not a dog you bitch, it's just there's a new Watson and I want to get to know them!" The shorter shouted to half and half.

    "you act like a dog. And I'm sure we'll be able to meet and introduce ourselves," Half and half said, letting go of the other's leash. 

    "They're still right in front of us, stupid."

    "right. Uh I'm Ranboo and that's tubbo, nice to meet you." Ranboo greeted, the sound of footsteps was heard on the stair case and as Y/N had done many times before, they pretended to be doing something productive so the wouldn't get in trouble. Ranboo curiously glanced at them in a "what are you doing?' look but didn't question it. Tommy entered their sight of view and Y/N stopped pretending to read. 

    "Tommyyyy" Tubbo said, "Your sibling wont speak to us."

    "Tubbo!" Ranboo scolded, hitting Tubbo's head. 

    "What? its true!"

    "I'm sorry," Y/s quietly said, "I'll be sure to speak to you guys next time." Y/N got up to go to their room but Tommy stopped them.

    "Why dont you hang out with us? I mean I'm sure you could use the friends and company if I'm honest," Tommy suggested.

    "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on you guys," Y/N replied, scratching their arm nervously as they feared they'd impose and be a burden.

     "If I wasn't sure I wouldn't ask, c'mon," Tommy said with a light scoff but  a small, teeny tiny smile appeared on his face. Y/N could just barely notice it but became overjoyed when they did, "Well are we gonna go or are we just going stand in the middle of the living room?"

       "Yeahhhh let's go!" Tubbo said with a cheer, raising his fist above his head and running off upstairs to Tommy's room.

    "Tubbo calm down!" Ranboo said as he raced to catch up with the brunette.

    "Hey! Don't be running and shouting in my house you, bitches!" Tommy shouted as he ran after them. This alone made Y/N smile at their obvious chemistry with eachother. Y/N followed the boys soon after at a more slow, but still rushed, pace. 

    "Y/N is a slowpoke confirmed?" Tommy teased as Y/N was the last inside his room.

    "Don't bully them," Ranboo said, slinging an arm around Y/N,"haven't you heard to respect your elders." Tubbo laughed and Tommy joined in. 

    "If I'm an elder Wilbur and Techno must ancient," Y/N nervously joked back, trying to warm up to the 'intimidating' group of 12 year olds.

    "That is so true, they are definitely from Mesopotamia,"Ranboo said.

    "Nerd, you actually listen to social studies lessons?" Tubbo teased.

    "Just cause you dont find enjoyment in ancient things that doesnt mean the rest of us dont," Ranboo easily and smoothly replied, proud of himself for coming up with it.

    "Just because you're so lonely and desperate for any sort of validation from academic rewards you pay attention in class doesn't mean the rest of us have to be absolute nerds to society," Tubbo quickly retorted, "sorry."

    "All i said was you didn't find enjoyment in school, goddamn," Ranboo said. It was clear he wasn't actually hurt, he laughed and lightly punched Tubbo to which Tubbo pretended he had hit him very hard. Y/N sat with a confused expression on their face, their eyes fixed on Tubbo and Ranboo and how casually they just said that and how it all played out.

    Tommy slinged an arm over them, "It's a long story, one that ended Ranboo living here for a month."

    "Are you a real homie if you haven't stayed in Tommy's house?" Tubbo spoke.

    "You lived here too?" 

    "2 months, yeah."

    "If you don't mind me asking, why?"

    "Family drama," Tubbo simply shrugged and didn't continue the conversation. The group of four decided to play a quick little game of Uno, cause Tommy said he wanted to "prove his superiority" over the rest of the group - despite being the youngest.

    "I've only played this game like once and I'm beating you," Y/N laughed in a teasing manner. Tommy lightly shoved them, but they landed on Ranboo before they could stabilize themself.

     "Ayo! Hands off my sibling you prick," Tommy shouted to the poor pre-teen who was just trying to push Y/n off of him. Tommy then pulled Y/N up himself, glaring at Ranboo while Tubbo used this moment as an opportunity to see everyone's cards.

    The game continued and no more glares were sent from anyone, in the end Tubbo ended up winning which surprised everyone. "You cheated, didn't you?" ranboo asked.

    "That's a secret ill take to my grave, or at my funeral with an uno card cake that answers your question," Tubbo replied, a cheeky playful smirk on his face.

    "Pals, we should make a cake," Tommy said.

    "pals?" Ranboo teased.

    "Shut up."

    "do any of us even know how to make a cake?" Tubbo asked, putting the uno cards back in the small red box.

    "I do," Y/N answered, "I can help you guys, but one of you have to ask the parents- Im  not."



not proofread

i hope you guys like this 

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