Part title

679 29 13

2:50 pm, 4/3/21, Wednesday

Y/N smiled brightly as they listened to Dream ramble on about the game plans for their rematch against the Robuxians. He talked with pride, occasionally puffing his Varsity jacket up whenever he wanted a boost to his ego. "Oh hey, Y/N, Dream!" A voice called from behind the two just as they were about to leave the school doors.
    Dream swung an arm around their shoulder and turned both of them around to greet the character, "Hey, Karl." Dream smiled, looking directly into the brunette's eyes. Y/N's eyes darted to the ground, unable to look at the site without feeling unbearable amounts of jealousy.
    "Hi," Karl said breathlessly, "Um- sorry. I was wondering if you two would like to come over. I need help unpacking- Sapnap and Quackity have stuff today so they couldn't help me."
    "Of course, we'll help," Dream replied in an instant. He removed his arm from Y/N and swung it around Karl, "Right, Y/N?"
    "Hm? Oh yeah," Y/N replied, "'s what friends are for, right?"
    Karl grabbed their hand in his and gave it a friendly squeeze, "Yeah! Thank you both." He smiled at the two and dragged them out of the school building and to the sidewalk.

The three fell into a conversation, Dream and Karl carrying it as Y/N was left to their thoughts - only occasionally pulled away from them when Karl would give their hand a soft squeeze. It was weirdly comforting, even though he was their crush's crush. Dream began to tell Karl the strategies and plays he and Illumina had thought of for the rematch. Karl listened with utmost interest and a constant smile on his face, Y/N had done the same as him only minutes prior - but Dream looked at him with soft-eyed and light smiles- he looked at them the same way constantly. 

    "Can we stop by my house for a second so I can ask Phil or Kristen if I can go over? And I'd like to put my school bag away. Only if you two don't mind, of course," Y/N asked, removing their hand from Karl's with a soft tug.
    "Yeah! We don't mind," Karl smiled, taking their hand back in his.
    'He's very touchy, I see,' Y/N thought, "Great, thank you."

Y/N brought the two inside, realizing Dream and Karl were now holding hands- a blush very evident on both their faces. Y/N tugged them to their room to set their bag down. Y/N and Karl entered while Dream stayed in the doorway, his hand reaching up and holding the door frame. He looked down slightly at Y/N and gave them a small smile that made their heart swoon and heart skip a beat. They thought they were being pathetic, swooning over some boy but they couldn't help themself to enjoy every minute of his effortless teasing.

Y/N quickly walked to place their school bag in their closet as Karl walked around the room, a small flash of amazement danced in his eyes. His dainty fingers wrapped lightly around the light-up oxeye daisy Y/n had bought yesterday. They stumbled a bit as they saw him touching their stuff, especially something like that. Even though they only had it for a day, the light-up daisy was special to them. They ended up tripping and dropping their bag, its contents spilling out as the zipper hadn't been fully zipped. The football Y/N bought yesterday was in it, rolling out onto the floor in Dream's direction. The 15-year-old thought nothing of it and instead rushed over to Y/N's side, pulling them up to their feet and checking to make sure they weren't too hurt.
    "Are you sure you're ok?" Clay asked, grabbing Y/N's hands into his and lightly brushing their knuckles with his thumb.
    "Yes, Clay," Y/N replied, Dream's face lit up like a firework, "You've asked me that so many times, all I did was trip."
    "Well sorry for caring about someone I love," Dream replied with an eye roll, snatching his hands out of theirs.
    "Yeah, yeah," Y/N replied before coughing to clear their throat and picking the football up, "This is for you. I bought it yesterday after you mentioned yours being too old and broken."
    Dream stared in awe as he carefully grabbed the football, almost as if he was afraid it'd break with a simple touch, "Thank you, so much, Y/N." He embraced them in a tight hug, it barely left room for their organs to work properly - let alone return the gesture.

    "Your room is really nice," Karl said, twirling as he looked at the newly put-up posters and miscellaneous decorations scattered around the place.
    "Thank you. Once we help you unpack, your room will look just as nice,"  Y/N smiled. Karl returned it with his own bright grin. Y/N finally placed their bag in their closet and the three left their room, bumping into Techno on their way out.
    "Woah," His monotone voice spoke as he sipped his coffee, an opened book held in his hand, "Sneaking off with my rival, huh?"
    Y/N blushed, "It's not like that! Geez."
    "mhm, sure. I'm 100% telling Wilbur and you will get blasted in the sibling group chat."
    "No please, Techno. Spare me."
    "I'll think about it, now I'd like a few words with your two little loverboys or whatever the hell,"
    "It's not like that!"
    "Yeah, yeah. Plug your ears, nerd."

    Y/N complied and Techno turned them around so they couldn't try and read his lips. "Listen, I know we have this whole... competition thing going on where we constantly one-up each other, if hanging out with Y/N is some way to get at me I swear I will make your life hell if you break their already fragile heart. Y/N is a... complicated person, they are my little sibling and I am not afraid to bend over backward and kill you blindfolded if I find out you ever did anything to them. Even the littlest of disrespect will guarantee your head on a hit list, understood?" Techno spoke with confidence, carrying himself with his words.
    "Understood," Dream replied. Karl nodded along with him.
    "I've seen how much happier they've been since they've started hanging out with your little group. Promise me you won't fuck this up?" Techno added.
    "I promise. Y/N told me about their past, I know I can't completely fix them, but I can try and help them the best I can. The good and bad parts of Y/n make them Y/n and I really love every part of them," Dream replied. Techno hummed, satisfied with his answer.
    "What about you, swirl?" Techno asked, giving Karl a nod.
    "Me? Oh well, me and Y/N just met and started talking yesterday. But they are one of the sweetest people I have ever met, they lean into my touch instead of pulling away! They're so kind too, I saw them showing a new 6th grader around the school and helping them with their locker. Their laugh is so intoxicating too, I feel like dying of happiness whenever I hear it. God, their smile-" Karl monologued before getting interrupted by Techno coughing and Dream sending Karl a small glare.
    "Great, two teenagers just proclaimed their love for my younger sibling in my hallway," Techno rolled his eyes. Dream and Karl blushed and began furiously shaking their hands and heads. Techno sighed, "I'm serious, don't fuck with them."

And with that, the blood god retreated back to his room. Karl grabbed Y/N's hand and Dream grabbed their other. "I'm sorry if Tech said anything weird, he loves embarrassing me," Y/N apologized, squeezing the boys' hands.
    "He just kept bragging about being better than Clay," Karl replied in a shaky voice, still nervous after basically confessing his love in front of their sibling.
    Dream scoffed, "Yeah, I'm glad he went back to his room."
   "Ey, no attitude to my brother, you prick," Y/N said as they lightly pinched his hand.
   Dream laughed, "Sorry, sorry."


not proofread

you'll never guess what's going to happen next chapter 😍😍😍

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