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Finally, it was Y/N's release day. Phil came to the hospital and signed them out, taking them home. But that also meant the one thing they dreaded. School. Y/N always had terrible experiences at school. They were bullied a lot for no real specific reason, if there was something about them "wrong" that certain day that would be what they were harassed about. So, about a week after they were released, they were scared when Phil informed them that he had signed them up for the local middle school.

"The best part about the school is it's combined with the high school, so you'll be able to see Techno and Wilbur." Phil explained.

Y/N wouldn't be completely alone, they weren't going to anyway seeing as Tommy was in his second year of middle school- but Y/N now had their two older brothers and their younger brother to help them find their way.

So that news made Y/N just a little less anxious. They were starting school tomorrow, since they needed a day to get all their materials.

Y/N insisted on just using Techno or Wilbur's old ones, but Kristen dragged them to the car and the two went to Walmart. The two entered and Kristin went straight to the school supplies as she pointed to things she thought Y/N would like or need.

By the end of the 20-minute trip Y/N had a black pencil pouch with white crowns with a red and green zipper. 6 notbooks for their classes, 1 had was yellow with music notes, one a blue with orca whales, one red with a vinal on it, one white with a cartoon-ish spider on it, one pink with a yellow crown, and another red but with a fairytale-esque sword. 6 folders, one with a frog, one with a mushroom, one with fire, one with smiles, one with clout glasses, and one with a fox. Sticky notes, the pastel kind cause aesthetic. A bee pencil sharpener. A frog pencil topper. And some normal colored pencils, pencils, mechanical pencils, a ruler, and some pens.

"Thank you, but I would've been fine with Wilbur or Techno's old stuff." Y/N said as Kristen handed them the bag of all their newly bought stuff.

"They're old stuff is usually burnt at the end of the school year." Kristen said, "It's a tradition in this family. They burn all their work papers, folders, notebooks, everything they can manage to fit in the bonfire. Then, we light the fire up and they watch as all their school problems burn, Tubbo and Ranboo usually come over and join us."

"Oh, wow. Is there anyway I could just not participate in that, or at least not that much? I like keeping old knowledge stuff, I just have a bad memory and I.. kinda like learning.." y/N asked, slightly embarrassed and half expected Kristin to start yelling and saying education wasn't important and how nothing mattered- much like Y/N's bio parents had done. 

"Oh of course, hun. Techno doesn't really participate in that either, he only burns his science work." Kristen said, "it's just the most destructive of you guys- so mainly Tommy and his friends and wilbur."

"I mean, when I first arrived Tommy had stuck a fork in the toaster. Oh and the time Wilbur accidentally almost set his room on fire lighting candles in his room because he was going to be on FaceTime with Ash." Y/n reminisced.

"Scared the crap out of me and Phil, we just heard his screaming and distant "oh my god Ash I'm going to die"." Kristen said, slightly chuckling.

"I heard him too, I was hanging out with Techno reading some Greek mythology books and we just hear him screaming." Y/N laughed, "And techno being techno he wanted to protect his brother. So, he grabbed his sword on the wall and ran to his room. I followed him and we saw him screaming fanning off a candle as Ash laughed in the background."

"Ohhh that's why you two were in his room, I was confused why techno had a sword. Wait, techno said before we bought him it that the sword was fake." Kristen said, uh oh.

The sword was actually real, Techno just like really wanted but he knew Kristen or Phil would never say yes if they knew it was real. So Y/n had to do the ancient technique of lying, "Oh, it is. It's just I'm sure anyone would be scared if they saw a 6 foot 3 teenager holding a sword."

"Yeah no, I'd be pretty scared. I seriously don't know how the boys are so tall. I mean, me and Phil are average height but the boys... I'm constantly having to buy new clothes." Kristen said.

The two talked for a bit more before Kristen had to leave for work. Y/N wandered off into their room and sat the school supplies on the side. A knock on their door was heard as the person let themself in. "What was the point of knocking if you were just gonna come in here?" Y/N asked, not looking up from the book Techno had lent them.

"Well I was trying to be polite, but that isn't exactly my forte." The familiar voice of Tommy said.

"Yeah, no kidding." Y/N replied, sticking a bookmark in the book and turning their attention to Tommy in the doorway.

"Anyway, me, Wilbur and Techno wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us in the living room?" Tommy asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Sure, I'll be down in a second if that's all right." Y/N said. "Nope, it's not all right. Come down now please." Tommy said, grabbing Y/N's arm and dragging them off their bed.


(Not proofread)
im honestly removing the visit chapter

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