Sk8ter Boi

711 30 9

3:00 PM, Monday, 4/1/21

    "You know, since it's April Fools, I've been waiting for you to prank me," Dream said as he and Y/N walked to the nearby park. Sapnap and George trailed slightly behind the two. 
    Y/N looked up at him, "Oh, I've never really celebrated April Fools. I've always just helped my younger siblings prank each other."
     "Siblings?" Dream questioned, "I thought Tommy was your only younger one."
    "I'm adopted, dummy," Y/N laughed, "The kids at my foster home were like my siblings. They're the people who got me these bracelets and this locket." Y/N said, showing off the jewelry.
    "My bad, I forgot," Dream chuckled, "Your  jewelry looks nice, Y/N."
    "Hey, don't worry about it. And thank you," Y/N smiled, nudging into Dream ever so slightly.

    "Y/N! I think Boomer's almost done with the strip club so you can join our SMP soon!" Sapnap called.
    "Oh yay! You'll have to teach me how to play though," Y/N replied.
    "I can teach you if you want," Dream offered.
    "Really? Thanks, Clay," Y/N smiled, "I still don't know why Boomer only wants me to join when that's done."
    Clay sighed, "It's Boomer, what'd you expect?"

    The group of four arrived at the park eventually, Sapnap dragging George to the small playset made for kids. "Wait up!" Y/N called after them, grabbing Dream's wrist and pulling him to his two friends. 
    "Sapnap, I'm going to punch you," George said, tugging his arm out of Sapnap's hold.
    "Oh shut up, Gogy. You know you love me," Sapnap replied, sticking his tongue out at the Brit, "Oh shit, there's a skateboard here."
    "Do you know how to ride?" Y/N asked, letting go of Dream's wrist to move near Sapnap. They stood behind him, peering over his shoulder as he pointed out the skateboard sitting in a bush.
    "None of us do," Dream replied, "Do you?"
    "Well, I only learned to teach Jacob so kinda? But I haven't in a few years, I might be rusty."
    "You'll be better than us," George laughed.
    "Can you teach me?" Sapnap asked, stars practically gleaming in his eyes. 
    "Of course," Y/N replied.
    "Isn't this stealing?" Dream asked.
    "It's borrowing, Clay," Y/n answered, grabbing the skateboard from the bush and setting it on the nearby sidewalk. 

    "Hold on, I wanna record when he gets on it," George said, grabbing his phone from his pocket.
    "Aw, cause you wanna remember this momentous occasion?" Sapanp asked, clasping his hands together and batting his eyelashes at George, leaning in closer to the boy.
    "No," George replied, pushing Sapnap away, "For when you fall on your face."
    "Wow, George, that's pretty mean," Y/n teased, comfortingly rubbing Sapnap's back as he fake cried into their shoulder.
    "Look at him! You've made the baby cry," Dream added in the same mocking tone Y/N used.
    George scoffed, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

    "Ok so what you do is you pick it up, kind of trail it on the ground, step on it then kick," Y/N instructed, demonstrating their words to the boy.
    He nodded and took the board, "Like this?" He did as told. 
    "Ooo yeah, good job!" Y/N said.
    "Hell yeah! Suck it, George!" Sapnap said, sticking his tongue out at the Brit- which led him to trip off the skateboard and fall on his face as George had predicted. Y/N's paternal instinct kicked in as they rushed to the boy whose face was still kissing the ground. Dream and George were laughing at their friend, sure the two cared but c'mon... it was funny. Y/N pulled him up to his knees and held his face, checking it for any deep cuts or scrapes.
    "None of your teeth fell out, right?" Y/N joked, prodding his mouth open.
    "No, I'm fine. My pride is just tarnished," Sap replied. Y/N rolled their eyes and grabbed a Kirby bandaid they had in the small bag they carried that held a mini first aid kit and snacks they raided from the kitchen. Y/N placed the bandaid on Sap's right cheek where a small, bleeding scrape was.

    "Will me buying you ice cream make you feel any better, you baby?" Dream jokingly asked.
    "You know what, you bitch, it would," Sapnap replied. He stood up and offered a hand to Y/N, which they took and used to pull themself up.
    Dream scoffed at the name Sap called him, "George, Y/N? You guys want some?"
    "I'll take some, sure," George answered with a shrug, scrolling on his phone and not paying much attention.
    "I'm good, thank you though," Y/N replied.
    "Why not? It's a really hot day," Dream asked.
    "Oh yesterday, my brothers and all our friends had an ice cream party at our house. Boomer kept spoon-feeding me to try and get me to laugh and wake up Sniff while we watched It."
    Dream's eyebrow raised at that, "Oh that sounds fun."
    "It was," Y/N said as they sighed contently, reminiscing on the fond memories from under 24 hours ago. They turned and smiled brightly at Dream, "We've gotta plan something like that soon. I'd love to have you over my house."
    Dream's eyebrow lowered and he almost melted, "Um, sure! That'd be fun."

    "You two are like great and all, but I want my ice cream," Sapnap said, interrupting the two.
    "Shut up," Dream scoffed. He led the three to the ice cream stand parked a few meters away from where they were skateboarding. Y/N sat down at a nearby picnic bench and tapped their finger on the table with no beat in mind. They watched their friends order and smiled once they had turned around, ice cream in hand, and walked to where they were sitting. Dream sat down next to them, leaving Sapnap and George to sit on the opposite side 
    "Wait, Clay," Y/N said, trying to get his attention, he hummed in response, "How are you going to tell me it's a hot day while wearing your varsity jacket?"
    "Well-" Dream began before getting interrupted by Sapnap.
    "Ever since he got like promoted he's been wearing it non-stop."
    "Yeah, he freaked out on me when I spilled ketchup on it at lunch," George added.
    "Really?" Y/N asked amusedly.
    "Yes, really. It's like it's glued onto him or something," George said as he rolled his eyes.
    "Ok, ok, shut up," Dream said.
    "Who's the baby now?" Sapnap teased.
    "Still you, Kirby," George replied.
    "Oh c'mon, Y/N put it on me. George, I'm going to teach you how to skate."
    "With the one thing Y/N taught you?"
    "Yes, trial and error." Sapnap grabbed George's wrist once more along with the skateboard and the two were off.

    "How was the pizza party yesterday?" Y/N asked Dream.
    "It was good, I ended up paying, like always. I was going to invite the cheerleaders, but you weren't there so-" He stopped himself.
    "So what?" Y/N prompted.
    "Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it. But uh, were you planning on actually being on the cheer team?"
    "Probably not? I don't know, sports aren't really my thing, y'know?"
    "I get that. Hey when you join our SMP, you'll have something to do in place of sports."
    "That's only if Phil and Kristen buy me a PC or laptop, I still haven't asked."
    "Really? With all of Boomer and Sap's pestering, I thought you'd at least got to bring it up."
    "I don't know," Y/N sighed, "I just don't want to spend all their money? I mean, they're already taking me and Tommy to the mall with like 5 of his friends. They've just done so much for me and I don't want to be greedy."
     Dream placed a hand on their back, "You're the farthest thing from greedy, don't worry about it too much. I know your parents love you and honestly, knowing your family, will probably be ecstatic to know you want to play video games."
    "You think so?"
    He smiled, "Yeah, I do. Why don't you tell me about your foster home and siblings, I'd like to know more about the allusive Y/N Watson." Y/N froze on the spot, Dream seemed to notice, "Only if you want to tell me of course. I know it might be hard or a touchy subject."
    "No, no. It's alright. Uh, it's just I don't want this to become a pity party."
    Dream took one of their hands into his own, "I wanna know everything about you that you're willing to share, the good and the bad. Cause everything in your life makes you you, and- and I love everything about you."
    Y/N closed their eyes and took a deep breath, clutching onto Dream's hand for dear life, "My- my parents were raging druggies and alcoholics. Most days I'd stay shut up in my room listening to them and their friends sing or scream loudly, sometimes it was a mixture of both. My d-dad was the first person who ever hit me, one day I went to school with a black eye and the cops were called. I was taken away and put in foster care, which is where I met Ms. K. She wasn't any better but knew how to put on a great facade. When kids would come into her foster home I was forced to take care of them or else she'd hit me or much worse. Uhm, the last time I was over there she gave me 2nd-degree burns." y/N didn't even realize they were crying until Dream pulled them into a hug, murmuring sweet things into their ear as they cried their heart out in his shoulder. Dream didn't care that his jacket could get stained, his mind was only on one thing. Y/n.


not proofread

yo last chance to give me ideas before I start planning out the rest of the chapters. 

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