▲The first day▲

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Before school began, Kristen gave Y/N their schedule paper that had their locker number and combination and obviously their classes. 30 minutes later, the four children were loaded onto the bus as Kristen and Phil left for work, wishing their children good days at school. Since the middle school and the High school were combined, the four didn't need to worry about leaving one school ground to go to another when school was over to get their siblings.

Three of the Minecraft children were sitting with their friends, Wilbur with a someone in a blue crewneck, Techno with two people, one with a black hoodie with a red rim and the other with a teal sweatshirt with a ":P" face on it, Tommy sat with Tubbo and Ranboo.

But Y/N didn't have anyone to go to, they watched as their siblings conversed and they half debated on sitting with Wilbur. They decided against it as they wanted friends, it was something they needed to prove to themself and to their previous parents. They glanced around the bus; they saw a boy around their age with a green bucket hat with everything else of his outfit being plain white. Y/N noticed he was sitting alone and decided to sit with him.
    "Oh shit, hello." The boy greeted from surprise, looking up from his phone. His phone case was a frog with a lily pad on its head, y/n thought it was adorable. They noticed his eye was fully white with only his pupil being black.
    "Hi! I really hope you don't mind me being here, I can probably sit with one of my brothers if you do, I don't want to intrude or anything-" Y/N rambled nervously, sure they wanted friends, but they didn't want to be rude while doing it.
    "Nah, its chill. My friend who usually sits there said he wasn't coming in today." The boy replied, putting his phone away and putting his attention on Y/N. 
     Y/N smiled a little, "I'm Y/N, by the way. How about you?"
    "I'm boomer." The boy replied, "I'm not good with greetings but whatever."

The rest of the ride to the school was spent with the two becoming quick friends, Y/N was just glad to know someone. Boomer was really funny, they found themself laughing at all his jokes and soaking up all the information his stories gave. They wanted to remember everything about him, he was their first real friend made with no connections. They didn't want to forget, not again. Eventually, the bus arrived at the school, the children and teens emptied the bus and entered school grounds. Boomer and Y/N walked together, Y/n's brothers noticing and giving them a grin and thumbs up. They couldn't help but smile after that.

    "Hey Boomer, you wouldn't happen to know how to use a locker." Y/N asked, not knowing how to unlock the lock. Sure, they be knowledgeable in some things but opening lockers? Psshh in their dreams. 
    "First time in school? But yeah i know how..." Boomer said, grabbing Y/N's locker combo from their hand and going to their locker and unlocking it for them, making sure they saw how he did it.
    "Thankyouthankyou!" Y/N said, smiling brightly towards him. 
    "Oh- uh it's no problem, glad I could help. Hey do you have Mrs. Shadow-Beans for home room?" Boomer replied.
    "I think so yeah." Y/N answered, "But I don't know where any classes are."
"I'm in her home room too." Boomer said, "OMG do you wanna walk together?" He asked in a high pitched voice.

    "Sure." Y/N shrugged with a laugh, . The two then walked to their class. "Hey Tommy!" Y/N greeted as they passed the 7th grader.
    "Oh hello Y/N!" Tubbo greeted from beside Tommy.
    "Hey Y/N." Tommy greeted.
    "Hi Y/N!" Ranboo greeted.

    Y/N smiled at them as they and Boomer continued walking to Mrs. Shadow-Beans. "Was that your brother?" Boomer asked.
    "Yeah! He, Techno, and Wilbur are my brothers." Y/N answered, "Why, what's up?"
    "Well it's just kinda my best friend's friend, Dream, kinda has a rivalry with the Minecraft family." Boomer answered. The two sat next to each other and continued talking until class began.
    "Oh. Can you introduce me to him?" Y/N asked, "I think it'd be pretty funny."
    "I guess? Way to make rivals on your first day of school, bozo." Boomer replied sarcastically.
    "Its fine." Y/N said while rolling their eyes, "is he in Will's and Techno's year?"
    "I think so. I don't know, don't talk to him much." Boomer answered with a shrug, "if you wanna know more about him it's best to talk to Punz or Sapnap. They're in our year. Look for the jock stereotype honestly."
    "Oh god do they use Axe?"
    "They both smell like Axe spray cans all everyday, I swear. They smell like a whole ass locker room it's disgusting."
    "Now I don't wanna meet them if I'm honest."


Not proofread

just edited it tbh. ive been watching karl's stream for the past 6 hours. help me and i know for a fact im not leaving after he raids tina.im here for the ride baby(its four am please send help)

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