i'm doing extra work so i don't come off offensive with this

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I think I THINK I'm going with he/she/them with DC

DC becomes much better at telling the main five when he's feeling something different although they do ask 

One time, when he was in Washington and having a Bad Time, Florida sent him a Tik Tok that said 'you look non-binary today' and he cried during a meeting 

DC feels like he can never come out to the people he works with (minus Gov, IDC, and District of course)

All the main five have cute ways to mix up 'boyfriend' when they need to 

Louisiana: Lover

Texas:  Partner 

California: Girlboyfriend (and then DC sometimes will call him Boygirlfriend)

New York: Soul Mate (he gets weird looks from others about this but he's always like 'The fuck you staring, you heard what I said')

Florida: Accomplice 

He does have times where if he falls onto the wrong forum or internet community he questions himself and wonders if he's faking it

Not to mention the discourse already 

DC Headcanon's 3: Now with 10 Percent More AngstWhere stories live. Discover now