Bella's Birthday

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Y/N pov:

It was Isabella's birthday today and I both her a neckless and a leather jacket the family was about to go to school "Alice!!" I yelled and ran downstairs "Yes?" she asked "give Isabella this neckless from me" I said she smiled and nodded and hugged me Jazz kissed me and they left "Have a good day little squirt" said Bran "Don't call me that" I said serious they laughed and left.

Edward went to grab Isabella for the Party we where all waiting "Darlin'?" Jazz asked "Yeah" I said "i didn't hunt" he said I smiled and I used my power on him for self control "Thank you" he said "No problem" I said then Isabella came in with Edward and Alice, I hold my breath because of her blood, Isabella opened everyone's gifts except for mine Carlisle and Esme's and Jasper's, Jasper walked over to her and gave her his gift Isabella smiled and looked at me "Your using the self control, right?" she asked and I nodded "Y/n where's your gift" asked Alice "just a sec" I said and ran to mine and Jazz's room and grabbed the jacket I wanted to see if Isabella was going to like the jacket so I use my power to see the future......


I was walking down the stairs while Isabella was opening Carlisle's and Esme's gift and she got a paper cut, Jazz was about to attack her but I used my power again but this time I attacked her.....

End of Vision

I was shocked "BELLA!!!" I yelled everyone froze I ran down stairs to see Bella with Carlisle's and Esme's gift I ran to her and grabbed the gift out of her hands everyone was shocked with my actions "What the hell?" asked Emmet I looked at him then back at Edward and Bella "Bella I am so sorry about my actions, just come at our place tomorrow after school you'll open the other gifts now leave" I said while pushing Edward and Bella out of the house Edward started the car and they left "Okay, what was that all about?" said Bran I took a deep breath and looked at them "when I got the jacket I wanted to see if Bella was going to like it, I used my power to see the future, I saw myself walking down the stairs and Bella got paper cut while opening Carlisle's and Esme's gift" I said everyone looked at Jazz "I was going to attack her wasn't I?" he asked I shook my head "I was" I said and everyone looked at me while I was looking at the ground "y/n it's okay" said Carlisle "No it's not. I could of killed Bella if I didn't use my gift" I said "You didn't attack her, your learning, but just for now on let's not give Bella sharp things" said Esme we all nodded everyone was about to leave but the stopped because I didn't say anything I was just sad because I was going to attack Bella "y/n it's okay" said Jazz and he hugged me "But-" he cut me off "No but's, you saved our life's" he said I smiled and we walked in the living room.

The next day Bella came again, and I explained everything to her and she understand, but this time Edward opened her gift and I made Alice give her my gift because I couldn't be to close to her "Wow, thanks y/n this is so cool" she said "You like it?" I asked she looked at me "i love it!" she said and everyone laughed I wanted to laugh too but I couldn't I just smiled. 

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