The new Covens

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Y/N Pov:

When the others came Ness showed then her power and they believed her I was waiting for Alice and Bran but they where no where to be seen "Y/N?" asked someone behind me I turn around and see Bella standing there I smiled at her "Why are you outside?" she asked "I'm waiting for Alice and Bran" I said she looked sad "They didn't tell you?" she asked I was now confused "Tell me what?" I asked Bella took a deep breath "They left. To gatter witnesses I think, I don't know" she said I look at her shocked 'why did they leave us' was they only question running in my head "Y/N are you okay?" Bella asked I looked at her took a deep breath and nodded "yeah" I said "Well you don't look well" she said I turned at the mirror next to me to see my eyes black like hole and bags under my eyes I started to panic i haven't drank much blood latly and when I don't I can lose my mind "Y/n" Bella asked "Jasper!" she yelled Jazz ran in the room he looked at me "when was the last time you fed"he asked me "When Bella gave birth" I said he looked at me shocked we ran to the kitchen he gave me some blood and I calmed down "Better?" asked Bella I nodded "Better" I said then we walked down to meet Carlisle and Esme "How many came?" Carlsile asked "18" Edward answered "you have some good friends Carlsile" I said he smiled at me Esme came towards me "Anything about Alice?" she asked and I shook my head sad she smiled at hugged me "She'll come don't worry" she said calmly then from they're car a vampire with aslo red eyes came but I already was in the back yard and I saw Benjamin showing Ness his gift he mad her a flower I sat down next to them used my power to control the elements and I made a small tornado Ness smiled at me and played with it Benjamin smiled at me "You can control the elements?" he asked I shook my head "I can control any kind of a gift" I said he looked shocked when I showed hima couple of gits that I know how to control he smiled impresed "Do you know how to control the fire element?" he asked I shook my head "It's hard" I said he smiled "I know" he said he got up and showed me how to control it we where having fun with it at first he said to make a small fire ball and thow it at a tree but I actidently made a big one and the tree burned down everyone was laughing at the scene.

Later on two women came from the Amazon that's when Kate tried her powers on Bella and we found out that she was a shield when went outside and Kate zapped Edward "Dude your not motevationg her" Emmet said "You wanna try" Edward asked and Emmet raised his Hands Kate looked at me and nodded "This time where trying both but on full power" Kate said I nodded "sorry" I said Edward just nodded and me, me and Kate zapped him but this time he didn't land on the ground when me and Kate let go Edward said that I didn't hurt at all Bella was now happy. 

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