Name's and Birth

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Y/N Pov:

When me and Jasper came back home someone pulled me in a tight hug "I am so sorry y/n, I talked to Bella and she said the same thing, I didn't know that she was felling that way and you neither." said Edward I hugged him back "It's okay, I understand" I said and he let go he looked at me with venom in his eyes "Edward you don't need to cry" I said "No I'm fine don't worry" he said we all now went downstairs to Bella and Jacob was there to yey (sarcasm) " Bella is losing to much blood in her system" said Carlisle we all looked at her "That's actually a grate idea Jacob" said Edward we all looked at them "It was like a joke" he said "But maybe your right" said Edward he looked at Carlisle "Give her blood" he said Carlisle and Everyone looked at him in shock "Don't look at me like that, the baby is half human and half vampire right? So it also needs blood" he said Carlisle ran to the garage and grabbed a couple of bags with blood he looked at me "Y/n I think it's best if you leave with Jasper and Emmet" he said I nodded got up and ran outside Jasper and Emmet followed me, we stayed outside for a couple of minuets when Bella finished the blood we came back inside everybody turned to us with smiles "The blood helps" said Esme we smiled at Bella.

Edward the others came down stairs "Bella wants to talk to you and the girls we men are going hunting" he said we laughed when the boys left me, Rose, Alice and Esme went upstairs to Bella "Hey Bella, what's up" asked Alice "I was thinking about baby names" she said "Let's hear them" said Esme "Okay so I thought EJ, for Edward and Jacob if it's a boy, but if it's a girl I thought Renesmee, it's like Renee and Esme together" she said Esme hugged her "Renesmee" I whispered and chuckled we all sat next to her except for me I was on the opposite side of where they where we where just laughing Bella was drinking blood again bur this time me too, that's why I'm not attacking her, after a couple of minuets the boys came home we all got up I smiled at Jazz went to him and hugged him "What's going on here?" asked Edward "Rosalie is talking Bella out of baby names" I said "Let's hear them" said Bran "Well I thought EJ for Edward and Jacob if it's a boy" she said while walking over with the cup "Okay that one isn't that bad" said Rose I smiled at her "And for a girl Renesmee" she said "Ren-esme?" Jacob said "Too weird" Bella said "No, I like it" said Edward Bella smiled "He likes it" she said and Rose rolled her eyes but smiled too then Bella feel on her knees screaming in pain she was going to give birth 'Come on Darlin'" said Jasper and pulled me outside, after a couple of minutes Rose came out too "I just need to calm down" and she looked at Jasper he used his power to calm her down "Bella!" Edward yelled "Rose go" I said she nodded me and Jazz came to the living room where Rose was holding Renesmee "She's beautiful" I said Rose looked at me and she handed me Renesmee believing in me I didn't want to "She's half human remember?" she said and I nodded and took Renesmee she had a scent but it was bearable thank god I can we around her then I handed her to Jasper Ness smiled at Jasper and hugged him "Alice! Jasper! Y/N!" yelled Edward "Go" said Rose we nodded and went outside The wolfs where there "where out numbered" said Alice "By a lot" said Bran " I won't let me hurt my family" said Edward and we attacked I took down two wolfs and one wolfs go on top of me Jasper saw and pushed him away "stop! If you kill her you kill me" said Jacob we all went to the stairs "Jacob imprinted" said Edward now I was angry he imprinted on my niece.

When we went back inside Jacob sat on the table and I slammed his head on the table the family just looked shocked while Edward and Jasper smirked "Ow! What was that for?!" he yelled "You imprinted on my niece" I said "Your going to kill me now aren't you?" he asked I looked at him "No" I said "really?" he said shocked "Yeah, we'll see how Bella's going to take it" I said with a smirk Jacob looked at the ground "Oh god" he whispered I walked over to Rose "My turn" I said she smiled and handed Ness to me and I sat on the couch leaning on Jasper I was thinking how our baby would look like "Y/n your he would look beautiful" said Edward and I smiled "I still think it's a girl" Jazz said "Boy" I said "Girl" he said "Jazz don't started. Boy" I said Jazz smiled "Girl" he said









"Okay fine. Girl. I'm only letting you win because I don't want this to end with a fight" I said he laughed and kissed my head and I was playing with Ness everyone just watched me play with my adorable niece. 

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