Wedding and phone call

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Y/N Pov:

When Bella told us the big new that she is getting married I was really happy, and so was Alice me and her where planning the whole thing, and it was beautiful, and today is the day, today is the day where my brother is getting married to the women that he loves dearly, we where all waiting for Isabella to come with her father I sat next Jasper a little to much closer to him because there where a lot of people there vampires to but more people "Don't let me fall" Isabella said "Never" said Charlie Bella finally came out of the house we all stand up when they both said 'i do' they kissed and me and Alice where the first ones to get up and clap our hands they walked down passing all of us so that Bella could throw the bouquet I was just next to them and I was drinking my wine but that was actually blood and when Bella throw the bouquet it landed on my wine (blood) I just looked at it and everyone turned at me I took the bouquet out and gave it to Renee then everyone cheered for her and I just walked away I saw the boys looking at me with smirks I just raised my glass at them and then drink it, everyone laughed at me I then sat where the boys where "Well..... that was nice of you" said Carlisle and the whole table laughed "I know" I said and we laughed again.

Edward and Bella where ready to leave for they're honeymoon I hugged Edward and smiled at Bella "That was funny what you did back inside" she said and she laughed "i know" I said and we laugh "How are you so comfortable around me now" she asked "I drank to much red wine" I said and gave me a confused look "Blood" I whispered and she nodded when they left we all went home the family went hunting while I was reading a book when they came back I cuddled next to Jasper in the living room and we all watching films talked and laughed.

After a couple of day I get a phone call from Bella "Y/n I need your help" she said "what's wrong Bella?" I asked and what she told me was shocking. 

Forever means Forever (Jasper hale)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя