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after louis finally got his boba, he refused to look at his two best friends, feeling jealous. "i'm going to your room," he stated to zayn and walked away.

before he had the chance though, zayn grabbed him by his waist and sat him on the chair again. "you're not, tell me why you're ignoring us,"

louis glared at him and kicked zayn's chair softly with his foot, knowing it'd piss him off. "shut up," he mumbled and got up again. "go be a daddy for niall, leave me alone," he said with some anger but mostly a lot of jealousy.

zayn's eyes softened at his best friend and bit his lip. "niall, baby, would you mind giving lou and i a second?" he asked his boyfriend, not knowing whether he'd be okay with it or not. he sighed with relief when niall smiled and stood up.

"of course, i'll clean the kitchen!"

zayn mouthed 'i love you' to him before the blonde boy went to the kitchen. "you're jealous," zayn finally stated.

louis glared and pouted. "am not!" he said and rubbed his eyes, a habit he's had since he was little. he pouted more when zayn grabbed his arms softly.

"don't do that," he said. "don't be jealous, yes, niall calls me daddy now, but that's okay right? i'm still your best friend," zayn said with a smile, hoping it would cheer the boy up.

"and niall can be little without feeling bad about it, niall has you to take care of him, niall is lucky and i hate being a little," louis shouted and stormed to zayn's room.

a small whine escaped his lips when the door slammed on his hand. he started crying immediately and dropped his boba on zayn's bed. he started crying harder and panicked, making him feel sick. "zayn!" he sobbed out. the small boy felt like he was going to throw up.

"lou?" zayn asked as he entered the room. his eyes whined when he saw the mess and looked at his best friend who looked even worse than the room. louis tried to speak but before he could, he was throwing up all over the carpet. zayn quickly rushed to his side and helped him up again.

"i'm sorry!" louis cried immediately. "my hand hurts and i panicked when i dropped the boba and then i threw up!" he whimpered. zayn shushed the small boy and cleaned up the vomit.

"grab your stuffie, i think it's a good idea if we get your hand checked out at the hospital," zayn said and ruffled the crying boy's hair. "it's okay loulou, zaynie still loves you, it wasn't your fault,"

louis pouted, his brain going into little space due to the stress. "i don't wanna," he whined and held baba, his stuffed animal which was a bunny, close to his chest.

"come on, baba can come too," zayn said with a smile. after another whine, louis finally agreed and zayn got both louis and niall in the car, explaining to niall what had happened while driving to the hospital.

sorry for the long wait, my mental health is quite bad at the moment. hope you enjoy the chapter still!

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