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harry sucked in a deep breath for the second time this evening, he had put louis to bed, giving him his two stuffed animals and his paci. the teacher paced around the room and decided to call his best friend. "ash," he mumbled when the other boy picked up.

"hey, haz, something wrong?" ashton asked, hearing the nervousness in harry's voice.

"remember when i told you about that boy? my student? yes, so, we went on a date and he is here right now, he called me daddy, ash!" the teacher whispered yelled and quickly glanced at the door of the guest room, hoping he didn't wake louis.

ashton chuckled softly. "haz, don't worry, remember how me and cal started? he was my student also, and look at us now," ashton said and smiled fondly at the sleeping boy next to him. "he also called me daddy on our first date,"

harry sat down on the sofa and sighed. "you're right," he said. "thank you, ash," the teacher said with a smile, even though the other man couldn't see it. "tell cal i said hi, we should meet up again soon," harry said.

"of course, haz. and we will, maybe we can arrange a play date for the two?" ashton chuckled and bid his goodbyes when the other teacher agreed with a laugh.

harry suddenly jumped up when he heard a small boy talk. "i'm sorry,"

"lou, what? baby, why are you sorry," harry asked and pulled the boy into his lap when he saw the tears again.

"i heard you talk, i'm sorry for calling you daddy," the boy mumbled and sniffled. he really thought he had find a caregiver, but looks like he was wrong.

"no, god no, baby," harry breathed out and hugged the boy close. "i loved it, i was just worried about what you'd think once you came out of your headspace. i want to be your daddy, lou," harry confirmed.

"you do?" louis said in a quiet voice, barely loud enough to be heard.

"yes, baby,"

"are you my daddy now?" the little said, unsure of what to think.

"louis, would you do me the honor of letting me be your daddy, and boyfriend?" harry asked, unsure if the boy wanted to also be boyfriends. he laughed when he felt louis jump up and felt his hands around his neck.

"yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" louis yelled and kissed harry's cheek.

"my pretty little boy, such a good boy for daddy," harry mumbled and stared at the teen in front of him. he knew this relationship was morally wrong, but god, even morals needed a change sometimes.

louis snuggled deep into his new daddy's arms, sighing with a smile. "daddy, we snuggle in sleep now?" he asked, eyes big and innocent, a bit cloudy meaning he slipped again.

the slipping started to worry harry, it wasn't good for a little to slip in and out of headspace multiple times a day and so fast. "baby, be small for daddy now, okay? and yes, we can snuggle while we sleep,"

louis nodded and sucked his thumb, whining when harry pulled it out but giggled when his thumb was replaced with a dummy. he laid his head on harry's chest and closed his eyes, not being able to stay awake much longer. "night, daddy," he mumbled, and didn't even feel the move of harry moving him to the bedroom.

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