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turned out louis his hand was definitely broken. he's been walking around the past weekend pouting with his hand wrapped in a cast. but now, monday morning, he had to get back to school. "i can't do it!" louis yelled at his best friend and pointed to his cast, the small stuffed bunny in his non broken hand.

zayn chuckled softly and grabbed louis bag. "you have to bub, we already talked about this," the olive skinned boy mumbled, taking the stuffed animal from the small boy. another whine was heard from louis as he did so.

"give baba back!" the little yelled again, tears brimming in his eyes, ready to fall down. "i can't go to stupid school," he whined and stomped his foot.

zayn got down to louis level and pulled the boy into a hug. he was glad niall already left for college, giving him more space to take louis to school without having to worry about his blonde boyfriend. he felt his shirt soak with tears, rubbing small circles on the boys back. "you'll see harry again, lou," he tried softly.

"harry!" louis stared at zayn and grinned, nodding his head quickly. "let's go!" he squeaked and wiped his tears.

well that was easy.

zayn shook his head while laughing and grabbed the boys non broken hand so he wouldn't run away from him. "good job,"


"louis, what happened to your hand?" harry asked the boy when he walked into his classroom 30 minutes too early.

louis gave the teacher a toothy grin. "broke my hand," he said simply, trying to play it off cool and act as if he didn't cry the whole weekend because of it.

harry frowned and locked his classroom, allowing him to be alone with the blue eyed boy. "how?"

"i, uh, fought pirates!"

harry let out a laugh, ruffling his hair as he pat the desk in front of him. "take a seat," he ordered softly and watched as louis sat on his desk, dangling his feet. "tell me the truth,"

louis pouted and huffed, starting the story. "well, niall called zayn 'daddy' and i got super jealous so i got mad, i want a daddy too! so i ran to zayn's room and slammed the door, but my hand was still there, so that hurt. i let my boba fall and then i threw up, it was not so fun. so zaynie and ni took me to the hospital and turns out my hand was broken. oh and baba was there too!" he rambled and felt his cheeks heat up when he mentioned his stuffed animal. "baba is, is my stuffie," he stuttered.

harry cooed at the boy and placed his hands on his thighs. "doll," he started and sighed. "let me take you on a date, you know i'm a daddy dom and you know i'm interested in you, so let me take you out tonight so we can talk about it," harry asked, more suggested, the boy.

louis blushed and bit his lip, slowly nodding his head. he was already planning an outfit to wear for tonight. "okay," he whispered shyly.

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