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louis stayed glued to harry's side after the incident. if his daddy was out of his reach for more than 5 seconds, he'd whimper and be on the verge of crying. "no leave, daddy." louis whined when harry stepped away to grab louis paci. soft whimpers left the littles mouth as he made grabby hands towards his daddy.

harry sighed softly, not annoyed but mostly sad and concerned for his little one. "daddy's not leaving, baby," he reassured louis softly, he held the paci in front of louis his lips and caressed his cheek when he started sucking on it. "let's watch some cartoons."

"toons," louis mumbled around his paci and rubbed his cheek against harry's shirt, something he'd seem to do for comfort. his small arms tightened around harry's neck when he was picked up. "baba?" he asked softly and looked at harry with innocent eyes.

harry picked up the stuffed bunny and smiled when louis squeaked happily. "you wanna watch paw patrol?" he asked the little who was now very occupied with his stuffie. harry cooed softly and sat louis down on the sofa, thinking he'd be okay to run to the kitchen to grab some snacks since louis was so occupied. oh how he was wrong.

"daddy! daddy no!" louis sobbed, throwing his whole body on the sofa while screaming and kicking. his paci fell out his mouth. because of his still broken arm in the cast, it wasn't the most ideal situation. his little body fell on the floor due to the trashing around, making him sob harder. "daddy daddy." he blabbered and sobbed.

harry ran back when he heard a hard sound coming from the living room and slightly panicked when he saw louis on the floor. "oh baby, daddy's sorry," he said and picked the boy up. "are you hurt babe? talk to daddy." he fussed and cradled his boy in his arms.

louis his sobs subsided quite a bit when his daddy picked him up. "no leave." he said and sucked on his thumb. his wet cheeks from the tears made a wet patch on harry's shirt, leaving him whining. he hated how the shirt wasn't soft anymore.

harry laughed softly at the boys whining and started walking upstairs with louis in his arms. "shirt not that soft anymore, huh?" the dominant said and opened his closet. "which color do you think, bub?"

"uh, yellow." louis answered with a nod. his panic long forgotten now he had harry's attention. "yellow pretty, daddy pretty. both pretty!" he exclaimed and giggled.

harry frowned at the sudden change of mood and blamed it on the skip of a nap. "okay baby, daddy's gonna sit you on the bed real quick, so he can change his shirt, okay?" he asked.

louis thought for a bit and nodded. he was okay with that. he could see his daddy and he'd be able to reach for him if needed. "nomnom?" he asked and tapped his lips. his new founded word for paci. louis sighed happily when he had the paci and was sat on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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