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Once the door opened Haruto walked in behind them, he saw them slip thier shoes off and did so as well. Normally it wasn't safe to walk around his stepfathers house without shoes as there was glass and other nasty things, the house was very clean making Haruto feel dirty. He stood awkwardly folding his arms over himself, it didn't feel right to touch anything. Daisy looked back at Haruto "come on sweetheart we will show you around" she gestured for him to follow, Haruto nodded and fixed his bag on his back following her slowly. " Okay so we have the lounge room here" she said walking down the hall a bit, Haruto thought it looked really cozy with a nice leather couch and some pillows. The tv was kind of big, Haruto kinda wanted to watch a movie on it. "Then the next room is the kitchen" she said walking in, the kitchen and dining room were combined. She showed him in the pantry and showed what he could eat, Haruto listened and gave small nods. Eric followed behind them, Haruto felt a little uncomfortable with both of thier attention. He kept his distance away from Eric, he didn't trust him as much as Daisy yet. Eric put a hand on Harutos shoulder as they walked back down the hall, Haruto let out a cry and flicked his hands at Eric. Daisy gestured for Eric to go somewhere else, she grabbed Harutos hands and bent down to be eye level. "Hey, it's okay darling. Eric won't hurt you, hes really happy you've come to stay. I'll remind him to give you some space to warm up, we want you comfortable." She told Haruto, his body trembled and he frowned. Haruto didn't like people touching his shoulders, his father would squeeze them tightly to make Haruto stay in one place when out. Haruto sniffled and gave a nod calming back down, he lowered his hands back to his side and took a breath. "Okay let's go see the laundry" she said getting back up and leading the way, they stopped at a small room with a washing machine and dryer. "Okay, this is one room I would like to have you ask for help to use. You can put the laundry in the washing machine if you don't feel comfortable asking but me or Eric will put it on for you." She explained, Haruto nodded knowing he could probably slip in and put it on by himself without them knowing. He didn't want them to see any of his wet clothing or sheets, not that he planned on it happening at all while he stayed with them. She closed the door and lead him to Eric's and her room, opening the door "if you ever need us you can always come knock on the door no matter the time" she told him hoping he would understand they were okay with him knocking even in the middle of the night. Haruto looked in, the room was very clean and smelt like vanilla. She closed the door again, leading him to the bathroom. "Okay, the bathroom is just here. It's right next to your room, if you ever need it or the shower please use it." She insisted warmly, he looked in and saw there was body washes and a toothpaste tube that wasn't flattened to death. She left the door open so Haruto didn't feel anxious to open it if he went off to go, she opened the door next to the bathroom. "Here's your room Haruto, we can add some things you like if that would interest you. Haruto walked in behind her, the room felt fresh. There was a cupboard with crafty things in it and a clothes cupboard with basic gender neatrual clothing, the bed was a double and had a watercolour print design on the sheets and pillows along laid a gray teddy bear that he went over and picked up. The bear smelt of lavender making him smile a little, he put it back down and stood awkwardly in the middle. " Okay, I'll leave you settle in, you come out when you're ready." She said calmly, leaving the room she closed the door softly leaving Haruto all to himself. Haruto put his bag at the end of the bed, he put his book on the bedside table and tried to make himself feel more comfortable in the room. Haruto pulled his blanky out and gave it a hug rubbing it on his cheek closing his eyes, after a moment he put it under the pillow on the bed to hide it. He knew he was probably too old to have a blanky but he couldn't part with it, being the only good thing that remained of his childhood. Haruto pulled his clothes out and put them in the cupboard next to the clothes provided, his looked dull and worn almost thin. Lastly he grabbed his puffer bag and held it to his chest looking where he should put it, he decided it was best in the bedside tables draw in case of an emergency at night. Once everything was packed away he put his backpack on the doorknob, he now stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. He didn't want to open anything in the cupboard after looking in, there was a puzzle he really wanted to do but resist the urge to pull it out. He didn't want to sit on the bed as he felt dirty, he hadn't showered since two days ago and frowned knowing he obviously smelt to others. There was a knock at his door, Haruto froze as his heart picked up. Out of instinct he grabbed the chair at the desk and went to put it under the knob, he stopped himself realising he wasn't at the same place anymore. Haruto let out a small sob that escaped through his lips, he slowly kneeled and continued to sob silently into his hands. Eric took a step back from the door and sighed, he didn't know how to get Haruto to trust him. He heard a small sob and frowned, he needed to know what was wrong with Haruto. He knocked again but nothing was heard back, Eric slowly opened the door to see Haruto hugging himself rocking while his face pressed into his knees with his hair messed up. Eric was careful as he slowly came in bending down next to Haruto, he heard someone enter the room and didn't dare look up while he rocked. "Hey kiddo, you okay?" Eric said softly, he reminded himself to not touch the boy. Haruto took this as his chance to explain something he needed, pulling his legs down and raising his head. Haruto signed 'i feel disgusting' he coughed out the last of his sobs, he wanted a shower badly to feel more fitting for the room. He raised an eyebrow, disgusting looked like he was hungry, Eric stood up "hungry?" Eric asked rubbing the back of his neck looking down at Haruto, he frowned and shook his head and signed it again. Eric didn't understand, he walked to the door and called for Daisy. She came shortly after "yes?" She asked Eric, he looked over at Haruto "i don't know what he's signing, I thought it was hungry or something like sorry" Eric admitted, Daisy looked over at Haruto. The boy signed he felt disgusting again, she noticed his freshly dried eyes and walked in to the room bending down. "I'm sorry you feel disgusting Haruto, how about a shower?" she said signing the word shower, Haruto gave a small nod and stood up. Eric copied the motion of disgusting to help him remember it in the future, shower was an easy one to remember as the action for it imitated a shower head spraying water. Haruto opened the cupboard and looked at the clothes, he saw a pair of pajamas and grabbed them hesitating while holding them up to show Daisy. It was early in the day "how about a little later?" She said, Haruto nodded and grabbed out a long sleeve sweater and sweatpants along with socks and boxers. He bundled them up and turned to Daisy, avoiding Eric completely. Eric got the hint and left, he understood that men might of been something to make Haruto feel uncomfortable. Daisy lead the way to the bathroom, going in she gave Haruto a small zipper plastic bag with a toothbrush, face cloth, body wash and shampoo but also a hairbrush. Haruto mumbled to say thank you, she smiled feeling that was progress. "Okay sweetie, you shower and there's a towel folded on the sink.  Haruto looked and nodded, she left and closed the door. Haruto put his things on the sink with the towel, he looked around before slowly slipping his clothes off. He pulled the shower curtain and stood with his arms folded infront of him waiting for the water to warm up, once warm he grabbed the things from the bag for his shower and got in. Putting his face under the water he closed his eyes as the pressure of the water splashed into his face, it was warm and calming. He pulled his head forward wetting his hair looking down at the shower drain as the gathered water streamed down his hair, he shivered as some water ran down his back. Haruto grabbed the shampoo opening it and smelling by brining it to his nose and giving the bottle a small squeeze, it smelt of lavender like the bear. He washed his hair and closed his eyes rinsing it out, the smell remained in the humid air and his dripping hair. Next Haruto opened the body wash, smelling it he was pleased as it smelt of honey milk almost good enough to want to taste it. Haruto washed his body over and closed his eyes relaxing, the smells were soothing to him. Once finished Haruto got out and dried off, he ran the towel over his hair shaking it a bit to leave his hair just damp. He got dressed and hugged himself, he felt clean and comfortable. He looked at the clothes on the ground now seeing how dirty they looked, embarrassed he picked them up and took them back to the room closing the door. He got on his knees and hid them far under the bed, he didn't want to be reminded of how dirty he really was. Haruto got up and sat on the edge of the bed, running his fingers over the bedsheets that were fresh. Haruto put himself completely onto the bed and snuck under the blankets resting his head on the pillow, he slipped his hand under the pillow and pulled his blanky out keeping it in his hands under the blanket so it was out of sight. The bear laid next to his head, the smell of lavender near his nose relaxed him. Haruto rubbed his fisted hands into his slightly stinging eyes, he didn't think he got shampoo in his eyes but they felt heavy and made him squint. He didn't plan on sleeping but as he looked around the room rubbing his blanky between his fingers he felt his vision going, slowly Haruto drifted into a much needed sleep to process the big morning he had. Daisy was in the kitchen making lunch for them all, an easy ham and salad sandwich each. Checking the time she wondered what Haruto was doing as it had been awhile, she looked over at Eric and cut the lettuce for the sandwiches. "Should we be checking on him? It's been a while.." she mentioned, Eric checked his watch and she was right seeing it had been just over an hour since the boy got out the shower. "You want me to or should you? I don't want to stress him out." Eric asked looking back at Daisy, she nodded and washed her hands before drying them "I will, maybe he just wanted some privacy to settle in." She said walking out the kitchen down to his room, knocking she pressed her ear to the door. She heard complete silence, turning the knob she peeked in. Her heart instantly melted seeing the boy sleeping with his mouth slightly open, he looked peaceful. She came in and looked over Haruto, her eye caught the young teen holding a blanky in his arms as his thumb gently rubbed it in his sleep. Haruto had moved around bringing the blanky closer to his face, relieving his item of comfort by accident. She let out a noise of awh before stepping back and leaving the room, she quietly called Eric down the hall. Eric stood and quickly came up the hall standing out Harutos door "what is it? Is everything okay?" He asked lowering to a whisper through his words. She nodded and pulled him into the room, pointing to Haruto sleeping while his chest rised and fell in a steady rhythm. Eric gave a small smile, his eyes fell to the object Haruto was holding close to himself. "Isn't he a little old for a baby blanket?" Eric whispered to her, Daisy hit his chest gently. "No, it's perfectly fine. It does need to be washed though, ill do it later when he's up." She told Eric, he nodded and stepped forward pulling the blanket back up to Harutos chin, hiding the blanky in the progress so the boy wasn't exposing it again. Haruto snuggled his head into the pillow and closed his mouth, falling back into a steady breathing pattern. Eric grabbed Daisys hand pulling her out the room "let the boy rest now, he needs it." Eric whispered, Daisy kept her eyes on Haruto as she left the room. Eric closed the door completely for Haruto, going back to the kitchen she finished making the sandwiches. Packing Harutos away in the fridge in a container so it didn't dry out, closing the fridge she packed away everything. Daisy and Eric sat together, eating the sandwiches and talking about the boy and what they planned to do tonight. Haruto woke a couple minutes later, rubbing his blanky into his tired eyes. It took him a moment to remember where he was, he shot up and took short breaths feeling around himself. His body trembled, he was thankful the bed was dry under himself. Haruto let out a shakey breath, he didn't know what he would of done if that wasn't the case. He couldnt imagine the disappointment they would of shown to see he had wet the bed, it made Haruto shiver just thinking about it. The pale boy got out of bed and pulled the blanket back up remaking the bed, he kissed his blanky and hid it back under the pillow. His mouth stuck together, dry from breathing through his mouth in his sleep. Haruto slowly opened the door, he could hear them talking down the hall. Haruto didn't want to interrupt, as he went to close the door he let out a dry cough and covered his mouth closing his eyes while standing very still. Daisy heard it and stood up, going down the hall she saw Haruto holding onto the door knob. "Hey Haruto, I see you're awake now." She said softly, Haruto took his hand away from his mouth before opening his eyes, he felt embarrassed that she must of seen him sleeping at one point. Haruto lowered his head and nodded "would you like some lunch? It's ready in the kitchen, you don't have to if you don't want to." She let Haruto know, the boy let go of the door handle and took a step into the hall giving a nod to the question. Haruto wasn't going to say no to food, having two meals in a day felt speical to him. She smiled and lead the way back to the kitchen, Eric swallowed his food and gave a wave to Haruto. She pulled a seat for Haruto and got him seated at the table, Haruto raised his hand slightly to wave back. Haruto coughed into his elbow, his mouth was dry and kept sticking together. He folded his arms in front of himself and waited paiently, Daisy got the container and opened it infront of Haruto. The boy looked in to see a sandwhich, he starred for a little. He couldnt remember the last time he had seen a slice of bread without mould on it, he slowly picked up one of the four triangles and smelt it, the bread smelt fresh and looked tasty. Haruto took a small bite before putting it back down signing thank you, he was very greatful for any food givien. Haruto swallowed it and coughed again, he couldn't stop the coughs escaping his mouth. Harutos cheeks flustered pink as he didn't like making a lot of noise, he signed sorry and picked his sandwich back up eating it. Daisy came back over with a glass of water for Haruto, he was hesitant but picked it up taking a drink and coughing again. He put the glass down carefully, he felt a lot better now. Haruto signed thank you toward Daisy before lowering his head, he started to eat his sandwich. Daisy smiled and sat across from Haruto with Eric, she slipped her hand up on the table and held Eric's hand. Haruto kept his eyes down while eating, he didn't like using a lot of eye contact. "is there anything you'd like to do tonight Haruto? I know it's only early afternoon but if you wanted to plan to do anything we wanted to make sure it was ready." She explained, Haruto kept his shoulders raised in his shrug. Haruto wanted to do lots, like watch a movie and do a puzzle but he didn't want to be pushy and lead what they did. Daisy gave a smile "Well I was thinking maybe we could order in some pizza and watch a movie." She suggested, Haruto looked up and nodded thinking that would be nice. Eric interlocked his fingers between Daisys, he looked at the boy and gave a warm smile. " What movies are you into? Most teens are in to those sci-fi or horror movies aye?" He asked leaning back into his seat, Harutos shoulders sunk low. He didn't really like that type of stuff, he felt embarrassed and gave an unsure nod. Daisy could sence the discomfort, she squeezed Eric's hand to stop him. "Haruto, we can watch whatever you'd like. I'm not a fan of horror ones though they always scare me." She said trying to make Haruto feel better, Haruto nodded his lowered head. He weakly signed afraid also admitting how it made him feel, he felt his face burn with embarrassment. Picking his glass up he took a drink to cover up as much of it he could, Eric gave a sympathetic look. "That's alright kiddo, it's good to know what you like and don't." He told Haruto to make him feel better, Haruto nodded and put the glass on the table. He ate half of his sandwhich feeling full, he wasn't use to eating so close together. He felt bad for not eating it, he forced himself to keep going. Chewing on a mouthful slowly, he leaned back trying to get through it. Daisy watched as Haruto took a deep breath and eyed the sandwhich, she could tell he was forcing himself to finish it. "Are you full?" She asked signing full to the boy, Haruto glanced up and copied the motion. He put the triangle down and sat back up, Daisy came over and grabbed the container. Haruto tried helping picking up the water he held it out to her to take, he let go too soon letting the glass slip and smash on the ground. Haruto gasped and pushed himself to stand up, he felt his whole body tremble in fear. He shook his head and signed sorry taking a step away from the glass on the ground, Harutos eyes glistened as tears verged up. Daisy put the container back on the table and started picking up the big shards of glass, she just wanted the glass up so no one got hurt. Eric stood up to comfort Haruto "hey bud, it was an accident. It's just a glass, it can be replaced." He reassured pulling Haruto gently back another step, Haruto couldn't shake the feeling of facing punishment for his mistake. He covered his face and started to sob, his knees buckled but Eric kept the boy up by the arm. Daisy stood up and put the glass in the bin that she picked up, she came over and took over what Eric was doing. Swapping Eric started to clean up the water and smaller shards of glass, Haruto felt a little safer with Daisy holding his arm. He didn't know what come over him but he slowly moved himself to cry into her, he closed his eyes tightly as her arms wrapped around him carefully. "ss..o.." Haruto managed out before he cut himself off sobbing out loud, Daisy frowned understanding he was trying to apologize again. Eric looked up hearing a little bit of Harutos voice for the first time. "Hey sweetheart, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it, you don't have to be sorry." She insisted rubbing his back extremely softly, Haruto stopped himself from crying and took a shakey breath. He looked up and took a step back, folding his arms infront of himself he looked in the direction of his room. Daisy followed his eyes "you can go back to your room if you'd like darling, I will come in later on when we are ready to order dinner." She said calmly, Haruto nodded and quickly walked back down the hall going into his room closing the door. Haruto covered his eyes and finished off his needed sobbing, when upset he would think of more things that made him cry. He missed his brother and his cuddles, he felt like a burden with Daisy and Eric. Haruto lowered himself onto the bed and cried into the pillow, moving his hand under the pillow he grabbed onto his blanky calming himself down. His crying subsided rubbing his face across the pillow before looking up, he sat back up and slumped a little. He looked over and grabbed his book, sliding his back to rest up against the bedhead frame he opened it at the beginning planning to read it all. Eric finished cleaning up the glass, he sighed and sat back down next to Daisy. "Maybe he's a bit too timid for using glasses.." Eric said softly to Daisy, she nodded "Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to just give him the plastic cups." She mentioned, they settled thinking it would be best for Haruto so they could aviod it happening again. "I don't think I've seen him with a phone..  does he have one?" Eric asked, Daisy tried to think back and noticed it now as well. "No.. I don't think so.. Maybe he should have one? Is it wrong to give him one?" She asked, Eric shrugged unsure. "He might have people he wants to contact, maybe we could and just use the parent lock on somethings.. how long is he staying?" Eric asked as it was Daisys idea first to start fostering, she had a think about it. "I think until he's ready to go.. I couldnt imagine just pushing him out.. it's not fair, he's been pushed around enough.." Daisy said softly, Eric nodded in agreement. "Well he is what we were looking for.. we said we were happy from anything from toddler to younger teen." He mentioned, they had things packed away for younger ages such as toys like Lego and stuffed animals. They set the room up after hearing about Haruto so it better suited his age, they wanted him to feel like he belonged. Daisy nodded in agreement, she was pleased with Haruto knowing they could offer a safe place to help him grow. Haruto sat on the bed reading quietly, at some point both his blanky and the bear made it into his lap under the book while he read. He felt a little more content, having a full stomach and being in a comfortable environment to read freely without worry. Time went on and he heard a knock at the door, quickly he slipped the blanky under the pillow and threw the bear to the ground hiding interest in it. Daisy opened the door and peeked in, she gave a smile seeing Harutos head down in the book. She came in and picked the bear up "sorry I left it on the bed when I was setting up the room for you, I can put it away." She said looking at the bear in her hands, Harutos eyes widened and shook his head. He didn't want her to take it, he found it comforting and less lonely with the bear on the bed with him and not to mention the calming smell it had. Daisy smiled and put it back on the bed "okay, it can stay. I wouldnt take it if you liked it, you can keep it." She told Haruto, the boy slightly nodded and put his head back into the book knowing the bear was safe on the bed again. "You don't need anything?" She asked curiously, Haruto shook his head not looking up. She smiled and walked back to the door "okay, I'll be in mine and Eric's room if you need anything. Eric will be in the lounge room, feel free to ask for anything from him too." She mentioned closing the door for Haruto, the boy pulled the bear and his blanky back into his lap. He went back to reading the book, he looked down at his stomach and frowned. "Not now..." He whispered to himself, he could feel a small urge appearing in his bladder. He wasn't comfortable enough to let himself go, he found it hard to go to the bathroom at other people's places. Once at a friend's house when younger he ended up wetting himself while playing hide and seek, scared to mention his needs and use the restroom. Youre not 4 anymore.. He told himself, he ignored the feeling that lingered as he read. Haruto distracted himself by continuing to read, he found his hands gripping the book tighter as time went on. He shifted to get comfortable, the urge was building and getting harder to ignore. Haruto bit the inside of his cheek and turned the page, he glanced up to look at the door debating about using the bathroom. He was over thinking it, worried he'd get walked in on or walk in on someone else quickly shaking the thought of trying to go. He rubbed his knees together and felt his breathing change, his breath increased a little taking smaller breaths to aviod any pressure added to his abdomen. Haruto tried to keep reading, he was skimming over words and wasn't really paying attention to the book anymore. He lowered it and put it to his side, he was getting nervous. Haruto pressed his legs together and squirmed on the spot, his bladder was feeling very full now. He pushed himself off the bed, Haruto bounced on the spot which didn't help feeling like the weight of bouncing was going to make him leak out. Haruto slipped a hand between his legs and held onto his crotch, he squirmed around on the spot and nervously let out a whine. He started to pace the area around him, he wasn't sure if he could hold on much longer. He needed to go now, Haruto forced both hands between his legs holding on tightly as he hunched scared to stand up straight. He pulled himself together, pulling his hands away and quickly leaving the room. He stopped at the bathroom door and pushed it open slightly, he was quick to go in and close the door grabbing his crotch tightly again almost leaking. "Come on.." He whispered to himself trying to undo his pants crossing his legs over, Haruto bounced again and winced feeling himself starting to leak. "Hold it.. You're not 4.." Haruto mumbled to himself, he managed to undo his pants and quickly pull them down enough to relieve himself. His knees almost buckled but he kept himself up, he was embarrassed how childish he acted when he knew it was safe to go unlike at his stepfathers. Once finished Haruto let out a sigh and flushed the toilet pulling his pants back up, he scrunched his nose up feeling his boxers and pants were a little damp. Haruto knew it would dry soon, he didn't want to change his pants and risk the chance of being asked what happened. Haruto washed his hands and face, he dried his face on his sleeve and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked away and walked out the bathroom "pathetic.." He whispered to himself closing his door, he found it easier to talk to himself more than any person in the world other than his brother. Haruto fell onto the bed and pressed his face into the pillow, he hated how quick his urges grew. Daisy and Eric were in the lounge room when Daisy turned her head to hear the toilet flush, she smiled glad Haruto wasn't holding it in scared to go. She laid her head on Eric, he was reading with earphones in. Daisy sat back up hearing a whisper, she didn't know what he said but he didn't sound thrilled. Eric pulled out an earphone "hmm what is it?" He asked, Daisy leaned back into him. "Nothing, pretty sure it was just Haruto talking to himself." She said turning her head to look at him, he smiled "got to admit he's a bit cute, talking to himself at that age." Eric admitted, Daisy nodded "It's good.. any talking is good for him." She said, Eric ran his fingers through her hair and went back to reading. Haruto had gotten over the incident and went back to reading, staying in his room until it was starting to get dim in his room. Daisy soon came and knocked, Haruto looked up glad to see her since he was bored out his mind. "Hey sweetie, we are gonna order pizza now and pick a movie. You wanna come out and help pick?" She asked, Haruto closed the book and nodded getting off the bed. He folded his arms infront of himself and walked out the room past her, she gave a confused look smelling urine lingering on Haruto slightly. Haruto looked back at her and hunched forward nervously, he hoped she hadn't noticed it. She smiled and walked with Haruto to the lounge room, she didn't want to mention it scared Haruto would shut them out. Haruto awkwardly stood infront of the couch, Daisy sat down and gestured for him to do so as well. He sat between them, there was enough space so they weren't touching. Eric smiled and observed Haruto who sat between them, he raised an eyebrow at the boy while Haruto looked straight foward. Eric signed over the top of Harutos eye level to Daisy 'smell pee?'  He signed quickly pointing at the boy, Haruto hadn't noticed. Daisy nodded before signing 'i understand' to Eric, he nodded back and looked down. Haruto couldn't smell it on himself, he was so use to it he blocked it out. Daisy didn't want to mention it but he couldnt sit through the whole movie like that, she turned her body to face Haruto "Haruto.. do you want to get dressed in your pajamas now? You can throw the clothes in the wash you're wearing now." Haruto didn't think much of it and nodded, standing up he went back to the room to get changed. Once gone Eric sighed "Is he holding it in?" Eric asked, Daisy shook her head "i don't think so, I heard him use the bathroom before. I don't know why he smells of urine, I was worried he was going to be nervous to go though." She mentioned, Eric sat back into the couch "maybe the kid left it a little late?" He questioned, Daisy shrugged "He could of.." She said softly so he wasn't hearing anything they talked about. Haruto changed into his pajamas and shoved the boxers, pants and sweater under the bed not wanting them to have to wash them for him, when he slipped them off he got the scent of urine so he couldnt risk them finding out not knowing they already knew. Haruto came back out, the pajamas he got from the cupboard were a little big but comfortable. He sat back down closer to Daisy than Eric, there was a knock at the door making Haruto let out a noise of fear shifting closer to Daisy again. Eric got up walking to the door, it was just the pizza arriving. "Hey sweetie, it's okay. We ordered pizza remember? Are you okay hun?" She asked feeling Haruto put a hand on her knee as He looked to outside the loungroom door frame. He turned and pulled his hand away giving a nod, he felt his heartbeat come back down as Eric came back with the pizza. He put it down on the coffee table and walked off again, Haruto gave an unsure look at the two boxes of pizza. He wasn't all that hungry, he wasn't use to the three meals again. Eric came back and put two glasses on the table and plastic cup along with 3 plates one of them smaller than the other two, the cup had a car design. He knew it was for him since he had dropped the glass in the kitchen, the plate had a matching design to the cup. His cup had apple juice in it, he looked over to Daisys cup to see it had a deep red colour unsure what it was. Daisy opened up the boxes and grabbed Harutos plate putting one slice of each on his plate, Haruto got givien the plate and put it in his lap. One was pepperoni and the over one looked to be vegetarian, it smelt good but he wasn't all that hungry. He signed thank you and kept the plate untouched in his lap, daisy plated up pizza for herself and Eric. While she did that Eric flicked through the movies on the tv, Haruto watched him flick over the DreamWorks movies. Daisy had mentioned to him it would be the safest option, she didn't want anything that would worry Haruto. Eric stopped on big hero 6 and looked over at Haruto "This one?" He asked, Haruto nodded as he hadn't seen it before. He pressed play and Haruto picked up the pizza and nibbled at it, the movie was good from the get go. He sipped the juice from the cup and put it back down, he watched it as did Eric and Daisy enjoying it also. Harutos eyesbrows furrowed as the fire broke out in the building in the movie, he knew the boys older brother was still in the building. Harutos heart picked up and jumped as the building let off an explosion "no!" He shouted as tears fell from his face, he leaned into Daisy and started to sob. The plate fell off his lap onto the ground as he curled up close to her, she gestured for Eric to turn it off. Harutos body shook as she held onto him pulling the boy closer. Haruto felt too much connection to the boy losing his brother, it hurt and reminded him how far his brother was away right now. Daisy rubbed Harutos back, she was not aware Haruto had an older brother. She thought Haruto was just tired explaining why he overreacted to the scene in the movie, Haruto continued to sob as the room was silent around him now it wasn't playing anymore. Eric bent down and picked the pizza and plate up, putting it back on the coffee table. Haruto didn't know how to calm himself back down, he was tired and missed his brother more than anything. "Its okay hun, it's just a movie" she told him, Harutos sobs sounded more distraughted. Daisy looked over as Haruto cried into her, she nodded at Eric "go get it.." She whispered, Eric stood up and walked into Harutos room. He grabbed the stuffed bear and looked around his bed for the blanky, lifting the pillow he smiled warmly and went back out. He bent down infront of Daisy and Haruto "here bud" he said holding out the items, Haruto peeked out and saw them. He quickly grabbed them and pulled both items to his chest before pushing his face back into Daisys chest, she rubbed his back and hushed him softly. Haruto was too overwhelmed to even think about how Eric had given him his comfort items, he rubbed his fingers over the blanky and smelt the bear as his sobs subsided. "You ready for bed sweetie?" She asked looking down at the top of Harutos head, Haruto sniffled and nodded knowing he was getting tired. He looked down into his hands and quickly put the blanky and teddy under his pajama shirt, he was scared they'd take it off him. "Its okay Haruto, you can have your blanky out if it makes you feel better." Eric mentioned, he still felt Haruto was a little old for it but understood if it gave comfort to the boy, he wasn't one to take items off children. Haruto wiped his eyes and shook his head not wanting them to see it, he wasn't even sure how they knew about it.

Word Count: 6342

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