Night-Blooming Cereus

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Haruto was as silent as possible, crawling down the hallway on all fours so he wouldn't get caught sneaking around. Haruto knew in his normal headspace he didn't need to try and sneak around, his headspace deciding he needed to since he had the idea in his head that he was almost like a real spy. He stopped for a moment, looking behind him to make sure no one was up before scurrying into the kitchen. Haruto finally stood up but kept his back crouched, pulling lotus out his mouth. He looked around the kitchen, very carefully opening the cupboard doors with no noise. Haruto had extremely good practice at this, used to sneaking around to get food when possible at night at his step fathers house. Slipping his fingers into the side of the cupboard and pulling it open, looking in with a tiny hum. His eyes lit up when he found his plastic cup, pulling it out and slipping his fingers in again to stop the cupboard door making any noise. He stood up and gave a bit of a happy wiggle to celebrate finding his cup first go, looking into the cup he knew the mission wasn't over. Going over to the fridge and tugging the door open, it was louder than he thought it would be. "Shhhhh.." he hushed at the fridge, grabbing out the juice and kneeling down on the floor in front of his cup. Haruto took the lid off the juice, tipping it over his cup. He missed the cup at first, a little bit spilling on the ground. He self corrected and moved it over the cup before continuing to pour, accidentally tipping it too quick. "Uh oh.." he whispered, looking at his overflowed cup. He put the lid back on the juice and put it in the fridge, very carefully so it didn't make any noise. Next Haruto leaned over his cup and sipped a little bit off the top of his drink, sitting up properly and picking up the cup very carefully. Tucking his comfort items under his arm and closing the fridge door. Haruto looked down at the juice on the floor, his lips pressing into a straight line. Haruto decided he would come back and clean it up soon, it was only a puddle of juice and wasnt going to run away. He wanted to play, juice spill seemed like a job for later. Walking off with his full cup of juice and comfort items, happily walking back to his room. Haruto went in and closed the door behind himself, the mission was completed and now he could have his juice as a reward. He stood in the middle of his room, holding his cup in both hands while sipping it down. He managed half before taking a big breath, putting the cup down on the carpet floor. Haruto turned his light on, squinting as it was brighter than the hall light. He felt a bit excited, he had all his toys and was free to play without worry. Haruto went over to the cupboard, opening it up and giving a happy babble. All the toys and puzzles were rather exciting to his little mind, he was bouncing on the balls of his feet while eyeing off everything. Haruto decided on the wooden blocks, one puzzle and a colouring book that had crayons attached to it. Haruto shut the cupboard with his full hands, going over and sitting on the floor near his cup of juice. Lotus and blanky were placed nicely to the side of him, the rest of the activities spread in front of him. Haruto stayed kneeling, picking up his juice cup. The boy wiggled around and kept it to his mouth, looking past the cup to decide what he could do. The 1000 piece puzzle looked fun, the image on the box being a lake with a night sky above. He put his cup down and gave an excited quiet squeal, picking it up and giving it a little shake close to his ear. The boy flipped the box over, it hadn't been opened yet making him huff. He had to open it himself, grabbing it by the corner and tugging it. He wanted to whine as it was difficult, one big tug and the box ripped open breaking the box that was supposed to hold the puzzle pieces but he didn't think much of it. The puzzle pieces falling onto the ground around him, making a little bit of a mess. Haruto gave a satisfied sigh and threw the box to the side of the room, looking down at the puzzle pieces. The boy picked up a couple, they were tiny and there was a lot of them. Haruto was determined to give it a go, grabbing a couple and trying to put them together. After a few failed attempts Haruto grew easily frustrated, giving a grumpy fuss as all the pieces looked the same shade of blue. Haruto wasn't coping with not being able to put any of it together, taking the handful and throwing it back on the ground. The puzzle was now scattered across his floor, taking up quite the amount of space in the middle of his room. Haruto crossed his arms over and glared the puzzle. Puzzles were silly anyway, why would someone make an image you had to put back together? He looked over to the blocks, his expression softening. The off natural colours were soothing, he knew he couldn't go wrong with blocks since the possibilities were endless. He opened the bag of blocks and started to stack them, his other hand slipping into his mouth and running over his bottom teeth. He was very focused on his block building, deciding Lotus needed her own house. Haruto picked his bear up, looking at her size to make sure his measurements were going to be correct for his block house. He decided to make it as big as possible, tipping all the blocks out so he knew what he had to work with. Some of the blocks landing over the puzzle pieces, hiding under his new mess he made. The boy started on the base layer, making it wide and long so Lotus could sleep if she wanted to. Stacking the blocks upwards after he had the measurements, he was feeling rather excited to help Lotus get a new home. Haruto started to wiggle uncontrollably while stacking the blocks, his legs pressing together before he decided to sit on one foot to comfort the squirmy feeling he had in his tummy. Haruto was getting more and more uncoordinated the more he played, ignoring his bodies warning signals. Haruto was mostly finished building a house for Lotus, deciding she should test it out. He leaned over and put lotus in, accidentally knocking most the blocks over when pulling his hand away. Haruto jumped and gave a giggled squeal, standing up and kicking over the rest of them. Daisy and Eric shot up to the blocks Haruto kicked hitting the wall, the noise of Haruto's squeal was also alarming. Daisy and Eric looked at each other, thinking the worst of the noise. Haruto quickly sat back down and pulled the colouring book into his lap, not wanting to restart the house. Eric quickly got out of bed followed by Daisy, pacing to Harutos room. Eric let his ear lean on the door, no noise coming from in the room now. Haruto cuddled Lotus close, wiggling around his hips while picking a page to colour. Eric knocked on the door, giving Haruto 5 seconds warning. Haruto gasped, dropping the colouring book and standing up. The plastic cup getting knocked over onto the new colouring book, staining it yellow slightly. Haruto gripped Lotus tightly, hugging her to his chest. Eric opened the door, Daisy and him entering at the same time. Both of their jaws almost dropped, seeing haruto standing in a mess he made in the room. "Haruto, what on earth are you doing up??" Daisy asked, unaware Haruto was feeling little. The teen started to whimper, looking down to see he had made quite the mess. He was reminded of the pulsating feeling in his bladder that he'd tried so hard to ignore, grabbing onto his crotch and whining slightly. "Wee.." he strained out, giving Daisy desperate eyes. Eric looked over to Daisy, the room had been trashed and the toys hadn't been looked after. Daisy noticed Harutos voice and eyes, she understood he was little finally. Coming in she grabbed his hand and lead him to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Haruto fussed and opened the door, stomping his feet in a small fit. Daisy sighed and came into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them. The child babbled something before going to the bathroom by himself, finishing up and walking over to the sink to wash his hand. "Ah babas" He babbled out, watching the bubbles on his hands. Daisy turned to have a look, he surely had enough bubbles to last him the rest of the year. "Haruto.. no more darling." She said, coming over and helping him wash the bubbles off with water. Haruto giggled at the bubbles, watching them go down the drain. "Baba babaas!" Haruto said, waving bye to down the drain while bouncing on his feet. Daisy bent down and held his hands in hers. "You shouldn't be up this late playing, you've made a big mess." Daisy explained. Haruto looking at the hands holding his, brows furrowing together as he kept his head low. "Mh wan lotus.." Haruto whispered, shyly trying to look Daisy in the eyes. Daisy knew she had to be firm with him, he couldn't be little in the middle of the night by himself. "Soon, we need to go clean the mess up and then have a talk." Daisy spoke calmly, knowing not to get mad at him for what had already been done. Haruto pulled away his hand and rubbed his eye with a fisted hand, giving a tiny nod to say he understood. Daisy ran her fingers through Haruto's hair, standing up and taking his hand to lead him back to his room. Eric had already started, picking up the cup and colouring book. Luckily the juice only got on the colouring book and not the carpet, taking them out the room passing Daisy and Haruto. Daisy took him into the room, looking down at his pout. "Big mess, isn't it?" Daisy said, pointing to everything on the floor. "Ah big.." he said looking up at her with big eyes, pointing to the mess also. "Yeah, you've got to clean it up." Daisy told him, he had to learn to be accountable for his actions even when he was feeling little. Haruto furrowed his eyebrows and drop his hand, he didn't want to clean up the big mess. He gave a long whined noise and bounced on the spot shaking his head, he didn't know where to start and it looked like it was going to take forever. Daisy bent down and held both of his hands again "Haruto, we have to or your room will get even more messy. I'll help you.. let me do the puzzle pieces and you do the blocks, okay?" She told him in her soothing voice so he'd stop fussing. Haruto stopped bouncing and whining, looking at his hands that Daisy held once again. Looking over to the blocks Haruto gave a weak nod, he could clean them up if Daisy helped take the puzzle pieces. Daisy gave a small smile and stood up, letting go of his hands before picking up the puzzle pieces. Grabbing the broken box she gave a soft sigh, she couldn't pack them back in the box. Eric came back into the room with a plastic sandwich bag, handing it over to Daisy for the puzzle pieces. Daisy took it with thanks, starting to pack them away. Haruto was off in his own world, mumbling to himself while picking up the blocks making sure he counted them. Daisy looked over at Haruto's full hands, hearing him mumbling incoherently about numbers. Haruto was trying to count though after 14 he started to skip numbers and add numbers that didn't even exist. Daisy went back to picking up the puzzle with Eric, making sure they had them all. Haruto dropped the arm fall of blocks into the block bag, stopping and bending down to another pile of blocks that remained of the house for Lotus. Haruto started to stack them again, mumbling to himself. Eric looked over to see Haruto had gotten distracted and was playing again. "Haruto, pick them up and put them away." He told the boy. Haruto looked up, a block in his hand ready to put down on the stack. He looked back at the blocks and gave a small nod, taking them one at a time and putting them away. Eric and Daisy finished putting the puzzle away, putting it back in the cupboard. Haruto was still packing up the blocks, getting easily distracted at the colours and naming them. Daisy and Eric stood back and watched, not interrupting his play this time. "I didn't expect this from Haruto.." Eric said, the boy was very well behaved and he wouldn't of imagined him making a mess like that. "But it's not the same Haruto, he's younger and we don't know him like that." Daisy said, shifting her eyes to the side at Eric. Haruto giggled and picked up as many green ones he could, enjoying the break from actually cleaning up. "You're right.. you wouldn't expect a toddler to keep things clean if they had lots of toys in front of them. He can't be left awake at night, it's dangerous and he was in the kitchen getting juice though he left juice all over the floor and didn't put the lid on the juice properly.." Eric said, having stepped in the juice in front of the fridge. "Mhm.. he napped too long today, I'm guessing that's why he woke up." Daisy said remembering he had a 3 hour nap on top of the sleep he got in the car. Haruto gave a yawn and rubbed at his eyes while stacking the green blocks in front of him. "He's getting tired again, let's get him into bed." Eric said, seeing this was no time in the night for someone like Haruto to be up. Daisy grabbed Lotus and blanky off the bed, bending down beside the boy. "Wanna have a little sleep darling?" Daisy asked, showing him the comfort items. Haruto dropped the block in his hand and nodded, taking the comfort items. The boy stood up, running over to his bed. Daisy looked over to see him sitting on the bed, ready to be put back to sleep. Eric nodded and turned the light off, going to leave the room. Haruto let out a sob almost instantly, getting off the bed and holding his arms up for Daisy. Haruto was scared to be alone, the glow in the dark stars werent enough to stop monsters wandering into his innocent mind. Daisy quickly bent down and let him cuddle into her, feeling how strong his grip was along with his disheartening sobbing. "Shh it's okay.. I'm here.." Daisy whispered into his ear, not expecting him to react so strongly. Eric felt bad and stood in the doorway watching, he didn't mean to scare the boy. "Bring him to our room.. it's safer, in case he wakes up again" Eric suggested, wanting to make up for scaring the young minded boy. Daisy looked behind her, giving a nod to agree. Haruto let himself wrap his legs around her as he got picked up, hugging his arms around her neck with his head resting on her shoulder. Haruto felt safe again, his fingers playing with daisys hair with one hand and his other holding his comfort items. Daisy rubbed over his back and started to carry him out the room, eyeing off Eric while he held the door open. Eric gave a small nod, closing the door behind them. Daisy started to walk down the hall to their room, Eric following just behind. Haruto kept his chin resting on daisys Shoulder, getting embarrassed when he saw Eric watching from behind. Eric gave a small wave, he hoped for one back since he was trying his best to interact. The boy closed his eyes gently and held lotus and blanky over his face, hiding himself so he didn't have to make eye contact with him. Eric chuckled under his breath, giving his head a little shake at Harutos shy behaviour. Daisy rubbed her hand around harutos back and brought it down to pat over Harutos bottom, making sure he still had the drynite on. She was glad it was and felt dry, she assumed he must of not got much sleep at all before waking up to have a play. Haruto nuzzled his head into her neck, trying to rest as best he could in the short walked distance. Daisy went into her shared bedroom, standing in front of the bed and putting Haruto down in the middle, getting on one side of the bed herself. Eric came in and got in the other. Haruto quickly laid down, feeling both of them pull the blankets up on each side of him. They put Haruto in the middle so he was safe, if he woke up again it would at least alert one of them or both. Haruto pushed his face in-between Eric's and Daisys pillows, giving a content sigh as it felt cool resting his head on the bed between the two pillows. He kept curled up with his legs tucked under him to his chest where his arms also rested, holding Lotus and blanky to his chin. Daisy watched Haruto hide his face between the pillows, pulling one of her pillows and tapping Harutos back. Haruto lifted his head, looking at Daisy confused. Daisy slipped the pillow over, rubbing the hand over harutos back. Haruto looked at the pillow that now laid in front of him, slowly resting the side of his face on it facing Daisy. Haruto stayed curled up, feeling safe in the fetal position. Eric watched them get comfortable, giving a small smile. "Hey bud, if you wake up again tonight and need something you wake me or Daisy and we will help." Eric made sure to tell the boy, not wanting him to run off and get into more mischief. Haruto gave a weak nod, the back of his head facing Eric. Daisy smiled and watched the childs eyes scan her. Haruto smiled with blushed cheeks, hiding his face in the pillow again. Daisy closed her eyes, rolling over to get some rest. Eric did the same, it had been a big night already and it was really early being 1am in the morning. Haruto noticed the room was quiet, rolling over onto his back. Looking up at the ceiling he was a little disappointed, seeing no glowing stars in sight. The boy wasn't very tired still, putting the tips of his fingers in his mouth. It was boring between Eric and Daisy, not a single spared attention given to him. "ah babababaaa" Haruto babbled out, the repetitive motion and sound keeping his little mind busy. Haruto giggled and babbled more gibberish, not sure what was making him so talkative. Haruto had fallen into a very young head space, babbling being his only form of communication. "Ahbaahashhh" Haruto added, giggling shortly after. Haruto brought his foot up and held onto it with both hands, looking up at the blank ceiling. "Haruto, try to rest bud." Eric said, listening to Haruto babble on. Haruto gasped and giggled, someone had finally given him attention. The boy sat up and looked at Eric's back, sucking his thumb while observing him. A smile pressing around Harutos Thumb in his mouth, he wanted more attention. The boy got up on his knees and shuffled over to right beside Eric, tapping him with one hand. Eric quickly rolled over to have a look, seeing the boy had big eyes and his thumb in his mouth. "Yucky Haruto, get your fingers out your mouth." Eric said softly, not wanting to wake Daisy. Haruto giggled and shook his head no, he knew he was being cheeky. Eric softly grabbed Harutos hand, pulling it out his mouth. Haruto started to bounce on his knees, giggling again slightly. "Lay down Kiddo, you're gonna be so sleepy in the morning." Eric warned him, he still wanted to look after him tomorrow and couldn't do that if the kid was falling asleep and was in a cranky mood from not sleeping. Haruto stopped bouncing, shaking his head at Eric's request. Haruto thought about it for a moment, crawling across the bed to get off. Eric sat up quickly "Haruto, where are you going??" He questioned, not wanting the boy to run off and make a mess again. "Ahh.. wee" He told Eric, his legs criss-crossing over themselves. Eric raised an eyebrow "didn't Daisy take you just before?" Eric asked, that had only been 30 minutes ago. Haruto froze, looking into Eric's eyes. The boy couldn't help but break into a cheeky smirk, turning and running out the room giggling. Eric was right, he'd only been not long ago and he didn't need to go again. Haruto babbled as he ran down the hall, giggles escaping through them. Eric flung the blankets off himself, getting up to get Haruto. The boy looked behind him to see if he was getting followed, squealing loudly when he saw Eric was after him. Harutos eyes darted around, he needed a place to hide. Right as haruto was about to crawl under the table Eric got him, pulling the boy up by the waist to stand. "Haruto, you're being very cheeky. Daisy and I said it's bed time. if you really need to go pee then go to the bathroom, not meant to be running around at night." Eric told the boy with very little stern words. Haruto pouted and looked down, fidgeting with his pajama pants. "Mh ha uice.." haruto tried to speak out, frowning more as he looked up at Eric. "Haruto wants to have juice? Bud, you've had juice already." Eric explained. Haruto rubbed at his eyes and let his lip tug into more of a pout, he still wanted juice. Eric sighed, seeing the boy was easily upset by a gentle no. Eric had to compromise, juice this late was not a good idea. "How about some milk?" Eric asked, going over to the fridge and opening it up. Haruto stopped rubbing his eyes and nodded, he was happy with milk to replace the juice. Eric wanted the boy back in bed as soon as possible, grabbing the milk and going over to put it in a cup. Haruto came over and leaned his chin on the kitchen counter, watching Eric look for a cup. Harutos plastic cup was in the sink, needing to be washed up from the juice. Eric didn't trust him with another glass, especially if he was feeling little. Eric knew they had sippy cups and bottle up in the top cupboard, fostering at mixed ages left them with lots of things stored away. "Hey kiddo, how old are you?" Eric asked, he just wanted to make sure haruto was still feeling small. Haruto stood up properly, resting the tips of his fingers on the counter near his chin. He stared blankly at Eric, he was confused. Haruto let his fingers slip into his mouth, he couldn't answer the simple question. Eric raised an eyebrow at harutos blank stare that gave him no answer, it was rather difficult to tell considering he hadn't seen the boy little very much and didn't get a chance to interact. Haruto kept his fingers in his mouth, giving a fussy noise since Eric was taking so long to get him milk. Eric opened the top cupboard and looked in, tossing between the sippy and bottles. Harutos face lit up, pointing to the cupboard while bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Baba!" Haruto said with big eyes, pointing more towards the bottle. Eric looked back at haruto, he could see the boy was eager for a bottle over the sippy. Eric pulled it out of the cupboard, putting it down on the kitchen bench. This worked out for them, at least Haruto could take it to bed without spilling it everywhere. Eric took the lid off it and started to pour the milk in, he found it strange if he thought about it too much so he didn't. Eric put the lid back on and went to hand it to haruto, thinking they could go to bed now. The boy poked his tounge out and spat at the bottle. "Yucky" he said, pointing to the bottle. Eric was confused "yucky? Bud it's what you asked for." Eric said looking back at the bottle. Haruto shook his head and pointed to the microwave, not wanting to have cold milk. Eric understood, nodding and taking the lid off before slipping it into the microwave. Haruto clapped a little and dropped back to the floor, curious of what under the kitchen counter looked like. Eric watched haruto disappear on the other side of the counter, raising an eyebrow. The boy babbled and stayed bent down, looking up at under it. Once the microwave went off haruto squealed, standing up quickly narrowly missing his head. "Careful bud." Eric said, pulling the bottle out and putting the lid on it once again after checking it was warm. Haruto came over and bounced on the ball of his feet, trying to wait patiently for it. Eric handed it down to Haruto, the boy putting it straight in his mouth. Haruto closed his eyes and sucked the milk from the bottle, staying still for the first time since he woke up at 11pm. Eric gave a soft sigh, glad it seemed to do the trick to settle him. "Back to bed?" He asked quietly. Haruto nodded with the bottle still in his mouth, putting his spare arm up giving Eric grabby hands. Eric was surprised Haruto was asking to be picked up, yet again Daisy had been picking him up a lot. Eric bent down and picked him up, placing him on his hip. Haruto rested the side of his face on Eric's shoulder, closing his eyes and sucking his bottle. Eric knew why Daisy picked him up so much now, it was comforting to have the boy cling to you giving a clear indication he was feeling safe. Eric smiled and rubbed a hand down Harutos back, walking back to the room. Haruto let his spare hand fidget with the collar of Eric's shirt, feeling comforted in his arms and to have a warm bottle. Going into the room quietly Eric gently put Haruto back down in the middle of the bed, careful not to wake Daisy since she had a big day. Haruto held the bottle in his mouth and crawled across, laying down and hugging his comfort items. He laid on his back and closed his eyes, suckling on his bottle contently. Eric got back into bed, glad he had settled nicely after the night they had. He covered them with the blanket and laid facing the boy, making sure he was going to stay laying down. Haruto almost dropped the bottle, catching himself falling asleep. Haruto wanted to finish the bottle before he fell asleep, he didn't like wasting anything given to him even though he did not eat a lot most times. Eric chuckled, the boy looked beyond tired. Haruto managed most of it, laying onto his side facing Eric. The boy cuddled the bottle in his hands with his comfort items, yawning and closing his eyes. The boy almost instantly fell asleep, his breathing slow and steady. Eric closed his eyes, falling asleep shortly after. It was 5am when Haruto started to squirm awake, giving a fussy noise and stretching. Haruto quickly sat up and opened his eyes, looking around the room. Haruto was reminded of last night, groaning and covering his eyes in embarrassment. He couldn't control what he got up to when little but he had to feel the humiliation afterwards, he wished he didn't know what he did when little. Haruto looked at the bottle on the bed, picking it up to have a look at it. He cringed and slowly put it back down, laying back down and covering his face up by pulling the blanket over his head. It was like he was a Night-Blooming Cereus. The flowers are short lived, and some of these species, such as Selenicereus grandiflorus, bloom only once a year, for a single night. Haruto felt like he'd bloomed last night, now he needed to curl up and hide forever. Haruto closed his eyes, he did remember the comforting feelings he got from both Eric and Daisy, he was happy that they didn't scold him for his actions and were understanding when it came to consequences. Daisy rolled over and noticed Haruto was under the blanket hiding, giving a small smile she pulled the blanket back. Haruto felt the tug and let go of the blanket, looking over to see Daisy smiling at him. "Morning Darling." Daisy said, waiting to see a response. Haruto nodded back slightly, blushed cheeks and looking away. Daisy knew he wasn't little anymore. "You had a big night" Daisy said softly, noticing the bottle over on his left side. Haruto nodded again, rubbing at his eyes and giving a small huff. Daisy knew Eric would of had to of gotten the bottle, it was up too high for Haruto to reach. Haruto was embarrassed, bringing himself over to hide his face into Daisy. She wrapped her arms around the boy and pulled him in close, looking down at Haruto cuddling close back into her. She waited a moment until Haruto relaxed in her arms, looking down at the top of his head. "Did you have an accident in your sleep?" She asked quietly, waiting for a response.

Word Count 5074

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